Effective - 28 Aug 1939
60.070. Rejection of bond. — If such bond be rejected, the county commission shall order the county surveyor to enter into a new bond, within such time as they may think reasonable, not exceeding twenty days; and in default of giving such new bond, the office shall be vacant.
(RSMo 1939 § 13196)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11577; 1919 § 12715; 1909 § 11297
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government
Chapter 60 - County Surveyors and Land Surveys
Section 60.010 - Surveyor to be elected in certain counties — qualifications — term.
Section 60.030 - Oath — bond — receipt of records.
Section 60.040 - Failure to give bond, office to become vacant.
Section 60.050 - Bond, approval.
Section 60.060 - Bond valid until rejected.
Section 60.070 - Rejection of bond.
Section 60.090 - Deputies — oaths — qualifications.
Section 60.100 - May charge for services (second, third, and fourth class counties).
Section 60.120 - Survey, duty to make, fee.
Section 60.130 - Survey, how made when surveyor interested.
Section 60.140 - Lands divided by county lines, by whom surveyed.
Section 60.150 - Survey may be legal evidence, standards for survey.
Section 60.160 - Survey, land in dispute.
Section 60.170 - Surveyor to execute orders of court.
Section 60.185 - County surveyors, duties.
Section 60.205 - Failure to perform duties, civil action to obtain fine, amount.
Section 60.305 - Resurvey of United States land survey — rules.
Section 60.311 - Corners original position to be determined.
Section 60.315 - Lost corners reestablishment — rules.
Section 60.321 - Lost corners, monumentation, procedure — violation deemed misconduct.
Section 60.326 - Law not to affect previous surveys.
Section 60.331 - Quarter-sections, how established.
Section 60.335 - Quarter-quarter sections, how established.
Section 60.341 - Fractional sections, how established.
Section 60.351 - Destruction of landmarks, duty of county surveyor to report.
Section 60.355 - Prohibits removal or destroying of property markers — penalty — damages.
Section 60.401 - Missouri state coordinate system established.
Section 60.410 - State divided into three zones — descriptions.
Section 60.421 - Zones, official names.
Section 60.431 - Location, use of plane coordinate to establish.
Section 60.441 - Descriptions involving more than one zone.
Section 60.451 - Missouri coordinate system zones precisely defined.
Section 60.471 - Use of term limited.
Section 60.480 - Property descriptions based on United States public land survey recognized.
Section 60.491 - Missouri coordinate system of 1983 to be sole system after July 1990.
Section 60.510 - Powers and duties of department.
Section 60.530 - Surveyor, duties.
Section 60.540 - Department may acquire property, how.
Section 60.560 - Attorney general to advise commission or department.
Section 60.570 - Headquarters, where located — land survey building, name of.
Section 60.580 - Right of entry, immune to trespass arrest.
Section 60.590 - Records to be furnished department — department to furnish records at cost.
Section 60.595 - Department revolving services fund, purpose — unexpended balances.
Section 60.600 - Registered surveyors to be used — private employment prohibited.
Section 60.610 - Department may contract.
Section 60.650 - Certain surveys to be filed with recorder.
Section 60.653 - Recorder of deeds, duties — copies of plats to be evidence when certified.
Section 60.657 - Plat not required to be filed, when.
Section 60.660 - Survey to constitute improvement.
Section 60.670 - Digital cadastral parcel mapping, minimum standards, rulemaking authority.