Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 334 - Physicians and Surgeons — Therapists — Athletic Trainers — Health Care Providers
Section 334.613 - Refusal to issue or renew a license, procedure — complaint may be filed, when, requirements for proceedings on — disciplinary action authorized.

Effective - 28 Aug 2020, 4 histories
334.613. Refusal to issue or renew a license, procedure — complaint may be filed, when, requirements for proceedings on — disciplinary action authorized. — 1. The board may refuse to issue or renew a license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant for one or any combination of causes stated in subsection 2 of this section. The board shall notify the applicant in writing of the reasons for the refusal and shall advise the applicant of the applicant's right to file a complaint with the administrative hearing commission as provided by chapter 621. As an alternative to a refusal to issue or renew a license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, the board may, at its discretion, issue a license which is subject to probation, restriction, or limitation to an applicant for licensure for any one or any combination of causes stated in subsection 2 of this section. The board's order of probation, limitation, or restriction shall contain a statement of the discipline imposed, the basis therefor, the date such action shall become effective, and a statement that the applicant has thirty days to request in writing a hearing before the administrative hearing commission. If the board issues a probationary, limited, or restricted license to an applicant for licensure, either party may file a written petition with the administrative hearing commission within thirty days of the effective date of the probationary, limited, or restricted license seeking review of the board's determination. If no written request for a hearing is received by the administrative hearing commission within the thirty-day period, the right to seek review of the board's decision shall be considered as waived.
2. The board may cause a complaint to be filed with the administrative hearing commission as provided by chapter 621 against any holder of a license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant who has failed to renew or has surrendered his or her license for any one or any combination of the following causes:
(1) Use of any controlled substance, as defined in chapter 195, or alcoholic beverage to an extent that such use impairs a person's ability to perform the work of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant;
(2) The person has been finally adjudicated and found guilty, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, in a criminal prosecution under the laws of any state, of the United States, or of any country, for any offense directly related to the duties and responsibilities of the occupation, as set forth in section 324.012, regardless of whether or not sentence is imposed;
(3) Use of fraud, deception, misrepresentation, or bribery in securing any certificate of registration or authority, permit, or license issued under this chapter or in obtaining permission to take any examination given or required under this chapter;
(4) Misconduct, fraud, misrepresentation, dishonesty, unethical conduct, or unprofessional conduct in the performance of the functions or duties of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, including but not limited to the following:
(a) Obtaining or attempting to obtain any fee, charge, tuition, or other compensation by fraud, deception, or misrepresentation; willfully and continually overcharging or overtreating patients; or charging for sessions of physical therapy which did not occur unless the services were contracted for in advance, or for services which were not rendered or documented in the patient's records;
(b) Attempting, directly or indirectly, by way of intimidation, coercion, or deception, to obtain or retain a patient or discourage the use of a second opinion or consultation;
(c) Willfully and continually performing inappropriate or unnecessary treatment or services;
(d) Delegating professional responsibilities to a person who is not qualified by training, skill, competency, age, experience, or licensure to perform such responsibilities;
(e) Misrepresenting that any disease, ailment, or infirmity can be cured by a method, procedure, treatment, medicine, or device;
(f) Performing services which have been declared by board rule to be of no physical therapy value;
(g) Final disciplinary action by any professional association, professional society, licensed hospital or medical staff of the hospital, or physical therapy facility in this or any other state or territory, whether agreed to voluntarily or not, and including but not limited to any removal, suspension, limitation, or restriction of the person's professional employment, malpractice, or any other violation of any provision of this chapter;
(h) Administering treatment without sufficient examination, or for other than medically accepted therapeutic or experimental or investigative purposes duly authorized by a state or federal agency, or not in the course of professional physical therapy practice;
(i) Engaging in or soliciting sexual relationships, whether consensual or nonconsensual, while a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant/patient relationship exists; making sexual advances, requesting sexual favors, or engaging in other verbal conduct or physical contact of a sexual nature with patients or clients;
(j) Terminating the care of a patient without adequate notice or without making other arrangements for the continued care of the patient;
(k) Failing to furnish details of a patient's physical therapy records to treating physicians, other physical therapists, or hospitals upon proper request; or failing to comply with any other law relating to physical therapy records;
(l) Failure of any applicant or licensee, other than the licensee subject to the investigation, to cooperate with the board during any investigation;
(m) Failure to comply with any subpoena or subpoena duces tecum from the board or an order of the board;
(n) Failure to timely pay license renewal fees specified in this chapter;
(o) Violating a probation agreement with this board or any other licensing agency;
(p) Failing to inform the board of the physical therapist's or physical therapist assistant's current telephone number, residence, and business address;
(q) Advertising by an applicant or licensee which is false or misleading, or which violates any rule of the board, or which claims without substantiation the positive cure of any disease, or professional superiority to or greater skill than that possessed by any other physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. An applicant or licensee shall also be in violation of this provision if the applicant or licensee has a financial interest in any organization, corporation, or association which issues or conducts such advertising;
(5) Any conduct or practice which is or might be harmful or dangerous to the mental or physical health of a patient or the public; or incompetency, gross negligence, or repeated negligence in the performance of the functions or duties of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. For the purposes of this subdivision, "repeated negligence" means the failure, on more than one occasion, to use that degree of skill and learning ordinarily used under the same or similar circumstances by the member of the applicant's or licensee's profession;
(6) Violation of, or attempting to violate, directly or indirectly, or assisting or enabling any person to violate, any provision of this chapter, or of any lawful rule adopted under this chapter;
(7) Impersonation of any person licensed as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant or allowing any person to use his or her license or diploma from any school;
(8) Revocation, suspension, restriction, modification, limitation, reprimand, warning, censure, probation, or other final disciplinary action against a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant for a license or other right to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant by another state, territory, federal agency or country, whether or not voluntarily agreed to by the licensee or applicant, including but not limited to the denial of licensure, surrender of the license, allowing the license to expire or lapse, or discontinuing or limiting the practice of physical therapy while subject to an investigation or while actually under investigation by any licensing authority, medical facility, branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, insurance company, court, agency of the state or federal government, or employer;
(9) A person is finally adjudged incapacitated or disabled by a court of competent jurisdiction;
(10) Assisting or enabling any person to practice or offer to practice who is not licensed and currently eligible to practice under this chapter; or knowingly performing any act which in any way aids, assists, procures, advises, or encourages any person to practice physical therapy who is not licensed and currently eligible to practice under this chapter;
(11) Issuance of a license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant based upon a material mistake of fact;
(12) Failure to display a valid license pursuant to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant;
(13) Knowingly making, or causing to be made, or aiding, or abetting in the making of, a false statement in any document executed in connection with the practice of physical therapy;
(14) Soliciting patronage in person or by agents or representatives, or by any other means or manner, under the person's own name or under the name of another person or concern, actual or pretended, in such a manner as to confuse, deceive, or mislead the public as to the need or necessity for or appropriateness of physical therapy services for all patients, or the qualifications of an individual person or persons to render, or perform physical therapy services;
(15) Using, or permitting the use of, the person's name under the designation of "physical therapist", "physiotherapist", "registered physical therapist", "P.T.", "Ph.T.", "P.T.T.", "D.P.T.", "M.P.T." or "R.P.T.", "physical therapist assistant", "P.T.A.", "L.P.T.A.", "C.P.T.A.", or any similar designation with reference to the commercial exploitation of any goods, wares or merchandise;
(16) Knowingly making or causing to be made a false statement or misrepresentation of a material fact, with intent to defraud, for payment under chapter 208 or chapter 630 or for payment from Title XVIII or Title XIX of the Social Security Act;
(17) Failure or refusal to properly guard against contagious, infectious, or communicable diseases or the spread thereof; maintaining an unsanitary facility or performing professional services under unsanitary conditions; or failure to report the existence of an unsanitary condition in any physical therapy facility to the board, in writing, within thirty days after the discovery thereof;
(18) Any candidate for licensure or person licensed to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant paying or offering to pay a referral fee or, notwithstanding section 334.010 to the contrary, practicing or offering to practice professional physical therapy independent of the prescription and direction of a person licensed and registered as a physician and surgeon under this chapter, as a physician assistant under this chapter, as a chiropractor under chapter 331, as a dentist under chapter 332, as a podiatrist under chapter 330, as an advanced practice registered nurse under chapter 335, or any licensed and registered physician, chiropractor, dentist, podiatrist, or advanced practice registered nurse practicing in another jurisdiction, whose license is in good standing;
(19) Any candidate for licensure or person licensed to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant treating or attempting to treat ailments or other health conditions of human beings other than by professional physical therapy and as authorized by sections 334.500 to 334.685;
(20) A pattern of personal use or consumption of any controlled substance unless it is prescribed, dispensed, or administered by a physician who is authorized by law to do so;
(21) Failing to maintain adequate patient records under section 334.602;
(22) Attempting to engage in conduct that subverts or undermines the integrity of the licensing examination or the licensing examination process, including but not limited to utilizing in any manner recalled or memorized licensing examination questions from or with any person or entity, failing to comply with all test center security procedures, communicating or attempting to communicate with any other examinees during the test, or copying or sharing licensing examination questions or portions of questions;
(23) Any candidate for licensure or person licensed to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant who requests, receives, participates or engages directly or indirectly in the division, transferring, assigning, rebating or refunding of fees received for professional services or profits by means of a credit or other valuable consideration such as wages, an unearned commission, discount or gratuity with any person who referred a patient, or with any relative or business associate of the referring person;
(24) Being unable to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reasons of incompetency, or because of illness, drunkenness, excessive use of drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or as a result of any mental or physical condition. The following shall apply to this subdivision:
(a) In enforcing this subdivision the board shall, after a hearing by the board, upon a finding of probable cause, require a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant to submit to a reexamination for the purpose of establishing his or her competency to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant conducted in accordance with rules adopted for this purpose by the board, including rules to allow the examination of the pattern and practice of such physical therapist's or physical therapist assistant's professional conduct, or to submit to a mental or physical examination or combination thereof by a facility or professional approved by the board;
(b) For the purpose of this subdivision, every physical therapist and physical therapist assistant licensed under this chapter is deemed to have consented to submit to a mental or physical examination when directed in writing by the board;
(c) In addition to ordering a physical or mental examination to determine competency, the board may, notwithstanding any other law limiting access to medical or other health data, obtain medical data and health records relating to a physical therapist, physical therapist assistant or applicant without the physical therapist's, physical therapist assistant's or applicant's consent;
(d) Written notice of the reexamination or the physical or mental examination shall be sent to the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, by registered mail, addressed to the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant at the physical therapist's or physical therapist assistant's last known address. Failure of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant to submit to the examination when directed shall constitute an admission of the allegations against the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, in which case the board may enter a final order without the presentation of evidence, unless the failure was due to circumstances beyond the physical therapist's or physical therapist assistant's control. A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant whose right to practice has been affected under this subdivision shall, at reasonable intervals, be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate that the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant can resume the competent practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant with reasonable skill and safety to patients;
(e) In any proceeding under this subdivision neither the record of proceedings nor the orders entered by the board shall be used against a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant in any other proceeding. Proceedings under this subdivision shall be conducted by the board without the filing of a complaint with the administrative hearing commission;
(f) When the board finds any person unqualified because of any of the grounds set forth in this subdivision, it may enter an order imposing one or more of the disciplinary measures set forth in subsection 3 of this section.
3. After the filing of such complaint before the administrative hearing commission, the proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 621. Upon a finding by the administrative hearing commission that the grounds provided in subsection 2 of this section for disciplinary action are met, the board may, singly or in combination:
(1) Warn, censure or place the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant named in the complaint on probation on such terms and conditions as the board deems appropriate for a period not to exceed ten years;
(2) Suspend the physical therapist's or physical therapist assistant's license for a period not to exceed three years;
(3) Restrict or limit the physical therapist's or physical therapist assistant's license for an indefinite period of time;
(4) Revoke the physical therapist's or physical therapist assistant's license;
(5) Administer a public or private reprimand;
(6) Deny the physical therapist's or physical therapist assistant's application for a license;
(7) Permanently withhold issuance of a license;
(8) Require the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant to submit to the care, counseling or treatment of physicians designated by the board at the expense of the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant to be examined;
(9) Require the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant to attend such continuing educational courses and pass such examinations as the board may direct.
4. In any order of revocation, the board may provide that the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant shall not apply for reinstatement of the physical therapist's or physical therapist assistant's license for a period of time ranging from two to seven years following the date of the order of revocation. All stay orders shall toll this time period.
5. Before restoring to good standing a license issued under this chapter which has been in a revoked, suspended, or inactive state for any cause for more than two years, the board may require the applicant to attend such continuing medical education courses and pass such examinations as the board may direct.
6. In any investigation, hearing or other proceeding to determine a physical therapist's, physical therapist assistant's or applicant's fitness to practice, any record relating to any patient of the physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, or applicant shall be discoverable by the board and admissible into evidence, regardless of any statutory or common law privilege which such physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, applicant, record custodian, or patient might otherwise invoke. In addition, no such physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, applicant, or record custodian may withhold records or testimony bearing upon a physical therapist's, physical therapist assistant's, or applicant's fitness to practice on the grounds of privilege between such physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, applicant, or record custodian and a patient.
(L. 2008 S.B. 788, A.L. 2010 H.B. 2226, et al., A.L. 2018 S.B. 975 & 1024 Revision, A.L. 2020 H.B. 2046)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXII - Occupations and Professions

Chapter 334 - Physicians and Surgeons — Therapists — Athletic Trainers — Health Care Providers

Section 334.001 - Open records subject to release — board disclosure of confidential information, when.

Section 334.002 - Inactive license status granted, when.

Section 334.010 - Unauthorized practice of medicine and surgery prohibited — practice of medicine across state lines, definition — sports-related medical services, inapplicability.

Section 334.020 - Board defined.

Section 334.021 - Reference to terms in prior laws, how construed — no hiring discrimination permitted based on medical degree held.

Section 334.031 - Qualifications of candidates for licenses.

Section 334.035 - Application for permanent license, postgraduate training requirement.

Section 334.036 - Assistant physicians — definitions — limitation on practice — licensure, rulemaking authority — collaborative practice arrangements — insurance reimbursement.

Section 334.037 - Assistant physicians, collaborative practice arrangements, requirements — rulemaking authority — identification badges required, when — prescriptive authority.

Section 334.038 - Assistant physicians, program to serve in medically underserved areas, requirements — fund created — grant eligibility — rulemaking authority.

Section 334.040 - Examination of applicants, how conducted, grades required, time limitations, extensions.

Section 334.043 - Reciprocity — reciprocal compacts — fee.

Section 334.044 - Gratuitous medical services, summer camps, physician licensed in other state may perform, when.

Section 334.045 - Temporary license granted, when, fee — conditional temporary license issued, when, limitations, expires when — no renewal.

Section 334.046 - Temporary license to teach for physicians, requirements — interns or residents from adjoining states may act in this state, requirements — waivers granted for temporarily licensed physicians seeking permanent license.

Section 334.047 - License to show degree held by licensee — use on stationery and displays required.

Section 334.050 - Board fund created, use — funds transferred to general revenue, when — examination and reexamination fees.

Section 334.070 - Issuance of certificates of registration to licensees, contents — relocation, notification required.

Section 334.073 - Continuing medical education on autism required.

Section 334.075 - Renewal of certificate, minimum continuing education requirement, exception, retired physicians.

Section 334.080 - Licensees to renew registration, when — application, content — failure to renew, effect.

Section 334.090 - Fees, amounts, how set.

Section 334.097 - Medical records, maintenance of, requirements, contents — corrections, additions, and changes.

Section 334.098 - Disposition of certain records.

Section 334.099 - Contested hearing, when, procedure — revocation of license, when — hearing to resume practice, when — rulemaking authority.

Section 334.100 - Denial, revocation or suspension of license, alternatives, grounds for — reinstatement provisions.

Section 334.101 - List, publication of all licensees and of persons whose licenses have been revoked, when — reports of disciplinary actions, exception, voluntary entrance into treatment programs.

Section 334.102 - Emergency suspension or restriction, when, procedure — removal from record, when — disciplinary proceedings permitted, when — judicial review, when.

Section 334.103 - Automatic revocation or reinstatement of license, grounds.

Section 334.104 - Collaborative practice arrangements, form, contents, delegation of authority — rules, approval, restrictions — disciplinary actions — notice of collaborative practice or physician assistant agreements to board, when — certain nurses...

Section 334.105 - Intractable pain treatment act — definitions.

Section 334.106 - Intractable pain treatment physician may prescribe controlled substances for therapeutic purposes, requirements — exceptions.

Section 334.107 - Improperly prescribing controlled substances and failure to keep required records grounds for license denial, suspension or revocation.

Section 334.108 - Telemedicine or internet prescriptions and treatment, establishment of physician-patient relationship required.

Section 334.110 - Retired licensees not required to register.

Section 334.112 - Limited license to practice medicine, requirements — limitations of practice.

Section 334.120 - Board created — members, appointment, qualifications, terms, compensation.

Section 334.123 - Organization of board — employment of executive director and employees — meetings — records as evidence — quorum.

Section 334.125 - Seal — regulations — offices — rulemaking, procedure, this chapter.

Section 334.127 - Subpoenas for witnesses, administration of oaths — enforcing subpoena, procedure.

Section 334.128 - Investigation and hearings, persons participating not to be liable for civil damages, when.

Section 334.150 - Treatments of ill excepted from regulation by this chapter.

Section 334.153 - Intervention pain management, practice of only by licensed physician, when — board to promulgate rules — expiration date.

Section 334.155 - Applicability of chapter.

Section 334.157 - Board to promulgate certain rules relating to vaccines and immunizations.

Section 334.160 - Right of school to recognition, how determined.

Section 334.170 - Issuance or acceptance of false diploma or certificate, misdemeanor.

Section 334.190 - Practice of midwifery limited.

Section 334.230 - Unlawful practices, injunction procedure.

Section 334.240 - Investigation and commencement of prosecutions.

Section 334.245 - Abortions, only physicians to perform — violations, penalty.

Section 334.250 - Unlawful practice, fraudulent filing of license or identification, penalties.

Section 334.252 - Physicians prohibited referral to certain physical therapists, definitions.

Section 334.253 - Physicians prohibited referral to certain physical therapists, when, financial relationship, defined — exceptions, effective when.

Section 334.260 - Midwives licensed.

Section 334.265 - Intoxicated person, motor vehicle accident, treatment for injuries, physician may report to law enforcement agencies, rule of confidentiality not to apply.

Section 334.285 - Maintenance of licensure or certification, requirement by state prohibited — definitions.

Section 334.400 - Definitions.

Section 334.402 - Anesthesiologist assistants, may assist in anesthesia care plan for patients, activities authorized and prohibited — identification, assistants and students — faculty members of anesthesia program, requirements.

Section 334.404 - Licensure, application, fee, contents — license duration — renewal — lost or stolen license, replacement of.

Section 334.406 - Temporary license issued, when, procedure.

Section 334.408 - Inactive license status granted, when — return to active status, procedure.

Section 334.410 - Retirement, affidavit to be filed with board — renewal of registration for resumption of practice.

Section 334.412 - Licensure without examination permitted, when — reciprocal compacts permitted.

Section 334.414 - Certificate of registration issued, when — rules promulgated by board — authority of board — complaint procedure — penalty.

Section 334.416 - Renewal of certificate of registration, when, procedure, fee.

Section 334.418 - Certificate required to practice, not required, when.

Section 334.420 - Continuing education requirements, waiver of requirements, when.

Section 334.422 - Fees, deposit in board of registration for the healing arts fund, use of funds.

Section 334.424 - Supervision required by anesthesiologist, limitations — written practice protocol required.

Section 334.426 - Hospitals may limit function of anesthesiologist assistants, procedure.

Section 334.428 - Anesthesiologist assistant, use of title permitted, when — penalty.

Section 334.430 - Advisory commission for anesthesiologist assistants established, duties, members, qualifications, terms, vacancies, compensation, annual meetings.

Section 334.500 - Definitions.

Section 334.506 - Physical therapists may provide certain services without prescription or direction of an approved health care provider, when — limitations.

Section 334.507 - Continuing education requirements.

Section 334.510 - License required, effective when.

Section 334.520 - Board to license.

Section 334.525 - Inactive license status permitted, when, procedure.

Section 334.530 - Qualifications for license — examinations, scope.

Section 334.540 - License without examination, when — reciprocal agreements authorized.

Section 334.550 - Temporary license, issuance, fees.

Section 334.560 - Examination fees, reexamination.

Section 334.570 - Certificate of registration — notice to renew — fees — display of certificate, requirements.

Section 334.580 - Registration, fee.

Section 334.600 - Affidavit of retirement.

Section 334.601 - Fees to be set by board.

Section 334.602 - Patient record documentation requirements.

Section 334.610 - License to practice required, exceptions — unauthorized use of titles prohibited.

Section 334.611 - Examination not required, when.

Section 334.612 - Complaints by persons incarcerated, no documentation or disciplinary action permitted, when — destruction of records permitted, when.

Section 334.613 - Refusal to issue or renew a license, procedure — complaint may be filed, when, requirements for proceedings on — disciplinary action authorized.

Section 334.614 - Licensed physical therapists, board to publish list of and make a report on disciplinary actions available to the public.

Section 334.615 - Clear and present danger, information to be brought to board — sanctioning authority — hearing required, when, procedure.

Section 334.616 - Automatic revocation of licensure, when.

Section 334.617 - Injunction or restraining order authorized, when.

Section 334.618 - Investigation and filing of complaints for violations.

Section 334.620 - Short title.

Section 334.625 - Advisory commission for physical therapists created — powers and duties — appointment, terms, expenses, compensation, staff, meetings, quorum.

Section 334.650 - Physical therapist assistant, license required — supervision by licensed physical therapist.

Section 334.655 - Physical therapist assistant, educational requirements — board examination, applications — written examination — examination topics — examination not required, when.

Section 334.660 - Reciprocity with other states.

Section 334.665 - Temporary license — fee authorized — expires, when.

Section 334.670 - Examination fee.

Section 334.675 - Renewal of license, application, fee — display of license, requirements.

Section 334.680 - Fees deposited in state treasury.

Section 334.685 - Retirement of physical therapist assistant, affidavit.

Section 334.686 - Titles authorized.

Section 334.687 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 334.700 - Short title.

Section 334.702 - Definitions.

Section 334.703 - Referral to physician, when — limitations on scope of practice.

Section 334.704 - Athletic trainers required to be licensed.

Section 334.706 - Board of healing arts, powers and duties — rules and regulations, procedure.

Section 334.708 - Licensure, examination — reciprocity.

Section 334.710 - Licensure forms and fee — deposit of fees.

Section 334.712 - License issued, when — content.

Section 334.715 - Refusal to issue or renew license, grounds, alternatives — complaint procedure — reinstatement, procedure.

Section 334.717 - Missouri athletic trainer advisory committee, appointment — duties — members, qualifications, terms, vacancies.

Section 334.720 - Compensation of board members.

Section 334.721 - Athletic trainers not to be construed as practicing medicine — persons exempt from registration provision.

Section 334.725 - Violations, penalty.

Section 334.735 - Definitions — scope of practice — prohibited activities — board of healing arts to administer licensing program — duties and liability of physicians — collaborative practice arrangement requirements.

Section 334.736 - Physician assistants, temporary license, requirements, fees, renewal.

Section 334.737 - Certifying entity to register with department — information required — approval or termination of certification after review and public hearing.

Section 334.738 - License, application, form, fee, not refundable — requirements — license issued, when — destroyed license replacement, fee.

Section 334.740 - Title of licensed profession — used only by licensed persons — service may be performed without licensure, when — violation, penalty.

Section 334.741 - Revocation or suspension, notice to department, requirement — list of licensed persons to be available.

Section 334.742 - Nonresident of Missouri may apply for licensure, requirements.

Section 334.743 - Rulemaking, procedure — rules effective, when, void, when.

Section 334.745 - Fees deposited in board of registration for the healing arts fund.

Section 334.746 - Staff for health care provider — certification.

Section 334.747 - Prescribing controlled substances authorized, when — collaborating physicians — certification.

Section 334.748 - Physician assistant, notice required to be posted that assistant is serving — hospital may limit assistant's activities.

Section 334.749 - Advisory commission for physician assistants, established, responsibilities — appointments to commission, members — compensation — annual meeting, elections.

Section 334.800 - Title of act — definitions.

Section 334.810 - Practice of respiratory care, definition — practice, where — practice, special training required, when — rules and regulations, authority to promulgate.

Section 334.820 - License required — practice of medicine not authorized.

Section 334.830 - Missouri board for respiratory care created, members, appointment — terms — physician member — public member — hospital administrator member — respiratory therapist member — removal of a member.

Section 334.840 - Board chairperson elected, vice chairperson — rules and regulations, adoption by board — compensation and expenses.

Section 334.850 - Personnel provided through division of professional registration, duties — rulemaking.

Section 334.860 - Promulgation of rules, authority.

Section 334.870 - Licensing requirements, background checks.

Section 334.880 - License renewal — inactive status.

Section 334.890 - Six-month education permit, requirements — supervision required, when — conditional permit issued, when.

Section 334.900 - Individuals and activities not limited by respiratory care practice act.

Section 334.910 - Complaints received by the board, investigation, subpoenas, petitions, filing complaint with administrative hearing commission.

Section 334.920 - Board powers — disciplining and sanctions — violations, penalty.

Section 334.930 - Immunity from liability for emergency care.

Section 334.950 - Collaboration between providers and medical resource centers — definitions — recommendations — rulemaking authority, SAFE CARE providers.

Section 334.1135 - Joint task force established, members, duties, meetings — report.

Section 334.1200 - Purpose.

Section 334.1203 - Definitions.

Section 334.1206 - State participation in the compact.

Section 334.1209 - Compact privilege.

Section 334.1212 - Active duty military personnel or their spouses

Section 334.1215 - Adverse actions.

Section 334.1218 - Establishment of the physical therapy compact commission.

Section 334.1221 - Data system.

Section 334.1224 - Rulemaking.

Section 334.1227 - Oversight, dispute resolution, and enforcement.

Section 334.1230 - Date of implementation of the interstate commission for physical therapy practice and associated rules, withdrawal, and amendment.

Section 334.1233 - Construction and severability.