Effective - 28 Aug 1949
338.090. Sale of poisons — regulations. — 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to retail any poisons enumerated in schedules "A" and "B", except as follows: Schedule "A" arsenic and its preparations, biniodide of mercury, cyanide of potassium, hydrocyanic acid, strychnia, and all other poisonous vegetable alkaloids and their salts, and the essential oil of bitter almonds. Schedule "B" opium and its preparations, except paregoric and other preparations of opium containing less than two grains to the ounce, aconite, bella donna, colchicum, conium, nux vomica, henbane, savin, ergot, cotton root, cantharides, creosote, veratrum, digitalis, and their pharmaceutical preparations, croton oil, chloroform, chloral hydrate, sulphate of zinc, corrosive sublimate, red precipitate, white precipitate, mineral acids, carbolic acid, oxalic acid, without labeling the box, vessel or paper in which the said poison is contained, and also the outside wrapper or cover with the name of the article, the word "poison" and the name and place of business of the seller.
2. Nor shall it be lawful for any person to sell or deliver any poisons enumerated in schedules "A" and "B" unless, upon due inquiry, it is found that the purchaser is aware of its poisonous character and represents that it is to be used for legitimate purposes. Nor shall it be lawful for any registered pharmacists to sell any poisons included in schedule "A" without, before delivering the same to the purchaser, causing an entry to be made in a book kept for that purpose, stating the date of sale, name and address of purchaser, the name of the poison sold, the purpose for which it was represented by the purchaser to be required and the name of the dispenser, such book to be always open for inspection by the proper authorities, and to be preserved for at least five years.
3. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the dispensing of poison in not unusual quantities or doses upon the prescription of practitioners of medicine.
(RSMo 1939 § 10018, A. 1949 H.B. 2075)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 13152; 1919 § 4724; 1909 § 5776
Pesticides registration, 281.210 to 281.310
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Chapter 338 - Pharmacists and Pharmacies
Section 338.030 - Applicant — requirements for qualification.
Section 338.043 - Temporary license — eligibility — renewal.
Section 338.050 - Pharmacist license, issued when, period covered.
Section 338.056 - Generic substitutions, when, requirements — violations, penalty.
Section 338.059 - Prescriptions, how labeled.
Section 338.065 - Disciplinary hearings — grounds for discipline.
Section 338.067 - Revocation and restoration of license — conditions.
Section 338.080 - Display of license or renewal required.
Section 338.090 - Sale of poisons — regulations.
Section 338.100 - Records required to be kept — requirements.
Section 338.110 - Board of pharmacy, members, qualifications, terms.
Section 338.120 - Board of pharmacy — organization.
Section 338.130 - Compensation of board members, personnel.
Section 338.132 - Board of pharmacy, salary schedule for employees to be established.
Section 338.142 - Drug take-back program, board authorized to expend, allocate, or award funds.
Section 338.155 - Immunity from civil liability, when.
Section 338.170 - Title of pharmacist — used by whom.
Section 338.180 - Prosecution of offenders.
Section 338.185 - Board has access to certain court records.
Section 338.190 - Violation of law by licensee — penalty.
Section 338.195 - Violation of law by person not licensed — penalty.
Section 338.198 - Pharmacist may fill prescription forwarded by authorized agent.
Section 338.205 - Opioid antagonist, storage and dispensing of without a license, when.
Section 338.230 - Disposition of fees.
Section 338.270 - Renewal applications to be made, when.
Section 338.280 - Board of pharmacy, rules and regulations.
Section 338.285 - Board may file complaint, when, where filed.
Section 338.290 - Appeals from decision of board, notice of right.
Section 338.300 - Permit to be posted — not transferable.
Section 338.310 - Violation, a misdemeanor.
Section 338.320 - Committee established, purpose, members, duties — sunset provision.
Section 338.330 - Definitions.
Section 338.335 - Separate licenses required, when — exemptions.
Section 338.337 - Out-of-state distributors, licenses required, exception.
Section 338.340 - Sale of drugs, out-of-state distributor, license required.
Section 338.343 - Records to be maintained and be available for board inspection.
Section 338.347 - Renewal of license, application.
Section 338.350 - Board of pharmacy to promulgate rules and regulations — procedure.
Section 338.357 - Sanction imposed by board, when.
Section 338.360 - Inspection of premises allowed, when.
Section 338.365 - Injunction may be issued, when, procedure.
Section 338.400 - Standard of care, definitions, rules.
Section 338.500 - Gross retail prescriptions, tax imposed, definitions.
Section 338.505 - Formula for tax liability, rulemaking authority, appeals procedure.
Section 338.515 - Effective date of tax.
Section 338.530 - Offset against Medicaid payments due by pharmacy permitted, when.
Section 338.535 - Remittance to department — pharmacy reimbursement allowance fund created.
Section 338.550 - Expiration date of tax, when.
Section 338.650 - Fund established, use of moneys.
Section 338.700 - Definitions.
Section 338.710 - Program created, goal — authority of board — evaluation report — expiration date.