Effective - 28 Aug 1996
334.810. Practice of respiratory care, definition — practice, where — practice, special training required, when — rules and regulations, authority to promulgate. — 1. The "practice of respiratory care" includes, but is not limited to:
(1) The administration of pharmacologic, diagnostic and therapeutic agents related to respiratory care to implement a disease prevention, diagnostic, treatment or pulmonary rehabilitative regimen prescribed by a physician or by clinical protocols pertaining to the practice of respiratory care;
(2) Observing, examining, monitoring, assessment and evaluation of signs, symptoms and general physical response to respiratory care procedures, including whether such are abnormal, and implementation of changes in procedures based on observed abnormalities, appropriate clinical protocols or pursuant to a prescription by a physician licensed under chapter 334, or a person acting under a collaborative practice agreement as authorized by section 334.104; or
(3) The initiation of emergency procedures under the regulations of the board or as otherwise permitted in sections 334.800 to 334.930.
2. The practice of respiratory care is not limited to the hospital setting but shall always be performed under the prescription, order or protocol of a licensed physician and includes the diagnostic and therapeutic use of the following:
(1) Administration of medical gases, except for the purpose of anesthesia;
(2) Administration of pharmacologic agents related to, or in conjunction with, respiratory care procedures;
(3) Aerosolized medications and humidification;
(4) Arterial blood gas puncture or sample collection;
(5) Bronchopulmonary hygiene;
(6) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
(7) Environmental control mechanisms and therapy;
(8) Initiation, monitoring, modification of ventilator controls, and discontinuance or withdrawal of continuous mechanical ventilation;
(9) Intubation/extubation of endotracheal tubes, tracheostomy tubes and transtracheal catheters;
(10) Insertion of artificial airways and the maintenance of natural and artificial airways;
(11) Mechanical or physiological ventilatory support;
(12) Point-of-care diagnostic testing;
(13) Specific diagnostic and testing techniques employed in the medical management of patients to assist in diagnosis, monitoring, treatment and research of pulmonary abnormalities, including measurement of ventilatory volumes, pressures, flows, collection of specimens of blood and mucus, measurement and reporting of blood gases, expired and inspired gas samples and pulmonary function testing;
(14) Diagnostic monitoring or therapeutic intervention for oxygen desaturation, aberrant ventilatory patterns and related sleep disorders including obstructive and central apnea; and
(15) Other related physiologic measurements of the cardiopulmonary system.
3. The practice of respiratory care may also include, with special training, the following:
(1) Insertion and maintenance of peripheral arterial or venous lines and hemodynamic monitoring;
(2) Assistance with diagnostic or performing therapeutic bronchoscopy;
(3) Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), limited to the intensive care setting, and delivered under the supervision of a Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP, as defined by the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion, an allied medical professional whose expertise is the science of extracorporeal life support) and a licensed physician;
(4) Air or ground ambulance transport;
(5) Hyperbaric oxygenation therapy;
(6) Electrophysiologic monitoring; or
(7) Other diagnostic testing or special procedures.
4. The state board of registration for the healing arts pursuant to section 334.125, and the board of respiratory care, created pursuant to section 334.830, may jointly promulgate rules defining additional procedures recognized as proper to be performed by respiratory care practitioners. In order to take effect, such rules shall be approved by a majority vote of a quorum of each board. Neither the state board of registration for the healing arts nor the board of respiratory care may separately promulgate rules relating to the practice of respiratory care.
(L. 1996 H.B. 999 § 2)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Chapter 334 - Physicians and Surgeons — Therapists — Athletic Trainers — Health Care Providers
Section 334.002 - Inactive license status granted, when.
Section 334.020 - Board defined.
Section 334.031 - Qualifications of candidates for licenses.
Section 334.035 - Application for permanent license, postgraduate training requirement.
Section 334.043 - Reciprocity — reciprocal compacts — fee.
Section 334.047 - License to show degree held by licensee — use on stationery and displays required.
Section 334.073 - Continuing medical education on autism required.
Section 334.090 - Fees, amounts, how set.
Section 334.098 - Disposition of certain records.
Section 334.103 - Automatic revocation or reinstatement of license, grounds.
Section 334.105 - Intractable pain treatment act — definitions.
Section 334.110 - Retired licensees not required to register.
Section 334.112 - Limited license to practice medicine, requirements — limitations of practice.
Section 334.120 - Board created — members, appointment, qualifications, terms, compensation.
Section 334.125 - Seal — regulations — offices — rulemaking, procedure, this chapter.
Section 334.127 - Subpoenas for witnesses, administration of oaths — enforcing subpoena, procedure.
Section 334.150 - Treatments of ill excepted from regulation by this chapter.
Section 334.155 - Applicability of chapter.
Section 334.157 - Board to promulgate certain rules relating to vaccines and immunizations.
Section 334.160 - Right of school to recognition, how determined.
Section 334.170 - Issuance or acceptance of false diploma or certificate, misdemeanor.
Section 334.190 - Practice of midwifery limited.
Section 334.230 - Unlawful practices, injunction procedure.
Section 334.240 - Investigation and commencement of prosecutions.
Section 334.245 - Abortions, only physicians to perform — violations, penalty.
Section 334.250 - Unlawful practice, fraudulent filing of license or identification, penalties.
Section 334.252 - Physicians prohibited referral to certain physical therapists, definitions.
Section 334.260 - Midwives licensed.
Section 334.400 - Definitions.
Section 334.406 - Temporary license issued, when, procedure.
Section 334.408 - Inactive license status granted, when — return to active status, procedure.
Section 334.412 - Licensure without examination permitted, when — reciprocal compacts permitted.
Section 334.416 - Renewal of certificate of registration, when, procedure, fee.
Section 334.418 - Certificate required to practice, not required, when.
Section 334.420 - Continuing education requirements, waiver of requirements, when.
Section 334.422 - Fees, deposit in board of registration for the healing arts fund, use of funds.
Section 334.426 - Hospitals may limit function of anesthesiologist assistants, procedure.
Section 334.428 - Anesthesiologist assistant, use of title permitted, when — penalty.
Section 334.500 - Definitions.
Section 334.507 - Continuing education requirements.
Section 334.510 - License required, effective when.
Section 334.520 - Board to license.
Section 334.525 - Inactive license status permitted, when, procedure.
Section 334.530 - Qualifications for license — examinations, scope.
Section 334.540 - License without examination, when — reciprocal agreements authorized.
Section 334.550 - Temporary license, issuance, fees.
Section 334.560 - Examination fees, reexamination.
Section 334.580 - Registration, fee.
Section 334.600 - Affidavit of retirement.
Section 334.601 - Fees to be set by board.
Section 334.602 - Patient record documentation requirements.
Section 334.610 - License to practice required, exceptions — unauthorized use of titles prohibited.
Section 334.611 - Examination not required, when.
Section 334.616 - Automatic revocation of licensure, when.
Section 334.617 - Injunction or restraining order authorized, when.
Section 334.618 - Investigation and filing of complaints for violations.
Section 334.620 - Short title.
Section 334.660 - Reciprocity with other states.
Section 334.665 - Temporary license — fee authorized — expires, when.
Section 334.670 - Examination fee.
Section 334.675 - Renewal of license, application, fee — display of license, requirements.
Section 334.680 - Fees deposited in state treasury.
Section 334.685 - Retirement of physical therapist assistant, affidavit.
Section 334.686 - Titles authorized.
Section 334.687 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 334.700 - Short title.
Section 334.702 - Definitions.
Section 334.703 - Referral to physician, when — limitations on scope of practice.
Section 334.704 - Athletic trainers required to be licensed.
Section 334.706 - Board of healing arts, powers and duties — rules and regulations, procedure.
Section 334.708 - Licensure, examination — reciprocity.
Section 334.710 - Licensure forms and fee — deposit of fees.
Section 334.712 - License issued, when — content.
Section 334.720 - Compensation of board members.
Section 334.725 - Violations, penalty.
Section 334.736 - Physician assistants, temporary license, requirements, fees, renewal.
Section 334.742 - Nonresident of Missouri may apply for licensure, requirements.
Section 334.743 - Rulemaking, procedure — rules effective, when, void, when.
Section 334.745 - Fees deposited in board of registration for the healing arts fund.
Section 334.746 - Staff for health care provider — certification.
Section 334.800 - Title of act — definitions.
Section 334.820 - License required — practice of medicine not authorized.
Section 334.860 - Promulgation of rules, authority.
Section 334.870 - Licensing requirements, background checks.
Section 334.880 - License renewal — inactive status.
Section 334.900 - Individuals and activities not limited by respiratory care practice act.
Section 334.920 - Board powers — disciplining and sanctions — violations, penalty.
Section 334.930 - Immunity from liability for emergency care.
Section 334.1135 - Joint task force established, members, duties, meetings — report.
Section 334.1203 - Definitions.
Section 334.1206 - State participation in the compact.
Section 334.1209 - Compact privilege.
Section 334.1212 - Active duty military personnel or their spouses
Section 334.1215 - Adverse actions.
Section 334.1218 - Establishment of the physical therapy compact commission.
Section 334.1221 - Data system.
Section 334.1224 - Rulemaking.
Section 334.1227 - Oversight, dispute resolution, and enforcement.