Effective - 28 Aug 2013, 2 histories
*60.670. Digital cadastral parcel mapping, minimum standards, rulemaking authority. — 1. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Cadastral parcel mapping", an accurately delineated identification of all real property parcels. The cadastral map is based upon the USPLSS. For cadastral parcel maps the position of the legal framework is derived from the USPLSS, existing tax maps, and tax database legal descriptions, recorded deeds, recorded surveys, and recorded subdivision plats;
(2) "Digital cadastral parcel mapping", encompasses the concepts of automated mapping, graphic display and output, data analysis, and database management as pertains to cadastral parcel mapping. Digital cadastral parcel mapping systems consist of hardware, software, data, people, organizations, and institutional arrangements for collecting, storing, analyzing, and disseminating information about the location and areas of parcels and the USPLSS;
(3) "Tax map", a document or map for taxation purposes representing the location, dimensions, and other relevant information pertaining to a parcel of land subject to property taxes;
(4) "USPLSS" or "United States Public Land Survey System", a survey executed under the authority of the United States government as recorded on the official plats and field notes of the United States public land survey maintained by the land survey program of the department of agriculture.
2. The office of the state land surveyor established within the department of agriculture shall promulgate rules and regulations establishing minimum standards for digital cadastral parcel mapping. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2010, shall be invalid and void.
3. Any map designed and used to reflect legal property descriptions or boundaries for use in a digital cadastral mapping system shall comply with the rules promulgated under this section, unless the party requesting the map specifies otherwise in writing, the map was designed and in use prior to the promulgation of the rules, or the parties requesting and designing the map have already agreed to the terms of their contract on the effective date of the rules promulgation.
(L. 2010 H.B. 1692, et al., A.L. 2013 H.B. 28 merged with H.B. 650)
Effective 8-28-13 (H.B. 28); 10-11-13 (H.B. 650)
*H.B. 650 effective 10-11-13, see § 21.250. H.B. 650 was vetoed July 12, 2013. The veto was overridden on September 11, 2013.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government
Chapter 60 - County Surveyors and Land Surveys
Section 60.010 - Surveyor to be elected in certain counties — qualifications — term.
Section 60.030 - Oath — bond — receipt of records.
Section 60.040 - Failure to give bond, office to become vacant.
Section 60.050 - Bond, approval.
Section 60.060 - Bond valid until rejected.
Section 60.070 - Rejection of bond.
Section 60.090 - Deputies — oaths — qualifications.
Section 60.100 - May charge for services (second, third, and fourth class counties).
Section 60.120 - Survey, duty to make, fee.
Section 60.130 - Survey, how made when surveyor interested.
Section 60.140 - Lands divided by county lines, by whom surveyed.
Section 60.150 - Survey may be legal evidence, standards for survey.
Section 60.160 - Survey, land in dispute.
Section 60.170 - Surveyor to execute orders of court.
Section 60.185 - County surveyors, duties.
Section 60.205 - Failure to perform duties, civil action to obtain fine, amount.
Section 60.305 - Resurvey of United States land survey — rules.
Section 60.311 - Corners original position to be determined.
Section 60.315 - Lost corners reestablishment — rules.
Section 60.321 - Lost corners, monumentation, procedure — violation deemed misconduct.
Section 60.326 - Law not to affect previous surveys.
Section 60.331 - Quarter-sections, how established.
Section 60.335 - Quarter-quarter sections, how established.
Section 60.341 - Fractional sections, how established.
Section 60.351 - Destruction of landmarks, duty of county surveyor to report.
Section 60.355 - Prohibits removal or destroying of property markers — penalty — damages.
Section 60.401 - Missouri state coordinate system established.
Section 60.410 - State divided into three zones — descriptions.
Section 60.421 - Zones, official names.
Section 60.431 - Location, use of plane coordinate to establish.
Section 60.441 - Descriptions involving more than one zone.
Section 60.451 - Missouri coordinate system zones precisely defined.
Section 60.471 - Use of term limited.
Section 60.480 - Property descriptions based on United States public land survey recognized.
Section 60.491 - Missouri coordinate system of 1983 to be sole system after July 1990.
Section 60.510 - Powers and duties of department.
Section 60.530 - Surveyor, duties.
Section 60.540 - Department may acquire property, how.
Section 60.560 - Attorney general to advise commission or department.
Section 60.570 - Headquarters, where located — land survey building, name of.
Section 60.580 - Right of entry, immune to trespass arrest.
Section 60.590 - Records to be furnished department — department to furnish records at cost.
Section 60.595 - Department revolving services fund, purpose — unexpended balances.
Section 60.600 - Registered surveyors to be used — private employment prohibited.
Section 60.610 - Department may contract.
Section 60.650 - Certain surveys to be filed with recorder.
Section 60.653 - Recorder of deeds, duties — copies of plats to be evidence when certified.
Section 60.657 - Plat not required to be filed, when.
Section 60.660 - Survey to constitute improvement.
Section 60.670 - Digital cadastral parcel mapping, minimum standards, rulemaking authority.