Effective - 01 Jan 2005
374.788. Apprehension standards for breach of surety agreement or absconding. — 1. A bail bond agent having probable grounds to believe a subject free on his or her bond has failed to appear as directed by a court, has breached the terms of the subject's surety agreement, or has taken a substantial step toward absconding may utilize all lawful means to apprehend the subject. To surrender a subject to a court, a licensed bail bond or surety recovery agent having probable grounds to believe the subject is free on his or her bond may:
(1) Detain the subject in a lawful manner, for a reasonable time, provided that in the event travel from another state is involved, the detention period may include reasonable travel time not to exceed seventy-two hours;
(2) Transport a subject in a lawful manner from state to state and county to county to a place of authorized surrender; and
(3) Enter upon private or public property in a lawful manner to execute apprehension of a subject.
2. A surety recovery agent who apprehends a subject pursuant to the provisions of subsection 1 of this section shall surrender custody of the subject to the court of jurisdiction.
3. When a surety recovery agent is in the process of performing fugitive recovery, a photographic identification card shall be prominently displayed on his or her person.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1122)
Effective 1-01-05
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions
Chapter 374 - Department of Commerce and Insurance
Section 374.005 - Department created, duties — definitions.
Section 374.007 - Statutory reference changes authorized.
Section 374.010 - Department — general powers.
Section 374.020 - Director — qualifications — appointment.
Section 374.030 - Director — oath — bond.
Section 374.040 - Director — duties — administrative hearing commission law not applicable.
Section 374.045 - Director authorized to make rules and regulations, procedure, this chapter.
Section 374.047 - Willful violation of state law, order — notice.
Section 374.050 - Seal of office — effect.
Section 374.051 - Refusal of license and nonrenewal, applicant may appeal, procedure.
Section 374.055 - Grievance procedure.
Section 374.056 - Rulemaking authority, delivery methods.
Section 374.057 - Filing of records and signatures authorized when in compliance with federal law.
Section 374.060 - Office location and hours.
Section 374.070 - Office and records, public — copies — records disposed of or destroyed, when.
Section 374.071 - Insurance records exempt from public disclosure — release permitted, when.
Section 374.075 - Divisions, director may establish.
Section 374.080 - Deputy director, appointment, powers — governor to appoint, when.
Section 374.085 - Division of consumer affairs, duties — legal adviser may assist.
Section 374.100 - Actuary — duties — fees.
Section 374.110 - Examiner — duties — assistants — fees.
Section 374.130 - Chief clerk, duties and powers.
Section 374.170 - Forms furnished companies.
Section 374.180 - Director to prepare report — publication — special reports.
Section 374.182 - Organization plan to be submitted — contents.
Section 374.185 - Uniformity of regulation, director to cooperate.
Section 374.190 - Investigation of companies.
Section 374.202 - Purpose of law — definitions.
Section 374.210 - False testimony — refusal to furnish information — penalties.
Section 374.215 - Failure to timely file report or statement, penalty.
Section 374.216 - False financial statements, filing of — penalty.
Section 374.217 - Covenant not to sue officers of insurer, prohibited — no force and effect.
Section 374.220 - Expenses, how paid.
Section 374.230 - Fees — paid to director.
Section 374.240 - Suit to recover fees — penalties.
Section 374.250 - Accounts of director.
Section 374.270 - Department may elect workers' compensation coverage — coverage, how provided.
Section 374.280 - Civil penalty or forfeiture ordered when, how enforced.
Section 374.284 - Health insurance advisory committee established, members, duties.
Section 374.285 - Expungement of certain disciplinary action records.
Section 374.300 - Financial institution defined.
Section 374.310 - Refusal to grant or renew insurance license, when.
Section 374.350 - Short title.
Section 374.351 - Intent of compact.
Section 374.400 - Definitions.
Section 374.405 - Reports of premiums and loss data required, when — director may review.
Section 374.415 - Product liability insurance reports required — when — contents.
Section 374.420 - Insurers not liable because of compliance.
Section 374.425 - Time for compliance may be waived or extended.
Section 374.450 - Definitions.
Section 374.455 - Premium and loss data, annual report — available to public.
Section 374.500 - Definitions.
Section 374.503 - Certificate required for utilization review agents, exceptions.
Section 374.505 - Application for certificate, content, form, fee.
Section 374.507 - Information may be required by department of commerce and insurance.
Section 374.510 - Minimum requirements for utilization review agents.
Section 374.515 - Rules and regulations authorized.
Section 374.695 - Citation of law.
Section 374.700 - Definitions.
Section 374.702 - License required, restrictions on practice.
Section 374.705 - Department, powers and duties — fees, how determined.
Section 374.710 - License required for bail bond agents, application, qualifications — exceptions.
Section 374.717 - Prohibited acts.
Section 374.720 - Examination, form, content — reexamination fee.
Section 374.730 - License, biannual renewal, fee.
Section 374.740 - Nonresident license requirements.
Section 374.750 - Refusal to issue or renew license — applicant's right to hearing.
Section 374.760 - Unsatisfied judgments, affidavit filed monthly, form — content.
Section 374.764 - Alleged violations and complaints, procedure.
Section 374.775 - Bonds of one thousand dollars or less — fee — additional fee — prohibited.
Section 374.783 - Surety recovery agents, license required — director to license, powers.
Section 374.785 - Apprehension of defendant, permitted where.
Section 374.786 - Renewal, procedure.
Section 374.787 - Complaint procedure.
Section 374.788 - Apprehension standards for breach of surety agreement or absconding.