Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 414 - Fuel Regulation and Conservation
Section 414.403 - Vehicle fleet energy conservation plan to be developed by each state agency, purpose of plan, content — plan to be submitted to department of natural resources, when.

Effective - 01 Jan 1999
414.403. Vehicle fleet energy conservation plan to be developed by each state agency, purpose of plan, content — plan to be submitted to department of natural resources, when. — 1. Each state agency, with assistance from the department, shall develop and implement a vehicle fleet energy conservation plan for the purposes of reducing vehicle fuel consumption. Plans shall be submitted to the director. Such plans shall include:
(1) A timetable by which the agency shall meet minimum guidelines for efficient fleet management established pursuant to section 414.400, or by which fleet vehicles shall be replaced with vehicles which exceed the average fuel economy for their vehicle class as outlined in section 414.400;
(2) Options for the use of demonstrated innovative technologies that promote energy conservation and reduced fuel consumption;
(3) Methods that promote efficient trip planning and state vehicle use; and
(4) Promotion of car pooling and van pooling for agency employees for commuting and job-related travel.
2. The department of conservation and the department of transportation may develop their own vehicle fleet energy conservation plan. Such agencies shall meet the objectives of sections 414.400 to 414.417 and shall comply with the reporting requirements of sections 414.400 to 414.417.
(L. 1991 H.B. 45 § 2, A.L. 1998 S.B. 619)
Effective 1-01-99

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXVI - Trade and Commerce

Chapter 414 - Fuel Regulation and Conservation

Section 414.012 - Definitions.

Section 414.022 - Preemption by the state, political subdivisions may not regulate.

Section 414.032 - Requirements, standards, certain fuels — director may inspect fuels, purpose — waiver, when.

Section 414.035 - Financial responsibility for fuel tank storage and piping — exceptions — rulemaking authority.

Section 414.036 - Financial responsibility to be maintained, when — aboveground storage tank defined — rules.

Section 414.042 - Fuels, offered for sale, testing required upon request of director — requested samples, director to inspect and test.

Section 414.043 - MTBE content limit for gasoline, when.

Section 414.052 - Premises utilized for sale of fuels to be safe from fire and explosion — access for inspection, search warrant — stop use order may issue, inspection — appeal of stop use order, hearing.

Section 414.062 - Flammable liquids, containers, colors and markings.

Section 414.072 - Measuring devices, certain fuels, inspection, when — expiration date, effect of — correction or removal, when — public policy regarding devices.

Section 414.073 - Tank wagons, wholesale or retail sales to be equipped with meters — inspection, when — condemned meters, how marked.

Section 414.082 - Inspection fees, rate determined by director of revenue — petroleum inspection fund created, fees deposited, uses, investment of moneys.

Section 414.092 - Inspection fees — records, reports.

Section 414.102 - Payment of fees, when — report to director of revenue, when — credit or refund, when allowed — application of motor fuel tax provisions.

Section 414.104 - Motor fuel vapor recovery fees, department of natural resource to set — preemption of local enforcement.

Section 414.112 - Deception of customers in sale of fuels as to nature, quality or identity, prohibited — reclaimed motor or lubricating oils — containers, how marked — interference with director, prohibited.

Section 414.122 - Common carriers of fuels, shipment records, contents.

Section 414.132 - Motor fuel inspectors, deputies, agents, employees, compensation, appointees of department — conflict of interest prohibited.

Section 414.142 - Rules, authority, promulgation.

Section 414.152 - Violations, penalties — injunction — hearings, procedure.

Section 414.255 - Definitions — ethanol-blended gasoline required, when — exemptions — rulemaking authority — immunity from liability, when.

Section 414.300 - Labeling of motor fuel pumps, renewable fuels — rulemaking authority.

Section 414.365 - Program established for biodiesel fuel use in MoDOT vehicles, goals, rules.

Section 414.400 - Definitions — program for state fuel consumption reduction, fleet management and promotion of alternative fuels, University of Missouri, included duties — exceptions for certain vehicles.

Section 414.403 - Vehicle fleet energy conservation plan to be developed by each state agency, purpose of plan, content — plan to be submitted to department of natural resources, when.

Section 414.406 - Vehicle fleet plan reviewed — office of administration to purchase only vehicles conforming to plan — annual report, content.

Section 414.407 - EPAct credit banking and selling program established — definitions — biodiesel fuel revolving fund created — rulemaking authority — study on the use of alternative fuels in motor vehicles, contents.

Section 414.410 - Motor vehicle alternative fuel use plan to be developed by department of natural resources — powers and duties — state agency fleets of fifteen or more vehicles, time table for using alternative fuels.

Section 414.412 - Alternative use of fuel, waived or percentage reduced by director, certified evidence required — other vehicles, ethanol use required, exceptions.

Section 414.415 - Percentage requirements, how state agencies to comply.

Section 414.417 - Criminal law enforcement vehicles and certain other vehicles, law not applicable — demonstration vehicles for alternative fuels authorized.

Section 414.420 - Commission, created, members — purpose.

Section 414.433 - Purchase of biodiesel fuel by school districts — contracts with new generation cooperatives — definitions — rulemaking authority.

Section 414.500 - Name of law.

Section 414.510 - Definitions.

Section 414.520 - Promulgation of regulations.

Section 414.530 - Propane education and research council creation, assessment upon odorized propane — procedure.

Section 414.540 - Prevention of violations, action of attorney general — civil penalty — cease and desist order — hearing.

Section 414.550 - Director may conduct investigations — powers of director.

Section 414.560 - Selection of members — number of members, compensation, terms — chairman, president — budget — programs and projects — records — costs.

Section 414.570 - Assessment, amount — payment — late payment, charges — investment of funds — rulemaking authority.

Section 414.580 - Use of funds, restrictions.

Section 414.590 - Construction.