Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 544 - Arrest, Examination, Commitment and Bail
Section 544.045 - License to operate motor vehicle may be deposited in lieu of bail — exceptions — failure to appear, notice to director of revenue.

Effective - 01 Jul 1992
544.045. License to operate motor vehicle may be deposited in lieu of bail — exceptions — failure to appear, notice to director of revenue. — 1. Any person arrested and charged with violating a traffic law of this state or a traffic ordinance of any county, city, town or village may, at the discretion of both the officer authorized by law or rule of court to accept bail and the person arrested, deposit his license to operate a motor vehicle with a member of the highway patrol or with the officer demanding bail in lieu of any other security for his appearance in court to answer any such charge, except when the charge is for driving while intoxicated, driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, leaving the scene of a motor vehicle accident, driving when his license is suspended or revoked, or for any charge made because of a motor vehicle accident in which a death has occurred.
2. Notwithstanding the fact that the officer authorized by law or rule of court to accept bail authorizes the person arrested to deposit his license to operate a motor vehicle as his security for his appearance in court, in lieu of depositing his license to operate a motor vehicle, the person arrested may decline to deposit his license to operate a motor vehicle as security and instead deposit a bond with the officer authorized by law or rule of court to accept bail or other such officer demanding bail in the amount of fifty dollars per traffic offense allegedly committed. The officer shall issue a receipt for such a bond to the person and deposit the bond with the judge, court clerk or other officer requiring security for a court appearance.
3. The judge, court clerk or other officer requiring security for an appearance shall accept the bond or deposit of the license in lieu of bail and, if the license is accepted, shall issue a receipt to the licensee for the license upon a form approved by the director of revenue. The licensee may, until he has appeared at the proper time and place as stated in the receipt to answer the charge placed against him, operate motor vehicles while in possession of the receipt, and the receipt shall be accepted in lieu of the license as provided by section 302.181. If a continuance is requested and granted, the licensee shall be given a new receipt for his license.
4. Whether or not a license to operate a motor vehicle has been deposited in lieu of bail pursuant to this section, if the driver fails to appear at the proper time to answer the charge placed against him, the clerk of the court, or the judge of the court if there is no clerk, shall within ten days notify the director of revenue of the failure to appear, and the director shall thereafter withhold any renewal of the license or the issuance of a duplicate license to the licensee until notified by the court that the charge has been reduced to final judgment.
(L. 1967 p. 667 § 1, A.L. 1985 H.B. 501, A.L. 1989 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 3, A.L. 1991 S.B. 125 & 341)
Effective 7-01-92

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXVII - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 544 - Arrest, Examination, Commitment and Bail

Section 544.010 - Magistrate defined.

Section 544.020 - Issuance of warrant upon complaint.

Section 544.030 - Issuance of warrants by associate circuit judge.

Section 544.040 - Bail, associate circuit judge may grant, when.

Section 544.045 - License to operate motor vehicle may be deposited in lieu of bail — exceptions — failure to appear, notice to director of revenue.

Section 544.046 - Compact — entered into.

Section 544.050 - Recognizances.

Section 544.060 - Issuance of warrants by clerk upon indictments.

Section 544.070 - Issuance of process.

Section 544.080 - Issuance of warrant to sheriff — execution.

Section 544.090 - Warrants, where executed.

Section 544.100 - Arrest in another county — procedure.

Section 544.110 - Escape to another county when guilty of felony.

Section 544.120 - Attempted escape of felon, officers to pursue — arrest.

Section 544.130 - Attempted escape, proceeding after arrest.

Section 544.145 - Governor may offer reward for escaped felon — payment.

Section 544.150 - Reward by county commission.

Section 544.155 - Uniform fresh pursuit law.

Section 544.157 - Law enforcement officers, conservation agents, capitol police, college or university police officers, and park rangers, arrest powers — fresh pursuit defined — policy of agency electing to institute vehicular pursuits.

Section 544.160 - Escaped prisoner may be retaken after term expires.

Section 544.170 - Twenty hours detention on arrest without warrant — twenty-four hours detention for certain offenses, rights of confinee — violations, penalty.

Section 544.180 - Arrest.

Section 544.190 - Rights of officer in making arrests.

Section 544.193 - Strip searches prohibited, when — how executed if authorized.

Section 544.195 - Rights and remedies of person wronged.

Section 544.197 - Sections 544.193 to 544.197 not applicable, when.

Section 544.200 - Officer may break open doors.

Section 544.210 - Arrests, when.

Section 544.216 - Powers of arrest, arrest without warrant on suspicion persons violating any law of state including infractions, misdemeanors and ordinances, exception — power of municipal officer in unincorporated area.

Section 544.218 - Arrest without warrant, lawful, when.

Section 544.220 - Conveyance of prisoner through another county.

Section 544.230 - Officer not subject to arrest — posse.

Section 544.240 - Duty of jailer.

Section 544.250 - Preliminary hearing, when required — release, when, what conditions.

Section 544.260 - Arrest of person, where tried.

Section 544.270 - Procedure before associate circuit judge.

Section 544.275 - State correctional facilities may be used for certain civil or criminal proceedings not requiring a jury.

Section 544.280 - Trial, how conducted.

Section 544.290 - Disqualification of associate circuit judge.

Section 544.300 - Proceedings in case of disqualification.

Section 544.310 - Associate circuit judge may call associate.

Section 544.320 - Adjournment of hearing by associate circuit judge — release of prisoner, when, what conditions.

Section 544.330 - Failure to appear under recognizance.

Section 544.340 - Commitment of party, when.

Section 544.350 - Complaint to be read, time given for advice.

Section 544.360 - Exclusion of witnesses from examination.

Section 544.370 - Homicide, written evidence.

Section 544.376 - Crime laboratory reports, evidence as to test results, procedure — person conducting tests, recorded interview prior to hearing, procedure, right to subpoena.

Section 544.380 - Examination of prisoner and his witnesses.

Section 544.390 - Examination and recognizance, certified, when.

Section 544.400 - Failure of associate circuit judge to discharge duty.

Section 544.410 - Discharge, when ordered.

Section 544.420 - Recognizance, when required.

Section 544.430 - Who may be bound by recognizance.

Section 544.440 - Commitment of witnesses.

Section 544.455 - Release of person charged, when — conditions which may be imposed.

Section 544.456 - Sam Pratt's Law — prohibition on providing child care services for compensation pending final disposition, when.

Section 544.457 - Bail, amount of, information which may be considered — denial of bail — special conditions.

Section 544.470 - Commitment of individual, when — presumption for aliens unlawfully present.

Section 544.472 - Persons confined to jail, verification of lawful immigration status required.

Section 544.490 - What courts may accept recognizance.

Section 544.500 - Recognizance, disposition of.

Section 544.510 - Bail, when taken other than by court.

Section 544.520 - Name of prosecutor returned with bail bond.

Section 544.530 - Bond or recognizance, by whom taken.

Section 544.540 - Court to fix conditions for release, when.

Section 544.550 - Recognizances, how taken.

Section 544.560 - Sheriff may set conditions for release, when.

Section 544.570 - Recognizances returned to clerk.

Section 544.575 - No proceeding upon a recognizance defeated for defects.

Section 544.580 - Qualification of sureties.

Section 544.590 - When security deemed sufficient.

Section 544.600 - Surrender of principal, how made.

Section 544.610 - Discharge of bailor's liability, how.

Section 544.620 - What deemed a surrender.

Section 544.630 - Other bail.

Section 544.640 - Recognizance forfeited, when.

Section 544.650 - Writ of scire facias, how served.

Section 544.660 - Writs of scire facias, service construed.

Section 544.665 - Failure to appear, penalty.

Section 544.671 - Certain defendants not entitled to bail for certain offenses.

Section 544.676 - Court may deny bail upon showing that defendant poses danger to victim, witness, or community — considerations — right to trial, time limit.