Effective - 28 Aug 2002
414.365. Program established for biodiesel fuel use in MoDOT vehicles, goals, rules. — 1. As used in this section, the following terms mean:
(1) "B-20", a blend of twenty percent by volume biodiesel fuel and eighty percent by volume petroleum-based diesel fuel;
(2) "Biodiesel", fuel as defined in ASTM standard PS121;
(3) "Incremental cost", the difference in cost between blended biodiesel fuel and conventional petroleum-based diesel fuel at the time the blended biodiesel fuel is purchased.
2. On or before October 1, 2003, the Missouri department of transportation shall develop a program that provides for the opportunity to use fuel with at least the biodiesel content of B-20 in its vehicle fleet and heavy equipment that use diesel fuel. Such program shall have the following goals, provided that such program and goals do not prohibit the department from generating and selling EPAct credits pursuant to section 414.407:
(1) On or before July 1, 2004, at least fifty percent of the department's vehicle fleet and heavy equipment that use diesel fuel shall use fuel with at least the biodiesel content of B-20, if such fuel is commercially available;
(2) On or before July 1, 2005, at least seventy-five percent of the department's vehicle fleet and heavy equipment that use diesel fuel shall use fuel with at least the biodiesel content of B-20, if such fuel is commercially available.
3. The blended biodiesel fuel shall be presumed to be commercially available if the incremental cost of such fuel is not more than twenty-five cents.
4. Nothing in this section is intended to create a state requirement for biodiesel fuel use in excess of the requirements of the federal National Energy Policy Act of 1992, Pub.L. 102-486; 42 U.S.C. 13251, 13257(o).
5. To the maximum extent practicable, the department shall obtain funding for the incremental cost of the blended biodiesel fuel from the biodiesel fuel revolving fund established in section 414.407.
6. The director of the Missouri department of transportation may promulgate any rules necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated pursuant to this section shall take effect unless it has been promulgated pursuant to chapter 536.
(L. 2002 S.B. 984 & 985)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXVI - Trade and Commerce
Chapter 414 - Fuel Regulation and Conservation
Section 414.012 - Definitions.
Section 414.022 - Preemption by the state, political subdivisions may not regulate.
Section 414.043 - MTBE content limit for gasoline, when.
Section 414.062 - Flammable liquids, containers, colors and markings.
Section 414.092 - Inspection fees — records, reports.
Section 414.122 - Common carriers of fuels, shipment records, contents.
Section 414.142 - Rules, authority, promulgation.
Section 414.152 - Violations, penalties — injunction — hearings, procedure.
Section 414.300 - Labeling of motor fuel pumps, renewable fuels — rulemaking authority.
Section 414.365 - Program established for biodiesel fuel use in MoDOT vehicles, goals, rules.
Section 414.415 - Percentage requirements, how state agencies to comply.
Section 414.420 - Commission, created, members — purpose.
Section 414.500 - Name of law.
Section 414.510 - Definitions.
Section 414.520 - Promulgation of regulations.
Section 414.550 - Director may conduct investigations — powers of director.