Effective - 28 Aug 1980
632.030. Department to develop state plan, contents. — 1. The department shall prepare a state plan to secure coordinated prevention, evaluation, care, treatment and rehabilitation services accessible to persons in need of them in defined geographic areas, which plan shall be reviewed and revised annually.
2. The state plan shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:
(1) A needs-assessment of the state to determine underserved, unserved and inappropriately served populations and areas;
(2) Statements of short-term and long-term goals for meeting the needs of the currently served, unserved, underserved or inappropriately served populations and areas of the state;
(3) An inventory of existing private or community-based public residential facilities, clinics, day programs and other specialized service providers offering mental disorder or mental illness services;
(4) Evaluations of the effects of prevention, evaluation, care, treatment and rehabilitation programs;
(5) Descriptions of the following:
(a) Methods for assuring active, consumer-oriented citizen participation throughout the system;
(b) Strategies and procedures for encouraging, coordinating and integrating community-based services wherever practicable to avoid duplication by private, not-for-profit and public state and community-based providers of services;
(c) Methods for monitoring the quality of prevention, evaluation, care, treatment and rehabilitation services funded by the state;
(d) Rules which set standards for construction, staffing, operations and programs, as appropriate, for any public or private entity to meet before receiving state licensing, certification or funding; and
(e) Plans for addressing the particular mental disorder and mental illness service needs of each region, including special strategies for rural and urban unserved, underserved or inappropriately served populations and areas of the state.
3. In preparing the state plan, the department shall take into consideration its regional plans.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XL - Additional Executive Departments
Chapter 632 - Comprehensive Psychiatric Services
Section 632.005 - Definitions.
Section 632.010 - Responsibilities, powers, functions and duties of division.
Section 632.015 - Division director to be chief administrative officer.
Section 632.025 - Services to be provided.
Section 632.030 - Department to develop state plan, contents.
Section 632.035 - Department director to establish regions.
Section 632.045 - Duties of regional advisory councils — plans — employment of staff.
Section 632.050 - Division to identify community-based services.
Section 632.055 - Division to provide services.
Section 632.060 - Department may establish outpatient clinics — cooperation with others.
Section 632.115 - Juveniles to be admitted by heads of facilities when committed.
Section 632.300 - Procedure when a likelihood of serious harm is alleged.
Section 632.312 - Transportation costs, sheriff may be reimbursed.
Section 632.315 - Copies of admission application to be furnished.
Section 632.320 - Time limits for certain procedures.
Section 632.325 - Information to be furnished to patient and others, when.
Section 632.330 - Additional detention and treatment may be requested — contents of petition.
Section 632.350 - Conduct of hearing — jury question — result.
Section 632.360 - Discharge of patient, when — procedure.
Section 632.365 - Where detention to take place.
Section 632.380 - Provisions of chapter not to apply to certain persons.
Section 632.400 - Reexamination of detained person.
Section 632.405 - Prosecutor's duties.
Section 632.410 - Venue — change of jurisdiction.
Section 632.420 - Certain examining physicians to be paid by state.
Section 632.435 - Habeas corpus.
Section 632.445 - No liability for petitioners.
Section 632.450 - Representation by attorney required — duties of attorney.
Section 632.455 - Patient, absent without permission, return may be requested, when.
Section 632.480 - Definitions.
Section 632.492 - Trial — procedure — assistance of counsel, right to jury, when.
Section 632.501 - Petition for release — hearing (when director approves).
Section 632.504 - Subsequent petitions for release — approval or denial procedures.
Section 632.507 - Attorney general to inform victims — notification of proceedings.
Section 632.510 - Release of information, when.
Section 632.513 - Sealed records of proceedings — access permitted, when.
Section 632.525 - Abrogation of case law, sexually violent offense definition.
Section 632.550 - Definitions.
Section 632.555 - Governing board for project, members, terms, duties.
Section 632.557 - Reports to governor and general assembly.