Effective - 28 Aug 2013
354.410. Certificate issued, when — annual deposit, requirements — capital account, amount, contents. — 1. The director shall issue or deny a certificate of authority to any person filing an application pursuant to section 354.405. Issuance of a certificate of authority may then be granted upon payment of the application fee prescribed in section 354.500 if the director is satisfied that the following conditions are met:
(1) The persons responsible for the conduct of the affairs of the applicant are competent, trustworthy, and possess good reputations;
(2) The health care organization constitutes an appropriate mechanism whereby the health maintenance organization will effectively provide or arrange for the provision of basic health care services on a prepaid basis through insurance or otherwise, except to the extent of requirements for co-payments, coinsurance or deductibles;
(3) The health maintenance organization is financially responsible and may reasonably be expected to meet its obligations to enrollees and prospective enrollees. In making this determination, the director may consider:
(a) The financial soundness of the arrangements for health care services and the schedule of charges used in connection therewith;
(b) The adequacy of working capital;
(c) Any agreement with an insurer, a government, or any other organization for insuring the payment of the cost of health care services or the provision for automatic applicability of an alternative coverage in the event of discontinuance of the health maintenance organization;
(d) Any agreement with providers for the provision of health care services; and
(e) Any deposit of cash or securities submitted in accordance with subsection 2;
(4) The health maintenance organization's arrangements for health care services and the schedule of charges used in connection therewith are financially sound;
(5) The working capital be adequate;
(6) Any agreement with an insurer, a health service corporation, a government, or any other organization for insuring the payment of the cost of health care services contain a provision for the automatic applicability of alternative coverage in the event of discontinuance of the health maintenance organization;
(7) There be an agreement with providers for the provision of health care services;
(8) The enrollees shall be afforded an opportunity to participate in matters of policy and operation pursuant to section 354.420;
(9) Nothing in the proposed method of operation, as shown by the information submitted pursuant to section 354.405 or by independent investigation, is contrary to the public interest; and
(10) The health maintenance organization is able to provide its enrollees with adequate access to health care providers.
2. Unless otherwise provided below, each health maintenance organization shall deposit with the director, or with any organization or trustee acceptable to the director through which a custodial or controlled account is utilized, cash, securities, or any combination of these or other measures that is acceptable to the director in the amount set forth in this subsection:
(1) The amount for an organization that is beginning operation shall be the greater of: (a) five percent of its estimated expenditures for health care services for its first year of operation, (b) twice its estimated average monthly uncovered expenditures for its first year of operation, or (c) one hundred fifty thousand dollars for a medical group/staff model, or three hundred thousand dollars for an individual practice association. At the beginning of each succeeding year, unless not applicable, the organization shall deposit with the director, or organization or trustee, cash, securities, or any combination of these or other measures acceptable to the director, in an amount equal to four percent of its estimated annual uncovered expenditures for that year.
(2) Unless not applicable, an organization that is in operation on September 28, 1983, shall make a deposit equal to the larger of: (a) one percent of the preceding twelve months' uncovered expenditures, or (b) one hundred fifty thousand dollars for a medical group/staff model, or three hundred thousand dollars for an individual practice association on the first day of the first calendar year beginning six months or more after September 28, 1983. In the second calendar year, if applicable, the amount of the additional deposit shall be equal to two percent of its estimated annual uncovered expenditures. In the third calendar year, if applicable, the additional deposit shall be equal to three percent of its estimated annual uncovered expenditures for that year, and in the fourth calendar year and subsequent years, if applicable, the additional deposit shall be equal to four percent of its estimated annual uncovered expenditures for each year. Each year's estimate, after the first year of operation, shall reasonably reflect the prior years' operating experience and delivery arrangements. The director may waive any of the deposit requirements set forth in subdivisions (1) and (2) above, whenever satisfied that the organization has sufficient net worth and an adequate history of generating net income to assure its financial viability for the next year, or its performance and obligations are guaranteed by an organization with sufficient net worth and an adequate history of generating net income, or the assets of the organization or its contracts with insurers, hospital or medical service corporations, governments, or other organizations are sufficient to reasonably assure the performance of its obligations.
3. When an organization has achieved a net worth not including land, buildings, and equipment, of at least one million dollars or has achieved a net worth including organization-related land, buildings, and equipment of at least five million dollars, the annual deposit requirements shall not apply. The annual deposit requirement shall not apply to an organization if the total amount of the deposit is equal to twenty-five percent of its estimated annual uncovered expenditures for the next calendar year, or the capital and surplus requirements for the formation or admittance of an accident and health insurer in this state, whichever is less. If the organization has a guaranteeing organization which has been in operation for at least five years and has a net worth not including land, buildings, and equipment of at least one million dollars or which has been in operation for at least ten years and has a net worth including organization-related land, buildings, and equipment of at least five million dollars, the annual deposit requirement shall not apply; provided, however, that if the guaranteeing organization is sponsoring more than one organization, the net worth requirement shall be increased by a multiple equal to the number of such organizations. This requirement to maintain a deposit in excess of the deposit required of an accident and health insurer shall not apply during any time that the guaranteeing organization maintains a net worth at least equal to the capital and surplus requirements for an accident and health insurer for each organization it sponsors.
4. All income from deposits shall belong to the depositing organization and shall be paid to it as it becomes available. A health maintenance organization that has made a securities deposit may withdraw the securities deposit or any part thereof, first having deposited, in lieu thereof, a deposit of cash, securities, or any combination of these or other measures of equal amount and value to that withdrawn. Any securities shall be approved by the director before being substituted.
5. In any year in which an annual deposit is not required of an organization, at its request the director shall reduce the required deposit by one hundred thousand dollars for each two hundred fifty thousand dollars of net worth in excess of the amount that allows it not to make an annual deposit. If the amount of net worth no longer supports a reduction of its required deposit, the organization shall immediately redeposit one hundred thousand dollars for each two hundred fifty thousand dollars of reduction in net worth, provided that its total deposit shall not exceed the maximum required under this section. Notwithstanding any provisions of sections 354.400 to 354.636, the deposit held by the director shall in no case be less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars for a group staff/model or three hundred thousand dollars for an individual practice association model.
6. Each health maintenance organization that obtains a certificate of authority after September 28, 1983, shall have and maintain a capital account of at least one hundred fifty thousand dollars for a medical group/staff model, or three hundred thousand dollars for an individual practice association in addition to any deposit requirements under this section. The capital account shall be net of any accrued liabilities and be in the form of cash, securities or any combination of these or other measures acceptable to the director.
7. A certificate of authority shall be denied only after compliance with the requirements of section 354.490.
(L. 1983 H.B. 127, A.L. 1997 H.B. 335, A.L. 2013 S.B. 262)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXIII - Corporations, Associations and Partnerships
Chapter 354 - Health Services Corporations — Health Maintenance Organizations — Prepaid Dental Plans
Section 354.010 - Definitions.
Section 354.015 - Health services corporations, laws applicable to — exceptions.
Section 354.020 - Preexisting health services corporation to amend articles, effect of.
Section 354.025 - Corporate purposes and authority.
Section 354.030 - For-profit corporations excluded from act.
Section 354.035 - Procedure for organization of corporation.
Section 354.040 - Articles of incorporation, required information and contents.
Section 354.045 - Issuance of certificate, effect of.
Section 354.050 - General powers of corporation.
Section 354.055 - Certificate of authority required — expiration of, extended how.
Section 354.060 - Director to issue certificate, when.
Section 354.065 - Articles of incorporation, how amended — copy to director, when.
Section 354.070 - Certificate of authority automatically extended, when.
Section 354.075 - Capital required to do business.
Section 354.080 - Reserves required, how computed.
Section 354.090 - Health services corporation contracts, purposes, parties to.
Section 354.095 - Limitation of membership and benefits — certain benefits to be provided, when.
Section 354.105 - Annual report required, contents of.
Section 354.120 - Rules and regulations by director authorized — procedure, review.
Section 354.130 - Exemption from certain taxes, exceptions.
Section 354.140 - Dissolution, liquidation or rehabilitation of corporation, procedure for.
Section 354.145 - Appeal from director's actions or decisions, how taken.
Section 354.150 - Fees — waiver, when.
Section 354.155 - Disclaimer as to nonhealth services corporations.
Section 354.165 - Certain organizations exempt.
Section 354.175 - Wage continuation plans by employer exempt.
Section 354.180 - Administrative order, director to issue, when.
Section 354.190 - Examinations, procedures.
Section 354.195 - Records of examination, duty to keep.
Section 354.200 - Examinations, false testimony, penalty.
Section 354.205 - Examinations — costs, how paid.
Section 354.210 - Director may seek relief, when.
Section 354.215 - Examiner's sick leave to apply to health services corporations.
Section 354.220 - Director may bring suit to recover fees or sums.
Section 354.230 - License required for enrollment representative.
Section 354.235 - Enrollment representative — license issued when, qualifications.
Section 354.240 - Nonresident may be licensed — examination waived, when.
Section 354.265 - Nonrenewable temporary license issued, when.
Section 354.275 - Violations by enrollment representatives, penalties.
Section 354.300 - Certificate of authority suspended or revoked, when.
Section 354.305 - Corporation advertising assets also to show liabilities — penalties.
Section 354.330 - Public official failing to perform duties as to investment violations, penalty.
Section 354.335 - Damages allowed if corporation without reasonable cause refuses to pay.
Section 354.350 - Fraudulent or bad faith conduct — investigation by division — hearing, procedure.
Section 354.357 - Receivership, grounds, procedure.
Section 354.362 - Newborn child coverage required — notice of birth, when, effect.
Section 354.380 - Certain provisions of insurance law to be applicable.
Section 354.400 - Definitions.
Section 354.407 - PACE projects not deemed health maintenance organizations, when.
Section 354.415 - Powers of organization.
Section 354.420 - Advisory panels to afford enrollees participation in policy decisions.
Section 354.425 - Bonding of officers who disburse or invest funds — bond requirements.
Section 354.435 - Annual reports filed with director, when — content — forms.
Section 354.440 - Information to be available to enrollees.
Section 354.441 - Disclosures to subscribers shall not be prohibited or restricted.
Section 354.442 - Disclosure information to enrollees required, when.
Section 354.444 - Administrative orders for violations — voluntary forfeitures, civil actions.
Section 354.445 - Complaints by enrollees, organization to establish system.
Section 354.450 - Investments authorized.
Section 354.455 - Deposit required, how made.
Section 354.462 - Enrollee, grounds for disenrollment.
Section 354.464 - Names not authorized for use, exceptions.
Section 354.465 - Examinations by division, when — costs, how paid.
Section 354.470 - Suspension or revocation, when — effect.
Section 354.485 - Rules and regulations authorized.
Section 354.490 - Certificate of authority, denial, suspension or revocation, grounds — procedure.
Section 354.495 - Fees to be paid to director.
Section 354.500 - Conferences called by director as to suspected or potential violations.
Section 354.505 - Laws regulating insurance or health service corporations not to apply, exceptions.
Section 354.510 - Public documents, all filings and required reports.
Section 354.520 - Mergers, consolidations, control of organization, requirements.
Section 354.530 - Severability clause.
Section 354.536 - Continuation of dependent child coverage, when — dependent child defined.
Section 354.545 - Exempt plans and companies.
Section 354.550 - Laws not applicable to community health companies.
Section 354.551 - Health maintenance organizations may offer point of service (POS) riders, when.
Section 354.552 - Community-based health maintenance organizations, requirements.
Section 354.556 - Trustees, vacancies, elections.
Section 354.558 - Materials provided to prospective purchasers.
Section 354.559 - Disclosure to members, restrictions and prohibitions.
Section 354.562 - Grievance procedures, rulemaking authority.
Section 354.563 - Medicare rules to apply to community-based health maintenance organizations, when.
Section 354.570 - Rulemaking — procedure.
Section 354.600 - Definitions.
Section 354.609 - Termination of a contract, procedure.
Section 354.612 - Continuation of care after provider termination, when.
Section 354.615 - Referrals to appropriate providers, when.
Section 354.621 - Intermediary and participating provider requirements.
Section 354.627 - Liability of a health carrier, when.
Section 354.636 - Contract requirements after January 1, 1998.
Section 354.650 - Definitions.
Section 354.652 - Designation as essential community provider, procedure, qualifications.
Section 354.654 - Department of health and senior services, duties — rulemaking authority.
Section 354.656 - Inclusion of essential community providers in health care network, exceptions.
Section 354.700 - Definitions.
Section 354.704 - Application for certificate of authority, content.
Section 354.705 - Certificate of authority granted, when.
Section 354.717 - Director, powers — financial examinations, when, by whom made and paid.
Section 354.720 - Annual report, required, content.
Section 354.721 - Agents, registration required — rules and regulations authorized.
Section 354.723 - Rulemaking authorized.
Section 354.725 - Exclusion, labor organization's health plans.