Effective - 01 Oct 1984, 2 histories
565.003. Culpable mental state may exist though different person killed — time between act and death no defense. — 1. The culpable mental state necessary for a homicide offense may be found to exist if the only difference between what actually occurred and what was the object of the offender's state of mind is that a different person or persons were killed.
2. The length of time which transpires between conduct which results in a death and is the basis of a homicide offense and the event of such death is no defense to any charge of homicide.
(L. 1983 S.B. 276, A.L. 1984 S.B. 448 § A)
Effective 10-01-84
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXXVIII - Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders
Chapter 565 - Offenses Against the Person
Section 565.001 - Procedure for chapter 565.
Section 565.002 - Definitions.
Section 565.003 - Culpable mental state may exist though different person killed — time between act and death no defense.
Section 565.006 - Waiver of jury trial permitted, when.
Section 565.010 - Consent as a defense.
Section 565.020 - First degree murder, penalty — person under eighteen years of age, penalty.
Section 565.021 - Second degree murder, penalty.
Section 565.024 - Involuntary manslaughter, first degree, penalty.
Section 565.027 - Involuntary manslaughter, second degree, penalty.
Section 565.029 - Lesser degree offenses in homicide cases — instruction on lesser offenses, when.
Section 565.030 - Trial procedure, first degree murder.
Section 565.033 - Person under eighteen, sentencing — factors to be considered, jury instructions.
Section 565.040 - Death penalty, if held unconstitutional, resentencing procedure.
Section 565.050 - Assault, first degree, penalty.
Section 565.052 - Assault, second degree, penalty.
Section 565.054 - Assault in the third degree.
Section 565.056 - Assault in the fourth degree.
Section 565.072 - Domestic assault, first degree — penalty.
Section 565.073 - Domestic assault, second degree — penalty.
Section 565.074 - Domestic assault, third degree — penalty.
Section 565.076 - Domestic assault in the fourth degree, penalty.
Section 565.090 - Harassment, first degree, penalty.
Section 565.091 - Harassment, second degree, penalty.
Section 565.110 - Kidnapping, first degree, penalty.
Section 565.115 - Child kidnapping — penalty.
Section 565.120 - Kidnapping, second degree, penalty.
Section 565.130 - Kidnapping, third degree, penalty.
Section 565.140 - Defenses to kidnapping in the third degree.
Section 565.150 - Interference with custody — penalty.
Section 565.153 - Parental kidnapping — penalty.
Section 565.156 - Child abduction — penalty.
Section 565.160 - Defenses to interference with custody, parental kidnapping, and child abduction.
Section 565.167 - Custody of child — peace officer to take child into protective custody, when.
Section 565.188 - Failure to report elder abuse or neglect — penalty.
Section 565.189 - Filing a false elder abuse or neglect report — penalty.
Section 565.218 - Failure to report vulnerable person abuse — or neglect — penalty.
Section 565.222 - Filing a false vulnerable person abuse report — penalty.
Section 565.225 - Stalking, first degree, penalty.
Section 565.227 - Stalking, second degree, penalty.