Effective - 01 Jan 2017, 2 histories
565.150. Interference with custody — penalty. — 1. A person commits the offense of interference with custody if, knowing that he or she has no legal right to do so, he or she takes or entices from legal custody any person entrusted by order of a court to the custody of another person or institution.
2. The offense of interference with custody is a class A misdemeanor unless the person taken or enticed away from legal custody is removed from this state, detained in another state or concealed, in which case it is a class E felony.
3. Upon a finding of guilt for an offense under this section, the court may, in addition to or in lieu of any sentence or fine imposed, assess as restitution against the defendant and in favor of the legal custodian or parent, any reasonable expenses incurred by the legal custodian or parent in searching for or returning the child.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1272, et al., A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17
(1984) "Takes...from lawful custody" is construed to include unlawful retention of any person following a period of temporary lawful custody. State v. Edmisten (Mo.App.), 674 S.W.2d 576.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXXVIII - Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders
Chapter 565 - Offenses Against the Person
Section 565.001 - Procedure for chapter 565.
Section 565.002 - Definitions.
Section 565.006 - Waiver of jury trial permitted, when.
Section 565.010 - Consent as a defense.
Section 565.020 - First degree murder, penalty — person under eighteen years of age, penalty.
Section 565.021 - Second degree murder, penalty.
Section 565.024 - Involuntary manslaughter, first degree, penalty.
Section 565.027 - Involuntary manslaughter, second degree, penalty.
Section 565.029 - Lesser degree offenses in homicide cases — instruction on lesser offenses, when.
Section 565.030 - Trial procedure, first degree murder.
Section 565.033 - Person under eighteen, sentencing — factors to be considered, jury instructions.
Section 565.040 - Death penalty, if held unconstitutional, resentencing procedure.
Section 565.050 - Assault, first degree, penalty.
Section 565.052 - Assault, second degree, penalty.
Section 565.054 - Assault in the third degree.
Section 565.056 - Assault in the fourth degree.
Section 565.072 - Domestic assault, first degree — penalty.
Section 565.073 - Domestic assault, second degree — penalty.
Section 565.074 - Domestic assault, third degree — penalty.
Section 565.076 - Domestic assault in the fourth degree, penalty.
Section 565.090 - Harassment, first degree, penalty.
Section 565.091 - Harassment, second degree, penalty.
Section 565.110 - Kidnapping, first degree, penalty.
Section 565.115 - Child kidnapping — penalty.
Section 565.120 - Kidnapping, second degree, penalty.
Section 565.130 - Kidnapping, third degree, penalty.
Section 565.140 - Defenses to kidnapping in the third degree.
Section 565.150 - Interference with custody — penalty.
Section 565.153 - Parental kidnapping — penalty.
Section 565.156 - Child abduction — penalty.
Section 565.160 - Defenses to interference with custody, parental kidnapping, and child abduction.
Section 565.167 - Custody of child — peace officer to take child into protective custody, when.
Section 565.188 - Failure to report elder abuse or neglect — penalty.
Section 565.189 - Filing a false elder abuse or neglect report — penalty.
Section 565.218 - Failure to report vulnerable person abuse — or neglect — penalty.
Section 565.222 - Filing a false vulnerable person abuse report — penalty.
Section 565.225 - Stalking, first degree, penalty.
Section 565.227 - Stalking, second degree, penalty.