Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 478 - Circuit Courts
Section 478.462 - Circuit No. 16, filing in improper division of circuit, venue — transfer of cases, when.

Effective - 28 Aug 1988
478.462. Circuit No. 16, filing in improper division of circuit, venue — transfer of cases, when. — The provisions of section 478.461, section 506.110, or any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, any action or court proceeding may be instituted in the sixteenth judicial circuit by filing the necessary papers and subsequent papers in the office of the court administrator in either Independence or Kansas City, and such filing shall not be subject to dismissal for improper venue or jurisdiction solely upon the grounds that the cause was filed in the improper portion of the circuit. The judge before whom the cause is pending shall, upon challenge of improper venue or of improper jurisdiction pursuant to section 478.461, or both, transfer the cause to a division within the proper portion of the circuit and such transfer shall not affect the rights of any party to the cause. If no challenge to venue or jurisdiction alleging a filing in the wrong portion of the circuit is made, such allegation of improper venue or jurisdiction, or both, in the cause is waived and the court shall hear the cause without further consideration of venue or jurisdiction based on filing in the wrong portion of the circuit.
(L. 1988 S.B. 522 § 1)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXII - Courts

Chapter 478 - Circuit Courts

Section 478.001 - Treatment court divisions, definitions, establishment, purpose — referrals to certified treatment programs required, exception — completion of treatment program, effect — adult treatment court — DWI court — family treatment court —...

Section 478.003 - Administration — commissioners, appointment, term, removal, powers, duties, qualifications, compensation — orders of commissioners, confirmation or rejection by judges, effect — assignment of judges outside circuit, when.

Section 478.004 - Meetings prior to treatment court sessions — criminal cases, defendant ordered to treatment court division for treatment, when — accepting participants from outside circuit — opioid treatment.

Section 478.005 - Conditions and criteria for referral — statements by participant not to be used as evidence, when — records, access to staff, closed, when.

Section 478.007 - Alternative disposition of cases, court may be established — private probation services, when.

Section 478.009 - Treatment courts coordinating commission established, members, meetings — duties — fund created.

Section 478.010 - Election of circuit judges.

Section 478.011 - Number of judicial circuits

Section 478.012 - Circuit court defined.

Section 478.013 - Salaries of circuit judges — practice of or doing law business prohibited.

Section 478.014 - Judge of the circuit court, defined.

Section 478.017 - Travel allowance for circuit judges.

Section 478.018 - Associate judges, circuit court, compensation.

Section 478.019 - Judge of probate division, ex officio circuit or associate circuit judge, when, salary, how payable.

Section 478.020 - Expenses of judge when serving outside regular circuit.

Section 478.023 - Salary and expenses, how paid.

Section 478.035 - Circuit courts — counties and City of St. Louis to provide quarters.

Section 478.038 - Circuit number nine, election to maintain quarters for circuit court, form of question.

Section 478.063 - Juvenile divisions designated.

Section 478.070 - Jurisdiction of circuit courts.

Section 478.072 - Preserving record, case assigned to associate circuit judge, how, approval required — supreme court to prescribe procedures and forms.

Section 478.073 - Circuit realignment plan authorized — judicial conference duties — effective date — minimum number of circuits — publication by the revisor.

Section 478.191 - Authority for establishment of circuits, repealed, effective when.

Section 478.205 - Circuit court, continual session — when term required, time commencing.

Section 478.206 - Writs and other processes returned to first term, when, effect.

Section 478.220 - Circuit and associate circuit judges, jurisdiction, restrictions.

Section 478.230 - Municipal judges, jurisdiction — cases subject to transfer.

Section 478.240 - Presiding judge, term, selection procedures — chief justice of supreme court may remove presiding judge, designate acting judge — authority to assign cases, exception — judge hears case not properly assigned, effect.

Section 478.245 - Circuit courts may adopt local court rules — procedure — restrictions — role of associate circuit judges.

Section 478.248 - Availability of a judge for bail purposes, when, local court rules to ensure.

Section 478.250 - Procedure for filing cases, docketing, assignment, hearing.

Section 478.255 - Disqualification of judge, reassignment procedure — applicability to probate judges.

Section 478.260 - Probate division of circuit court established, jurisdiction.

Section 478.265 - Commissioner of the probate division of circuit court, appointment, qualifications, powers, duties, compensation (counties over 400,000).

Section 478.266 - Probate division, commissioner authorized, certain counties, compensation, commissioner's orders, rejection or confirmation — deputy commissioner, certain counties and cities, appointment, term — powers and duties.

Section 478.267 - Probate division of circuit court, commissioner authorized, compensation, term — commissioner's orders, rejection or confirmation of (St. Louis County).

Section 478.268 - Probate division commissioner authorized, thirty-first judicial circuit, term, compensation — commissioner's orders, rejection or confirmation.

Section 478.270 - Judge or clerk not to prepare wills or settlements — letters revoked, when.

Section 478.320 - Associate circuit judges, authorized number — population determination — election — restrictions on practice of law or paid public appointment — residency requirement.

Section 478.330 - Additional circuit judges authorized, when.

Section 478.370 - Divisions of Circuit No. 5, number — when judges elected.

Section 478.385 - Circuit No. 7, number of judges.

Section 478.387 - Circuit No. 22, number of judges.

Section 478.400 - General term — business, how distributed and expedited.

Section 478.422 - Friend of court in child support matters, appointment, compensation (St. Louis County and St. Louis City).

Section 478.428 - Presiding judge and circuit clerk St. Louis City to meet with mayor and budget director to discuss court's estimate of expenditures for year — estimate to be filed when.

Section 478.434 - Fines, penalties and forfeitures, to be paid into city treasury, reports.

Section 478.435 - Register to furnish names of collectors to court.

Section 478.437 - Circuit No. 21, number of judges.

Section 478.450 - To make rules for numbering, assignment and transfer of cases.

Section 478.461 - Division into eastern and western portions — jurisdiction — venue — actions against county, where filed — transfer of cases, when — cases commenced prior to division, effect — rules authorized.

Section 478.462 - Circuit No. 16, filing in improper division of circuit, venue — transfer of cases, when.

Section 478.463 - Circuit No. 16, number of judges, divisions — where divisions to sit.

Section 478.464 - Associate circuit divisions numbered — divisions to sit, where — (Jackson County).

Section 478.465 - Transfer of cases by local court rule, circuit court and probate division (Circuit No. 16).

Section 478.466 - Treatment court commissioner, appointment, qualifications, compensation, powers and duties — surcharge (Jackson County).

Section 478.467 - Court may make rules for distribution of cases.

Section 478.469 - Appeals from municipal judges, where heard.

Section 478.473 - Letters where granted (Jackson County).

Section 478.475 - Sales of real estate at courthouse door.

Section 478.483 - Jurisdiction as to mechanic's liens.

Section 478.513 - Circuit No. 31, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected.

Section 478.527 - Circuit No. 29, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected.

Section 478.528 - Family court commissioner position.

Section 478.530 - Court may make rules for distribution, transfer of cases.

Section 478.550 - Circuit No. 23, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected — family court commissioner and treatment court commissioner to become associate circuit judge positions, when.

Section 478.570 - Circuit No. 17, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected.

Section 478.577 - Circuit No. 46, number of judges — election, when.

Section 478.600 - Circuit No. 11, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected — treatment court commissioner to become associate circuit judge position.

Section 478.610 - Circuit No. 13, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected — additional associate circuit judge for Boone County, when.

Section 478.620 - Records of former Sturgeon court of common pleas, transfer and keeping of.

Section 478.625 - Circuit No. 19, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected.

Section 478.630 - Circuit No. 20, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected.

Section 478.690 - Circuit No. 24, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected.

Section 478.700 - Circuit No. 25, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected.

Section 478.705 - Circuit No. 26, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected.

Section 478.710 - Circuit No. 32, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected.

Section 478.711 - Circuit court, where may be held — probate division, where offices may be maintained.

Section 478.715 - Circuit No. 42, number of judges, divisions — when judges elected.

Section 478.716 - Treatment court commissioner position.

Section 478.720 - Districts of Marion County circuit court — where court held — jurisdiction transfers.

Section 478.730 - Circuit No. 44, judge appointed, elected when.

Section 478.740 - Circuit No. 38, number of judges — number of divisions — election dates.

Section 478.750 - Circuit No. 43, number of judges — divisions — election.

Section 478.1000 - Criminal nonsupport courts authorized — referral of cases — allocation of resources — fund created, use of moneys.