Effective - 28 Aug 2009
346.075. Fee for temporary permit — supervision and training required for temporary permit holder. — 1. Upon receiving an application as provided under section 346.070 and accompanied by a temporary permit fee, the board shall issue a temporary permit which shall entitle the applicant to engage in supervised training for a period of one year. A holder of a temporary permit who is engaged in supervised training under a supervisor is authorized to use only the title "hearing instrument specialist in-training", or its equivalent, as defined by board rule. A hearing instrument specialist in-training shall not hold himself out to the public by any title, term, or words that give the impression that the permit holder is a licensed hearing instrument specialist. The division, upon recommendation of the board, shall have the power to suspend or revoke the temporary permit of any person who violates the provisions of this subsection.
2. A licensed hearing instrument specialist shall be responsible for the supervised training of no more than two holders of a temporary permit and shall maintain adequate supervision, as defined by board rule. The board shall issue a certificate of registration to a hearing instrument specialist who has qualified himself or herself to provide supervised training to permit holders. The qualifications for a supervisor shall be established by board rule. A fee shall be charged for any registration of supervision, as defined by board rule. The division may withdraw the certificate of authority from any supervisor who violates any provision of sections 346.010 to 346.250 or any rule promulgated pursuant thereto.
(L. 1973 H.B. 396 & 257 § 15, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 1995 S.B. 69, et al., A.L. 2009 S.B. 296)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Chapter 346 - Hearing Aid Fitters and Dealers
Section 346.007 - Title of act.
Section 346.010 - Definitions.
Section 346.015 - License required — exception — penalty for violation.
Section 346.020 - Purchase agreement, contents.
Section 346.025 - Purchasers under eighteen — outside examination required.
Section 346.030 - Inapplicability of law, when.
Section 346.035 - Exempt profession.
Section 346.045 - Registration, when, fee — license issued, when.
Section 346.055 - Requirements for licensure.
Section 346.060 - Examination, written and practical required.
Section 346.065 - Examinations, when held.
Section 346.070 - Temporary permit issued, when.
Section 346.085 - Examination — standards to be promulgated.
Section 346.100 - Complaints against licensees, how made, hearing — sanctions — records.
Section 346.105 - Denial, revocation, or suspension of license, grounds for.
Section 346.110 - Prohibited acts.
Section 346.115 - Powers and duties of division.
Section 346.125 - Board, duties.
Section 346.130 - Board meetings, when.
Section 346.135 - Hearing instrument specialist fund, created, uses — amount of fund to lapse.