Effective - 28 Aug 1939
388.370. Right-of-way — how secured. — Any railroad company in this state shall have the right to take and hold all necessary ground for right-of-way for the extensions and branch railroads authorized to be constructed as aforesaid and for depots and sidetracks and other necessary purposes, and if the title thereof cannot be secured by agreement with the owners thereof, or if from any other cause the title cannot be secured, such company may proceed to condemn the same in the same manner and with the same effect as is now provided by law for the condemnation of other lands.
(RSMo 1939 § 5153)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 4680; 1919 § 9870; 1909 § 3069
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXV - Incorporation and Regulation of Certain Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 388 - Railroad Corporations
Section 388.010 - Railroad corporation defined.
Section 388.020 - Chapter to govern.
Section 388.030 - Who may form corporation — articles of association — where filed.
Section 388.040 - Articles of association, when filed — incorporation fee.
Section 388.050 - Copy of articles of association, evidence, when.
Section 388.060 - Corporate powers to cease, when.
Section 388.070 - Election of directors — terms of office.
Section 388.100 - Directors to appoint officers.
Section 388.110 - Ineligibility for office.
Section 388.120 - Penalty for violation of section 388.110.
Section 388.130 - Furnishing of supplies prohibited, when.
Section 388.140 - Transportation certificates may be issued — effect of.
Section 388.150 - Subscription for certificates, how taken — certificates to issue, when.
Section 388.160 - Certificates issued jointly or severally.
Section 388.170 - Certificates shall draw interest and be assignable.
Section 388.180 - Correct record of certificates issued to be kept — shall show what.
Section 388.190 - Interest account with stockholders to be kept.
Section 388.200 - Persons holding stock in fiduciary capacity not liable as stockholders.
Section 388.210 - General and additional powers.
Section 388.220 - Amendment of articles of incorporation — method.
Section 388.230 - Capital stock may be reduced, when and how.
Section 388.250 - Trustees or receivers — rights and powers.
Section 388.260 - Railroad company may own and operate equipment for aerial transportation.
Section 388.270 - May own and operate motor vehicles.
Section 388.280 - Companies may contract with each other.
Section 388.290 - Companies may consolidate, when.
Section 388.300 - Aiding other railroads to form connection — terms.
Section 388.330 - Shall file profile maps, when.
Section 388.350 - Extensions and branches authorized — procedure — fees.
Section 388.360 - Maps of extensions and branch routes to be filed, where — notice to landowners.
Section 388.370 - Right-of-way — how secured.
Section 388.380 - Right-of-way through state, county or city lands.
Section 388.390 - Title to lands of persons not sui juris, how acquired.
Section 388.400 - Title to school lands, how acquired.
Section 388.410 - Lands for depot purposes, how condemned.
Section 388.420 - May take material for construction, when and how.
Section 388.430 - Roadbed may be changed — gauge.
Section 388.440 - Right of trustees to change roadbed or roadline and to acquire right-of-way.
Section 388.450 - Bridges over navigable streams in state — how constructed by railroads.
Section 388.460 - Union stations — construction corporations — who may construct.
Section 388.470 - Powers of such corporation or railroad company.
Section 388.480 - Formation of corporation to build line from county seat to railroad or river.
Section 388.490 - Powers and duties of such corporation.
Section 388.500 - Interurban railroads — powers of company.
Section 388.510 - Foreign and nonresident railroad companies, license required — penalty.
Section 388.600 - Railroad police authorized.
Section 388.605 - Application, contents, how made, fee.
Section 388.615 - Identification filed with director of department of public safety.
Section 388.620 - Identification to be carried.
Section 388.625 - Railroad police, powers of.
Section 388.630 - Arrested persons, how treated.
Section 388.635 - Railroad police, how compensated.
Section 388.640 - License as peace officer required.
Section 388.645 - Termination of appointment, procedure.