Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 441 - Landlord and Tenant
Section 441.200 - Landlord may recover for use and occupation.

Effective - 28 Aug 1939
441.200. Landlord may recover for use and occupation. — A landlord may recover a reasonable satisfaction for the use and occupation of any lands or tenements held by any person under an agreement not made by deed.
(RSMo 1939 § 2974)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 2587; 1919 § 6883; 1909 § 7886

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIX - Ownership and Conveyance of Property

Chapter 441 - Landlord and Tenant

Section 441.005 - Definitions.

Section 441.010 - Covenant or contract of tenant to repair — effect of.

Section 441.020 - Illegal use of premises renders lease void.

Section 441.030 - Tenant not to assign without consent — nor violate conditions — nor commit waste.

Section 441.040 - Landlord may take possession, when — landlord liable, when, burden of proof.

Section 441.043 - Counties and cities not to adopt ordinances regulating rents of private or commercial property, exceptions.

Section 441.050 - Tenancy from year to year, how terminated.

Section 441.060 - Tenancy at will, sufferance, month to month, how terminated — judgment of eviction, how effectuated, landlord's liability.

Section 441.065 - Abandonment of rental premises, when, procedure.

Section 441.070 - No notice necessary, when.

Section 441.080 - Liability of tenants after termination of term.

Section 441.090 - Recovery action — tenant served with summons — notice — penalty.

Section 441.100 - Tenant giving notice to quit, and failing to do so, liable.

Section 441.110 - Such rent, how recovered.

Section 441.120 - Oral evidence not to show renewal of lease or change — notice to quit.

Section 441.130 - Alienee or assignee may recover rent.

Section 441.140 - Grants of rents good without attornment of tenants.

Section 441.150 - Attornment to stranger void — exceptions.

Section 441.160 - Executor or administrator of tenant for life may recover rents.

Section 441.170 - Remedy of executor or administrator.

Section 441.180 - Rents dependent on life of another, how recovered when unpaid.

Section 441.190 - Rent due on lease for life, how recovered.

Section 441.200 - Landlord may recover for use and occupation.

Section 441.210 - If parol demise appear on trial, shall be evidence of what.

Section 441.220 - Rent may be recovered of whom, and how.

Section 441.230 - If tenant sublet, landlord may join sublessees in same actions.

Section 441.233 - Landlord's unlawful removal or exclusion of tenant, liability — interruption of services, landlord's liability.

Section 441.234 - Tenant may deduct cost of repair of rental premises from rent, when — limitations.

Section 441.236 - Disclosures required for transfer of property where methamphetamine production occurred.

Section 441.240 - Attachment for rent.

Section 441.250 - Proceedings to be same as in suits by attachment.

Section 441.260 - Who may recover rent.

Section 441.270 - What property exempt from attachment for rent.

Section 441.280 - Landlord's lien on crops for rent.

Section 441.290 - Landlord's lien for money or supplies furnished tenant.

Section 441.300 - Lien, how enforced.

Section 441.500 - Definitions.

Section 441.510 - Civil action, how maintained — procedure.

Section 441.520 - Parties to action — designation of registered agent required, when.

Section 441.530 - Application, contents.

Section 441.540 - No jury trial.

Section 441.550 - Notice of application filed with recorder of deeds.

Section 441.560 - Denial of entry a defense.

Section 441.570 - Action of court upon finding a nuisance exists.

Section 441.580 - Payment of rent, effect of.

Section 441.590 - Court orders, provisions.

Section 441.600 - Receiver discharged, when.

Section 441.610 - Waiver of provisions of sections 441.500 to 441.640 void.

Section 441.630 - Duties of occupant.

Section 441.641 - Court appoints receiver to abate nuisance — holder of title does not act to regain possession, transfer of title, when.

Section 441.643 - Frivolous suit, attorney's fees.

Section 441.645 - Act of God, tenant not liable for rent.

Section 441.650 - Master-metered multitenant dwelling, defined — heat-related utility service, delinquency, maintenance of service, how — receivership, when, procedure.

Section 441.710 - Certain parties have standing to initiate expedited eviction proceedings.

Section 441.720 - Expedited eviction actions, where filed, when continued or stayed.

Section 441.730 - Failure to prosecute claim, court may substitute other interested party.

Section 441.740 - Immediate eviction ordered, when — immediate removal ordered, when.

Section 441.750 - Immediate eviction, not granted when — tenant's burden of proof.

Section 441.760 - Immediate removal of parties other than tenant, when — immediate removal of tenant or lessee, when.

Section 441.770 - Court-ordered eviction, when — court-ordered removal of third party from leased premises, when — expedited eviction order — stay of execution of eviction order, when.

Section 441.780 - Notice not required in certain eviction actions, when.

Section 441.790 - Certain evidence admissible in certain eviction-related actions.

Section 441.800 - Criminal prosecution unnecessary for certain eviction proceedings to begin — drug-related criminal conviction, effect on certain eviction proceedings.

Section 441.810 - Discovery in certain eviction proceedings.

Section 441.820 - Protection orders for witnesses in certain eviction proceedings.

Section 441.830 - Court authorized to grant preliminary relief to parties in certain eviction proceedings.

Section 441.840 - Rent to continue accruing during certain eviction proceedings.

Section 441.850 - Certain parties entitled to attorney's fees in certain eviction proceedings, when.

Section 441.860 - Remedies cumulative.

Section 441.870 - Immunity from civil liability in certain eviction proceedings, granted when.

Section 441.880 - Stay of execution of eviction order, when — notification of interested parties — probationary tenancy, failure to comply results in removal of stay of execution — prior conduct actionable — compliance with probationary tenancy can r...

Section 441.920 - Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking — no discrimination against applicants, tenants, or lessees for residential properties.