Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 447 - Lost and Unclaimed Property
Section 447.636 - Quarterly report.

Effective - 28 Aug 2002
447.636. Quarterly report. — The organization shall file a quarterly report of its rehabilitation and use of the property, including a statement of all expenditures made by the organization and all income and receipts from the property for the preceding quarters.
(L. 1993 S.B. 376 § 9, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1634 merged with S.B. 1086 & 1126)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIX - Ownership and Conveyance of Property

Chapter 447 - Lost and Unclaimed Property

Section 447.010 - Duty of persons finding lost money, goods.

Section 447.020 - Appointment of appraisers by circuit judge.

Section 447.030 - Appraiser's list, where filed — publication.

Section 447.040 - Procedure if no owner appears, when.

Section 447.050 - Restoration of property, when — owner may sue, when.

Section 447.060 - Failure to discover — penalty.

Section 447.070 - Goods retained until payment of charges.

Section 447.080 - Sale of unclaimed property.

Section 447.090 - Unclaimed proceeds.

Section 447.100 - Carrier's responsibility ceases, when.

Section 447.110 - Sale of property upon which advances are made, when.

Section 447.200 - Inactive consumer deposit accounts, notice, fees — remittance to abandoned fund account, when.

Section 447.500 - Law, how cited — exceptions — purpose.

Section 447.503 - Definitions.

Section 447.505 - Property held or owing by banking, financial organization or business presumed abandoned, when — exception.

Section 447.506 - Imposition of charges including prepayment penalties on certificates of deposit, requirements — not to affect unclaimed property.

Section 447.510 - Unclaimed funds held and owing by insurance company presumed abandoned, when — unclaimed funds defined — distribution of abandoned property, when.

Section 447.517 - Utilities, funds held or owing presumed abandoned, when.

Section 447.520 - Stock, certificates and ownership — dividend profit — distribution or interest payment, held or owing by business association presumed abandoned, when.

Section 447.527 - Dissolution of business — unclaimed intangible personal property presumed abandoned, when.

Section 447.530 - Fiduciary holding intangible personal property for benefit of another presumed abandoned, when, exception.

Section 447.532 - Courts — public corporations — public authority — officers — political subdivisions holding intangible personal property for another presumed abandoned, when.

Section 447.533 - Interest, dividends or their earnings deemed unclaimed property, when.

Section 447.534 - United States savings bonds deemed abandoned, when — proceeds to escheat to the state, when — filing of a claim, procedure.

Section 447.535 - All other intangible property presumed abandoned, when — ongoing business relationships, certain items not presumed abandoned, when.

Section 447.536 - Abandonment period, effective when — exception for payroll checks.

Section 447.537 - Owner of property in another state and holder subject to that state's jurisdiction, effect.

Section 447.539 - Report to treasurer on property presumed abandoned — content — filed, when — extension of filing time — location of owner, duties — penalty — assessment, reconsideration, interest — waiver — determination of amounts, estimation.

Section 447.540 - Charitable, fraternal and other federally tax-exempt entities to report and remit unclaimed property.

Section 447.541 - Notices required — publication form, content — mailed notice, requirements, content, exception — treasurer's duty.

Section 447.543 - Delivery of property to treasurer, when — retention of approved costs — errors of presumption, procedure — abandoned fund account established — payment of claims — records subject to public inspection, exception.

Section 447.545 - No liability for claims by holder after delivery to state — legal actions, procedure.

Section 447.547 - Law of abandoned property not applicable, when.

Section 447.548 - Reportable periods, no enforcement after three years, when — fraudulent report, enforcement for six years.

Section 447.549 - Statute of limitations not a defense for governmental agencies in proceedings by treasurer to recover unclaimed property.

Section 447.558 - Sale of property, when — publication of notice — purchaser's title — proceeds, deposit.

Section 447.559 - Historical review of items by state historical society, when — fee, how determined.

Section 447.560 - Record of property, content — retained for public inspection — information not public record, when — public record, when — penalty for disclosure — military medals, procedure — United States savings bonds, procedure.

Section 447.561 - Destruction or disposal of property by treasurer if of no value — no liability for state or holder.

Section 447.562 - Claim to be filed for property delivered to the state, form, procedure, penalty — claims paid by holder, reimbursed by treasurer, when, exception.

Section 447.565 - Hearing on claims by treasurer — payment of claim, amount, no charges authorized — interest — treasurer discharged from liability — claimant accountable to person with superior right.

Section 447.569 - Appeal of treasurer's decision or failure to act, when — report filed, deemed contested case.

Section 447.571 - Custody of property, powers of treasurer to receive or decline — failure to act, effect — postponing delivery, when, limitation.

Section 447.572 - Examination of records by treasurer and persons authorized, when.

Section 447.575 - Enforcing delivery, court action.

Section 447.577 - Reports — payment or delivery of property, failure to make — false statements in report — penalties.

Section 447.579 - Rules authorized.

Section 447.581 - Agreements to locate or reveal whereabouts of property, requirements for validity — agreements to pay or assist in recovery of property, requirements for enforceability — registration of recovery representative, requirements — suspe...

Section 447.583 - Reciprocal agreements with other states — attorney general's duties, when.

Section 447.584 - Agreements — property held by business entities in other states or governmental entities — treasurer, duties — fees.

Section 447.585 - Another state may recover property from state of Missouri, when.

Section 447.587 - Safe deposit box contents that become unclaimed property — right to fees, charges and authority to enforce possessory liens.

Section 447.595 - Bond required for arrest warrantor, probation or civil cash bond, proceeds deemed unclaimed property, when.

Section 447.620 - Definitions.

Section 447.622 - Petition, requirements.

Section 447.624 - Proceeding, where commenced, procedure.

Section 447.625 - Procedures in home rule cities.

Section 447.626 - Expeditious treatment.

Section 447.628 - Notice of pendency of suit, effect.

Section 447.630 - Hearing, plan of rehabilitation.

Section 447.632 - Grant of petition, requirements.

Section 447.634 - Grant of temporary possession.

Section 447.636 - Quarterly report.

Section 447.638 - Restoration of possession, compensation.

Section 447.640 - Quitclaim judicial deed may be granted, conditions, effect.

Section 447.700 - Definitions.

Section 447.701 - Eligible projects, director's duties — owner to repay, when.

Section 447.702 - Department loans to eligible projects, guidelines, conditions.

Section 447.704 - Loan guarantees, guidelines, conditions — private lender immune from liability, when.

Section 447.706 - Grants, guidelines, conditions.

Section 447.708 - Tax credits, criteria, conditions — definitions — eligibility of certain demolition costs.

Section 447.710 - Property reuse revolving fund — lapse into general revenue prohibited — investment of fund.

Section 447.712 - Tort immunity.

Section 447.714 - Hazardous substances on property, duties of purchaser — department of natural resources, duties.

Section 447.716 - Failure of purchaser to perform, sanctions.

Section 447.718 - Rulemaking authority, procedure.