Effective - 28 Aug 1986
356.081. Corporation may render professional services, how. — A professional corporation or foreign professional corporation may render a professional service in this state only through natural persons permitted to render such service in this state; but nothing in sections 356.011 to 356.261 shall be construed to require that any person who is employed by a professional corporation or foreign professional corporation be licensed to perform services for which no license is otherwise required or to prohibit the rendering of a professional service by a licensed natural person acting in his individual capacity, notwithstanding such person may be a shareholder, director, officer, employee or agent of a professional corporation or foreign professional corporation.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1230)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXIII - Corporations, Associations and Partnerships
Chapter 356 - Professional Corporations
Section 356.011 - Citation of law.
Section 356.021 - Definitions.
Section 356.031 - General and business corporation law applicable — exceptions.
Section 356.071 - Regulating name of corporation.
Section 356.081 - Corporation may render professional services, how.
Section 356.091 - Directors and officers, who may be.
Section 356.101 - Corporation may purchase own shares, when.
Section 356.111 - Shares, who may hold, transferred how.
Section 356.121 - Proxies and voting trusts, valid when.
Section 356.131 - Securities law not applicable, exception.
Section 356.141 - Disqualifying event, corporation may purchase its own shares, procedure.
Section 356.151 - Disqualifying event, effect.
Section 356.161 - Rights and obligations of unqualified persons acquiring shares by foreclosure.
Section 356.171 - Liability for negligent or wrongful acts or omissions.
Section 356.181 - Privileged communications.
Section 356.191 - Law not to be construed to restrict licensing authorities — additional rules.
Section 356.221 - Merger or consolidation with another corporation, when.
Section 356.233 - Additional fee — expiration date.
Section 356.251 - Forfeiture of corporate rights, when — duties of licensing authority.