Effective - 28 Aug 2002
388.640. License as peace officer required. — All railroad policemen who become employed after September 28, 1971, shall, before appointment, be a licensed peace officer in accordance with the provisions of chapter 590.
(L. 1971 H.B. 232 § 9, A.L. 2002 S.B. 1213)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXV - Incorporation and Regulation of Certain Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 388 - Railroad Corporations
Section 388.010 - Railroad corporation defined.
Section 388.020 - Chapter to govern.
Section 388.030 - Who may form corporation — articles of association — where filed.
Section 388.040 - Articles of association, when filed — incorporation fee.
Section 388.050 - Copy of articles of association, evidence, when.
Section 388.060 - Corporate powers to cease, when.
Section 388.070 - Election of directors — terms of office.
Section 388.100 - Directors to appoint officers.
Section 388.110 - Ineligibility for office.
Section 388.120 - Penalty for violation of section 388.110.
Section 388.130 - Furnishing of supplies prohibited, when.
Section 388.140 - Transportation certificates may be issued — effect of.
Section 388.150 - Subscription for certificates, how taken — certificates to issue, when.
Section 388.160 - Certificates issued jointly or severally.
Section 388.170 - Certificates shall draw interest and be assignable.
Section 388.180 - Correct record of certificates issued to be kept — shall show what.
Section 388.190 - Interest account with stockholders to be kept.
Section 388.200 - Persons holding stock in fiduciary capacity not liable as stockholders.
Section 388.210 - General and additional powers.
Section 388.220 - Amendment of articles of incorporation — method.
Section 388.230 - Capital stock may be reduced, when and how.
Section 388.250 - Trustees or receivers — rights and powers.
Section 388.260 - Railroad company may own and operate equipment for aerial transportation.
Section 388.270 - May own and operate motor vehicles.
Section 388.280 - Companies may contract with each other.
Section 388.290 - Companies may consolidate, when.
Section 388.300 - Aiding other railroads to form connection — terms.
Section 388.330 - Shall file profile maps, when.
Section 388.350 - Extensions and branches authorized — procedure — fees.
Section 388.360 - Maps of extensions and branch routes to be filed, where — notice to landowners.
Section 388.370 - Right-of-way — how secured.
Section 388.380 - Right-of-way through state, county or city lands.
Section 388.390 - Title to lands of persons not sui juris, how acquired.
Section 388.400 - Title to school lands, how acquired.
Section 388.410 - Lands for depot purposes, how condemned.
Section 388.420 - May take material for construction, when and how.
Section 388.430 - Roadbed may be changed — gauge.
Section 388.440 - Right of trustees to change roadbed or roadline and to acquire right-of-way.
Section 388.450 - Bridges over navigable streams in state — how constructed by railroads.
Section 388.460 - Union stations — construction corporations — who may construct.
Section 388.470 - Powers of such corporation or railroad company.
Section 388.480 - Formation of corporation to build line from county seat to railroad or river.
Section 388.490 - Powers and duties of such corporation.
Section 388.500 - Interurban railroads — powers of company.
Section 388.510 - Foreign and nonresident railroad companies, license required — penalty.
Section 388.600 - Railroad police authorized.
Section 388.605 - Application, contents, how made, fee.
Section 388.615 - Identification filed with director of department of public safety.
Section 388.620 - Identification to be carried.
Section 388.625 - Railroad police, powers of.
Section 388.630 - Arrested persons, how treated.
Section 388.635 - Railroad police, how compensated.
Section 388.640 - License as peace officer required.
Section 388.645 - Termination of appointment, procedure.