Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 356 - Professional Corporations
Section 356.211 - Registration report — filed when, contents — form — fee — penalties for failure to file or making false declarations.

Effective - 28 Aug 2009
356.211. Registration report — filed when, contents — form — fee — penalties for failure to file or making false declarations. — 1. Each professional corporation and each foreign professional corporation shall file with the secretary of state a corporate registration report pursuant to section 351.120 or 351.122. The corporate registration report shall set forth the following information: the names and residence or physical business addresses of all officers, directors and shareholders of that professional corporation as of the date of the report.
2. The report shall be made on a form to be prescribed and furnished by the secretary of state, and shall be executed by an officer of the corporation or authorized person.
3. A filing fee in the amount set out in section 351.122 or 351.125 shall be paid with the filing of each report, and no other fees shall be charged therefor; except that, penalty fees may be imposed by the secretary of state for late filings. The report shall be filed subject to the time requirements of section 351.120 or 351.122.
4. If a professional corporation or foreign professional corporation shall fail to file a report qualifying with the provisions of this section when such a filing is due, then the corporation shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 351 that are applicable to a corporation that has failed to timely file the corporate registration report required to be filed under chapter 351.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1230, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1361, A.L. 2002 S.B. 895, A.L. 2003 H.B. 600, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1664, A.L. 2009 H.B. 481)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIII - Corporations, Associations and Partnerships

Chapter 356 - Professional Corporations

Section 356.011 - Citation of law.

Section 356.012 - Filing of statement or document represents belief that statements are true and correct.

Section 356.021 - Definitions.

Section 356.031 - General and business corporation law applicable — exceptions.

Section 356.041 - Incorporators — articles of incorporation, amendments — licensing authorities to issue certificates, promulgation of rules setting fees.

Section 356.051 - Purposes.

Section 356.061 - Powers.

Section 356.071 - Regulating name of corporation.

Section 356.081 - Corporation may render professional services, how.

Section 356.091 - Directors and officers, who may be.

Section 356.101 - Corporation may purchase own shares, when.

Section 356.111 - Shares, who may hold, transferred how.

Section 356.121 - Proxies and voting trusts, valid when.

Section 356.131 - Securities law not applicable, exception.

Section 356.141 - Disqualifying event, corporation may purchase its own shares, procedure.

Section 356.151 - Disqualifying event, effect.

Section 356.161 - Rights and obligations of unqualified persons acquiring shares by foreclosure.

Section 356.171 - Liability for negligent or wrongful acts or omissions.

Section 356.181 - Privileged communications.

Section 356.191 - Law not to be construed to restrict licensing authorities — additional rules.

Section 356.201 - Election to function as general and business corporation — how made — dissenting shareholder's rights.

Section 356.211 - Registration report — filed when, contents — form — fee — penalties for failure to file or making false declarations.

Section 356.221 - Merger or consolidation with another corporation, when.

Section 356.231 - Certificates of authority, required, exceptions — foreign corporations may be granted certificates of authority, requirements.

Section 356.233 - Additional fee — expiration date.

Section 356.241 - Foreign professional corporations, application for certificate of authority, contents.

Section 356.251 - Forfeiture of corporate rights, when — duties of licensing authority.

Section 356.261 - Application of law.