Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 444 - Rights and Duties of Miners and Mine Owners
Section 444.805 - Definitions.

Effective - 28 Aug 2014
444.805. Definitions. — As used in this law, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following words and terms mean:
(1) "Approximate original contour", that surface configuration achieved by backfilling and grading of the mined area so that the reclaimed area, including any terracing or access roads, closely resembles the general surface configuration of the land prior to mining and blends into and complements the drainage pattern of the surrounding terrain, with all highwalls and spoil piles eliminated; water impoundments may be permitted where the commission determines that they are in compliance with subdivision (8) of subsection 2 of section 444.855;
(2) "Coal preparation area", that portion of the permitted area used for the beneficiation of raw coal and structures related to the beneficiation process such as the washer, tipple, crusher, slurry pond or ponds, gob pile and all waste material directly connected with the cleaning, preparation and shipping of coal, but does not include subsurface coal waste disposal areas;
(3) "Coal preparation area reclamation", the reclamation of the coal preparation area by disposal or burial or both of coal waste according to the approved reclamation plan, the replacement of topsoil, and initial seeding;
(4) "Commission", the Missouri mining commission created by section 444.520;
(5) "Director", the staff director of the Missouri mining commission;
(6) "Federal lands", any land, including mineral interests, owned by the United States without regard to how the United States acquired ownership of the land and without regard to the agency having responsibility for management thereof, except Indian lands;
(7) "Federal lands program", a program established by the United States Secretary of the Interior to regulate surface coal mining and reclamation operations on federal lands;
(8) "Imminent danger to the health and safety of the public", the existence of any condition or practice, or any violation of a permit or other requirement of this law in a surface coal mining and reclamation operation, which condition, practice, or violation could reasonably be expected to cause substantial physical harm to persons outside the permit area before such condition, practice, or violation can be abated. A reasonable expectation of death or serious injury before abatement exists if a rational person, subjected to the same conditions or practices giving rise to the peril, would not expose himself or herself to the danger during the time necessary for abatement;
(9) "Operator", any person engaged in coal mining;
(10) "Permit", a permit to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations issued by the commission;
(11) "Permit area", the area of land indicated on the approved map submitted by the operator with his application, which area of land shall be covered by the operator's bond and shall be readily identifiable by appropriate markers on the site;
(12) "Permittee", a person holding a permit;
(13) "Person", any individual, partnership, copartnership, firm, company, public or private corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision, or any agency, board, department, or bureau of the state or federal government, or any other legal entity whatever which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties;
(14) "Phase I reclamation", the filling and grading of all areas disturbed in the conduct of surface coal mining operations, including the replacement of top soil and initial seeding;
(15) "Phase I reclamation bond", a bond for performance filed by a permittee pursuant to section 444.950 that may have no less than eighty percent released upon the successful completion of phase I reclamation of a permit area in accordance with the approved reclamation plan, with the rest of the bond remaining in effect until phase III liability is released;
(16) "Prime farmland", land which historically has been used for intensive agricultural purposes, and which meets the technical criteria established by the commission on the basis of such factors as moisture availability, temperature regime, chemical balance, permeability, surface layer composition, susceptibility to flooding, and erosion characteristics;
(17) "Reclamation plan", a plan submitted by an applicant for a permit which sets forth a plan for reclamation of the proposed surface coal mining operations;
(18) "Surface coal mining and reclamation operations", surface coal mining operations and all activities necessary and incident to the reclamation of such operations;
(19) "Surface coal mining operations", or "affected land", or "disturbed land":
(a) Activities conducted on the surface of lands in connection with a surface coal mine or surface operations and surface impacts incident to an underground coal mine. Such activities include excavation for the purpose of obtaining coal including such common methods as contour, strip, auger, mountaintop removal, box cut, open pit, and area mining, the uses of explosives and blasting, and in situ distillation or retorting, leaching or other chemical or physical processing, and the cleaning, concentrating, or other processing or preparation, loading of coal at or near the mine site; provided, however, that such activities do not include the extraction of coal incidental to the extraction of other minerals where coal does not exceed sixteen and two-thirds percentum of the tonnage of minerals removed for purposes of commercial use or sale, or coal explorations subject to section 444.845; and
(b) The areas upon which such activities occur or where such activities disturb the natural land surface. Such areas shall also include any adjacent land the use of which is incidental to any such activities, all lands affected by the construction of new roads or the improvement or use of existing roads to gain access to the site of such activities and for haulage, and excavations, workings, impoundments, dams, ventilation shafts, entryways, refuse banks, dumps, stockpiles, overburden piles, spoil banks, culm banks, tailings, holes or depressions, repair areas, storage areas, processing areas, shipping areas and other areas upon which are sited structures, facilities, or other property or materials on the surface, resulting from or incident to such activities;
(20) "This law" or "law", sections 444.800 to 444.970;
(21) "Unwarranted failure to comply", the failure of a permittee to prevent the occurrence of any violation of the permit, reclamation plan, law or rule and regulation, due to indifference, lack of diligence, or lack of reasonable care, or the failure to abate any such violation due to indifference, lack of diligence, or lack of reasonable care.
(L. 1979 H.B. 459, A.L. 1982 S.B. 737, A.L. 1987 H.B. 669, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1836, A.L. 1993 H.B. 312 & 257, A.L. 2014 S.B. 642)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIX - Ownership and Conveyance of Property

Chapter 444 - Rights and Duties of Miners and Mine Owners

Section 444.010 - Mineral land owner to post conditions under which mining operations may be conducted thereon.

Section 444.020 - Failure to post statement of conditions, effect — rights of miners.

Section 444.030 - Tender of payment.

Section 444.040 - Notice to owner or lessee.

Section 444.050 - Ownership of ore.

Section 444.060 - Injunction or restraining order — how granted.

Section 444.070 - Mining extending to adjoining lands, how determined.

Section 444.080 - Order to be read.

Section 444.090 - Refusal to permit survey — penalty.

Section 444.100 - Provisions for mining coal in certain cities.

Section 444.110 - Notice of intention to mine — publication required.

Section 444.120 - Permit from mayor and council — petition to circuit court.

Section 444.130 - Court to authorize mining operations, when — period of time specified.

Section 444.140 - Form of bond required.

Section 444.150 - Written permission of owner required — violation — provisions for payment of fine.

Section 444.160 - Costs, paid by whom.

Section 444.170 - Diagram showing character and extent of mining operations to be filed in court — forfeiture for failure to comply.

Section 444.180 - Certain sections apply only to coal mining companies.

Section 444.320 - Mining under public highways and railroads prohibited.

Section 444.330 - Penalty for violation of section 444.320.

Section 444.350 - Citation of law.

Section 444.352 - Definitions.

Section 444.355 - Director, powers.

Section 444.358 - Permit required, when.

Section 444.360 - Application for permit, contents.

Section 444.362 - Closure plan, purposes, contents, review of.

Section 444.365 - Inspection — maintenance plan, purposes, contents, review of.

Section 444.368 - Financial assurance instrument required, form, amount — confidential information not to be released — duration, use, forfeiture — release of.

Section 444.370 - Processing fee, annual permit fee — metallic minerals waste management fund, created, uses.

Section 444.372 - Permits, final approval by director — denial of permit, procedures.

Section 444.375 - Inspections, investigations, director to perform — civil penalties authorized, procedures — emergency situations, powers of director.

Section 444.376 - Administrative penalties, assessment, restriction — conference, conciliation and persuasion — rules — payment — appeal — collection, disposition.

Section 444.377 - Hearings, procedures.

Section 444.378 - Violations, procedures to forfeit the financial assurance instrument, attorney general to assist, when.

Section 444.380 - Rules, authority, promulgation, procedure.

Section 444.400 - Mining compact — purpose, definitions — commission, budget, powers and programs — construction.

Section 444.410 - Members, interstate mining commission — appointment — compensation.

Section 444.500 - Citation of law.

Section 444.510 - Definitions.

Section 444.520 - Commission, membership, qualifications, terms, compensation, powers — department director, limitation on.

Section 444.530 - Powers of commission — rules, procedure.

Section 444.535 - Rules and regulations, commission shall make — variances, procedures, conditions — section not to apply, when.

Section 444.540 - Annual strip mining permit required, fee, renewal.

Section 444.550 - Application for permit, contents.

Section 444.560 - Reclamation plan required, contents.

Section 444.570 - Bond, amount — commission may waive.

Section 444.580 - Annual permit, how amended.

Section 444.590 - Successor operator, assumption of liability — first operator released, when.

Section 444.600 - Permit — investigation, decision, hearing, court review — appeals.

Section 444.610 - Reclamation and care requirements.

Section 444.620 - Time limits on reclamation practices.

Section 444.630 - Report, when required, contents.

Section 444.640 - Commission to investigate all reports — release from bond, when.

Section 444.650 - Application for release from bond — objection, effect of — appeal.

Section 444.660 - Additional time, granted when.

Section 444.670 - Commission may inspect and search — warrant, where obtained.

Section 444.680 - Injunction, when — violation, procedure — hearing.

Section 444.690 - Testimony at hearing, how recorded — available, when.

Section 444.700 - Judicial review, when — additional evidence authorized.

Section 444.710 - Injunction and forfeiture of bond, when — attorney general to act.

Section 444.720 - Rules and regulations, when effective — notice, hearing — variances authorized.

Section 444.730 - Mined land reclamation fund created — purpose.

Section 444.740 - Commission authorized to receive funds and services.

Section 444.750 - Recreational use of reclaimed lands encouraged.

Section 444.755 - Repeal of existing law not intended.

Section 444.760 - Short title.

Section 444.762 - Declaration of policy.

Section 444.765 - Definitions.

Section 444.766 - Exceptions to land reclamation act provisions.

Section 444.767 - Powers of commission — rules, procedure, review.

Section 444.768 - Fee, bond, or assessment structure, comprehensive review — proposal to be submitted, approval by commission — rulemaking requirements.

Section 444.770 - Permit required, when — release of certain bonds — complaints, requirements.

Section 444.771 - Limitation on permits near an accredited school.

Section 444.772 - Permit — application, contents, fees — amendment, how made — successor operator, duties of — fees expire, when.

Section 444.773 - Director to investigate applications — decision to issue or deny — denial of permit, appeal, procedure — commission to issue decision.

Section 444.774 - Reclamation requirements and conditions.

Section 444.775 - Release of bond, conditions — petition, hearing — administrative review.

Section 444.777 - Entry upon lands and inspection by commission members — warrants to issue.

Section 444.778 - Bond — form — amount — duration — forfeiture — power of reclamation.

Section 444.782 - Attorney general to represent commission, when — hearings on bond forfeiture, notice.

Section 444.784 - Commission rules and regulations authorized — delegation of authority — forfeiture funds, where expended.

Section 444.786 - Operation without permit prohibited, penalty.

Section 444.787 - Investigation by commission, attorney general to file suit — formal complaint procedure.

Section 444.788 - Civil action.

Section 444.789 - Administrative procedure — inapplicability to public meetings.

Section 444.790 - Administrative penalties — not to be assessed for minor violation, definition — amount set by rule, limitation — payment when — appeal, effect — surcharge due when — unpaid penalty, collection — time limitation to assess violation —...

Section 444.800 - Citation of law — legislative intent declared — rules and regulations authorized, procedure.

Section 444.805 - Definitions.

Section 444.810 - Powers of commission — abandoned mine reclamation fund created, purpose.

Section 444.815 - Permits required, kind, when to be obtained — term — effect of lack of operation — renewals — exemptions.

Section 444.820 - Permit fees — contents of application — confidential items — copy to be filed with recorder of deeds — insurance required.

Section 444.825 - Reclamation plan contents — confidential items.

Section 444.830 - Phase I reclamation bond to be filed, when — adjustment of amount of bond and terms, by commission, when.

Section 444.835 - Permit to be granted or application to be modified or denied — notification required — requirements to be met before permit to be issued — additional items to be filed with application — exemptions.

Section 444.840 - Revision of permit, procedure — transfer or assignment to have prior approval — commission may require permit revision — operator may be released from liability.

Section 444.845 - Coal exploration permit required — contents of application — bond required — confidential items — limitation on removal of coal — sections 444.800 to 444.940 applicable to coal exploration rules and regulations.

Section 444.850 - Publication of intent — notification to local governments — comments and objections may be filed, procedure — conferences, findings — hearings — appeals.

Section 444.855 - Performance standards to be met in surface mining operations — explosives — reclamation efforts.

Section 444.860 - Performance standards to be met in underground mining operations — rules and regulations.

Section 444.865 - Records and reports required — entry and inspection authorized — ownership information to be displayed — commission employees not to engage in mining, penalty — employees to file financial statements.

Section 444.870 - Penalties, administrative and criminal, procedure.

Section 444.875 - Release of all or part of performance bond, procedure — objections may be filed.

Section 444.880 - Actions to compel compliance, limitation — costs of litigation — actions for damages.

Section 444.885 - Cessation orders — suspension or revocation of permits — injunctive relief.

Section 444.890 - Commission to designate areas unsuitable for surface mining — review required — excepted lands — procedure.

Section 444.895 - Review of cessation orders and permit suspensions and revocations — procedure — temporary relief — hearings, conduct.

Section 444.900 - Judicial review.

Section 444.905 - Severability — rights retained — replacement of water — explosives regulations.

Section 444.915 - Abandoned mine reclamation fund — deposits and expenditures.

Section 444.920 - Abandoned mine reclamation fund, commission's duties and powers.

Section 444.925 - Entry upon property by commission staff, procedure — acquisition of land by commission — use and disposal of land — price — public hearings.

Section 444.930 - Liens for corrective measures — amount, filing, valuation — appeals, priority of liens.

Section 444.935 - Public health hazards — actions to abate, procedure.

Section 444.940 - Report on fund required — administration of fund, rules and regulations — authorized activities — water pollution treatment.

Section 444.950 - Phase I reclamation bond requirements — rules, procedure to adopt — rights and duties of mine owners.

Section 444.955 - Revegetation of mined land, responsibility transfer, approval required.

Section 444.960 - Fund, coal mine land reclamation, established, purpose, duties.

Section 444.965 - Assessment for fund, amount paid, when — additional assessment, determined how, when.

Section 444.970 - Penalty — delinquency or failure to comply with assessment or reclamation plan.

Section 444.980 - Appeal of permit decision, procedure.