Effective - 28 Aug 1995
346.020. Purchase agreement, contents. — 1. Any person who engages in the practice of fitting hearing instruments shall deliver to each person supplied with a hearing instrument a completed purchase agreement which shall include the licensee's signature, business address and the licensee's license number, together with specifications as to the make, model and serial number of the hearing instrument furnished. The terms of the sale shall be clearly stated in the purchase agreement using ordinary English language and terminology which is easily understood by the purchaser. The purchase agreement shall include, at a minimum: the exact amount of any down payment, the length of any trial period provided, the amount of any charges or service fees connected with any trial period and any right of the purchaser to return the hearing instrument. If no right exists to return the hearing instrument, the seller shall specify such in writing in the agreement. If a hearing instrument which is not new is sold, the purchase agreement and the container thereof shall be clearly marked as "used", "recased" or "reconditioned", whichever is applicable, with terms of guarantee, if any.
2. If a hearing instrument is remanufactured or assembled by someone other than the manufacturer of the component parts, the purchase agreement shall contain the name of the manufacturer of the component parts and the assembler or reassembler of such hearing instrument.
(L. 1973 H.B. 396 & 257 § 4, A.L. 1995 S.B. 69, et al.)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Chapter 346 - Hearing Aid Fitters and Dealers
Section 346.007 - Title of act.
Section 346.010 - Definitions.
Section 346.015 - License required — exception — penalty for violation.
Section 346.020 - Purchase agreement, contents.
Section 346.025 - Purchasers under eighteen — outside examination required.
Section 346.030 - Inapplicability of law, when.
Section 346.035 - Exempt profession.
Section 346.045 - Registration, when, fee — license issued, when.
Section 346.055 - Requirements for licensure.
Section 346.060 - Examination, written and practical required.
Section 346.065 - Examinations, when held.
Section 346.070 - Temporary permit issued, when.
Section 346.085 - Examination — standards to be promulgated.
Section 346.100 - Complaints against licensees, how made, hearing — sanctions — records.
Section 346.105 - Denial, revocation, or suspension of license, grounds for.
Section 346.110 - Prohibited acts.
Section 346.115 - Powers and duties of division.
Section 346.125 - Board, duties.
Section 346.130 - Board meetings, when.
Section 346.135 - Hearing instrument specialist fund, created, uses — amount of fund to lapse.