Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 447 - Lost and Unclaimed Property
Section 447.700 - Definitions.

Effective - 28 Aug 2001
447.700. Definitions. — As used in sections 447.700 to 447.718, the following terms mean:
(1) "Abandoned property", real property previously used for, or which has the potential to be used for, commercial or industrial purposes which reverted to the ownership of the state, a county, or municipal government, or an agency thereof, through donation, purchase, tax delinquency, foreclosure, default or settlement, including conveyance by deed in lieu of foreclosure; or a privately owned property endorsed by the city, or county if the property is not in a city, for inclusion in the program which will be transferred to a person other than the potentially responsible party as defined in chapter 260 and has been vacant for a period of not less than three years from the time an application is made to the department of economic development;
(2) "Allowable cost", all or part of the costs of project facilities, including the costs of acquiring the property, relocating any remaining occupants, constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating, renovating, enlarging, improving, equipping or furnishing project facilities, demolition, site clearance and preparation, backfill, supplementing and relocating public capital improvements or utility facilities, designs, plans, specifications, surveys, studies and estimates of costs, expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of assisting an eligible project or providing project facilities, architectural, engineering and legal service fees and expenses, the costs of conducting any other activities as part of a voluntary remediation and such other expenses as may be necessary or incidental to the establishment or development of an eligible project and reimbursement of moneys advanced or applied by any governmental agency or other person for allowable costs. Allowable costs shall also include the demolition and reconstruction of any building or structure which is not the object of remediation as defined in section 260.565, but which is located on the site of an abandoned or underutilized property approved for financial assistance pursuant to sections 447.702 to 447.708, provided that any such demolition is contained in a redevelopment plan approved by the director of the department of economic development and the municipal or county government having jurisdiction in the area in which the project is located;
(3) "Applicant", the person that submits an application for consideration of a project or location or real property for financial, tax credit or other assistance pursuant to sections 447.700 to 447.718; an applicant may not be any party who intentionally or negligently caused the release or potential release of hazardous substances at the eligible project as that term is defined pursuant to chapter 260;
(4) "Eligible project", abandoned or underutilized property to be acquired, established, expanded, remodeled, rehabilitated or modernized for industry, commerce, distribution or research, or any combination thereof, the operation of which, alone or in conjunction with other facilities, will create new jobs or preserve existing jobs and employment opportunities, attract new businesses to the state, prevent existing businesses from leaving the state and improve the economic welfare of the people of the state. The term "eligible project", without limitation, includes voluntary remediation conducted pursuant to sections 260.565 to 260.575. To be an "eligible project" pursuant to sections 447.700 to 447.718, the obligations of the prospective applicant and the governmental agency shall be defined in a written agreement signed by both parties. The facility, when completed, shall be operated in compliance with applicable federal, state and local environmental statutes, regulations and ordinances. An "eligible project" shall be determined by consideration of the entire project. The definition or identification of an "eligible project" shall not be segmented into parts to separate commercial and industrial uses from residential uses. Any property immediately adjacent to any abandoned or underutilized property may also be an "eligible project" pursuant to sections 447.700 to 447.718, provided that the abandoned or underutilized property otherwise meets the qualifications of this subdivision;
(5) "Financial assistance", direct loans, loan guarantees, and grants pursuant to sections 447.702 to 447.706; and tax credits, inducements and abatements pursuant to section 447.708;
(6) "Governmental action", any action by a state, county or municipal agency relating to the establishment, development or operation of an eligible project and project facilities that the governmental agency has authority to take or provide for the purpose under law, charter or ordinance, including but not limited to, actions relating to contracts and agreements, zoning, building, permits, acquisition and disposition of property, public capital improvements, utility and transportation service, taxation, employee recruitment and training, and liaison and coordination with and among governmental agencies;
(7) "Governmental agency", the state, county and municipality and any department, division, commission, agency, institution or authority, including a municipal corporation, township, and any agency thereof and any other political subdivision or public corporation; the United States or any agency thereof; any agency, commission or authority established pursuant to an interstate compact or agreement and any combination of the above;
(8) "Person", any individual, firm, partnership, association, limited liability company, corporation or governmental agency, and any combination thereof;
(9) "Project facilities", buildings, structures and other improvements and equipment and other property or fixtures, excluding small tools, supplies and inventory, and public capital improvements;
(10) "Public capital improvements", capital improvements or facilities owned by a governmental agency and which such agency has authority to acquire, pay the costs of, maintain, relocate or operate, or to contract with other persons to have the same done, including but not limited to, highways, roads, streets, electrical, gas, water and sewer facilities, railroad and other transportation facilities, and air and water pollution control and solid waste disposal facilities;
(11) "Underutilized", real property of which less than thirty-five percent of the commercially usable space of the property and improvements thereon, are used for their most commercially profitable and economically productive use; or property that was used by the state of Missouri as a correctional center for a period of at least one hundred years and which requires environmental remediation before redevelopment can occur, if approval from the general assembly has been given for any improvements to, or remediation, lease or sale of, said property;
(12) "Voluntary remediation", an action to remediate hazardous substances and hazardous waste pursuant to sections 260.565 to 260.575.
(L. 1995 H.B. 414, A.L. 1998 S.B. 827, A.L. 2001 H.B. 133)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIX - Ownership and Conveyance of Property

Chapter 447 - Lost and Unclaimed Property

Section 447.010 - Duty of persons finding lost money, goods.

Section 447.020 - Appointment of appraisers by circuit judge.

Section 447.030 - Appraiser's list, where filed — publication.

Section 447.040 - Procedure if no owner appears, when.

Section 447.050 - Restoration of property, when — owner may sue, when.

Section 447.060 - Failure to discover — penalty.

Section 447.070 - Goods retained until payment of charges.

Section 447.080 - Sale of unclaimed property.

Section 447.090 - Unclaimed proceeds.

Section 447.100 - Carrier's responsibility ceases, when.

Section 447.110 - Sale of property upon which advances are made, when.

Section 447.200 - Inactive consumer deposit accounts, notice, fees — remittance to abandoned fund account, when.

Section 447.500 - Law, how cited — exceptions — purpose.

Section 447.503 - Definitions.

Section 447.505 - Property held or owing by banking, financial organization or business presumed abandoned, when — exception.

Section 447.506 - Imposition of charges including prepayment penalties on certificates of deposit, requirements — not to affect unclaimed property.

Section 447.510 - Unclaimed funds held and owing by insurance company presumed abandoned, when — unclaimed funds defined — distribution of abandoned property, when.

Section 447.517 - Utilities, funds held or owing presumed abandoned, when.

Section 447.520 - Stock, certificates and ownership — dividend profit — distribution or interest payment, held or owing by business association presumed abandoned, when.

Section 447.527 - Dissolution of business — unclaimed intangible personal property presumed abandoned, when.

Section 447.530 - Fiduciary holding intangible personal property for benefit of another presumed abandoned, when, exception.

Section 447.532 - Courts — public corporations — public authority — officers — political subdivisions holding intangible personal property for another presumed abandoned, when.

Section 447.533 - Interest, dividends or their earnings deemed unclaimed property, when.

Section 447.534 - United States savings bonds deemed abandoned, when — proceeds to escheat to the state, when — filing of a claim, procedure.

Section 447.535 - All other intangible property presumed abandoned, when — ongoing business relationships, certain items not presumed abandoned, when.

Section 447.536 - Abandonment period, effective when — exception for payroll checks.

Section 447.537 - Owner of property in another state and holder subject to that state's jurisdiction, effect.

Section 447.539 - Report to treasurer on property presumed abandoned — content — filed, when — extension of filing time — location of owner, duties — penalty — assessment, reconsideration, interest — waiver — determination of amounts, estimation.

Section 447.540 - Charitable, fraternal and other federally tax-exempt entities to report and remit unclaimed property.

Section 447.541 - Notices required — publication form, content — mailed notice, requirements, content, exception — treasurer's duty.

Section 447.543 - Delivery of property to treasurer, when — retention of approved costs — errors of presumption, procedure — abandoned fund account established — payment of claims — records subject to public inspection, exception.

Section 447.545 - No liability for claims by holder after delivery to state — legal actions, procedure.

Section 447.547 - Law of abandoned property not applicable, when.

Section 447.548 - Reportable periods, no enforcement after three years, when — fraudulent report, enforcement for six years.

Section 447.549 - Statute of limitations not a defense for governmental agencies in proceedings by treasurer to recover unclaimed property.

Section 447.558 - Sale of property, when — publication of notice — purchaser's title — proceeds, deposit.

Section 447.559 - Historical review of items by state historical society, when — fee, how determined.

Section 447.560 - Record of property, content — retained for public inspection — information not public record, when — public record, when — penalty for disclosure — military medals, procedure — United States savings bonds, procedure.

Section 447.561 - Destruction or disposal of property by treasurer if of no value — no liability for state or holder.

Section 447.562 - Claim to be filed for property delivered to the state, form, procedure, penalty — claims paid by holder, reimbursed by treasurer, when, exception.

Section 447.565 - Hearing on claims by treasurer — payment of claim, amount, no charges authorized — interest — treasurer discharged from liability — claimant accountable to person with superior right.

Section 447.569 - Appeal of treasurer's decision or failure to act, when — report filed, deemed contested case.

Section 447.571 - Custody of property, powers of treasurer to receive or decline — failure to act, effect — postponing delivery, when, limitation.

Section 447.572 - Examination of records by treasurer and persons authorized, when.

Section 447.575 - Enforcing delivery, court action.

Section 447.577 - Reports — payment or delivery of property, failure to make — false statements in report — penalties.

Section 447.579 - Rules authorized.

Section 447.581 - Agreements to locate or reveal whereabouts of property, requirements for validity — agreements to pay or assist in recovery of property, requirements for enforceability — registration of recovery representative, requirements — suspe...

Section 447.583 - Reciprocal agreements with other states — attorney general's duties, when.

Section 447.584 - Agreements — property held by business entities in other states or governmental entities — treasurer, duties — fees.

Section 447.585 - Another state may recover property from state of Missouri, when.

Section 447.587 - Safe deposit box contents that become unclaimed property — right to fees, charges and authority to enforce possessory liens.

Section 447.595 - Bond required for arrest warrantor, probation or civil cash bond, proceeds deemed unclaimed property, when.

Section 447.620 - Definitions.

Section 447.622 - Petition, requirements.

Section 447.624 - Proceeding, where commenced, procedure.

Section 447.625 - Procedures in home rule cities.

Section 447.626 - Expeditious treatment.

Section 447.628 - Notice of pendency of suit, effect.

Section 447.630 - Hearing, plan of rehabilitation.

Section 447.632 - Grant of petition, requirements.

Section 447.634 - Grant of temporary possession.

Section 447.636 - Quarterly report.

Section 447.638 - Restoration of possession, compensation.

Section 447.640 - Quitclaim judicial deed may be granted, conditions, effect.

Section 447.700 - Definitions.

Section 447.701 - Eligible projects, director's duties — owner to repay, when.

Section 447.702 - Department loans to eligible projects, guidelines, conditions.

Section 447.704 - Loan guarantees, guidelines, conditions — private lender immune from liability, when.

Section 447.706 - Grants, guidelines, conditions.

Section 447.708 - Tax credits, criteria, conditions — definitions — eligibility of certain demolition costs.

Section 447.710 - Property reuse revolving fund — lapse into general revenue prohibited — investment of fund.

Section 447.712 - Tort immunity.

Section 447.714 - Hazardous substances on property, duties of purchaser — department of natural resources, duties.

Section 447.716 - Failure of purchaser to perform, sanctions.

Section 447.718 - Rulemaking authority, procedure.