Effective - 28 Aug 2011
333.171. Board meetings — notice — seal. — The board shall hold at least two regular meetings each year for the purpose of administering examinations at times and places fixed by the board. Other meetings shall be held at the times fixed by regulations of the board or on the call of the chairman of the board. Notice of the time and place of each regular or special meeting shall be mailed by the executive secretary to each member of the board at least five days before the date of the meeting. The board may adopt and use a common seal.
(L. 1965 p. 522 § 17, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 2011 H.B. 265 merged with S.B. 325)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXII - Occupations and Professions
Chapter 333 - Embalmers and Funeral Directors
Section 333.011 - Definitions.
Section 333.021 - Unlicensed person not to engage in practice of embalming or funeral directing.
Section 333.031 - Application for license — fees — examination.
Section 333.051 - Reciprocity, test required.
Section 333.071 - Business to be conducted where.
Section 333.081 - License renewal, fee — failure to renew, effect — business address required.
Section 333.091 - License to be displayed.
Section 333.101 - Places of business may be inspected.
Section 333.111 - Rules and regulations of board, procedure — fees, how set.
Section 333.151 - Board members — qualifications — terms — vacancies.
Section 333.161 - Board members to take oath.
Section 333.171 - Board meetings — notice — seal.
Section 333.181 - Officers of board.
Section 333.201 - Examinations, notice, published, when.
Section 333.221 - Compensation of board members — board may employ personnel.
Section 333.231 - Fund created, use, funds transferred to general revenue, when.
Section 333.251 - Application of law.
Section 333.261 - Violations are misdemeanors.
Section 333.310 - Applicability of law.