Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 333 - Embalmers and Funeral Directors
Section 333.145 - Written statement of charges, required when, content — merchandise prices to be indicated.

Effective - 28 Aug 1981
333.145. Written statement of charges, required when, content — merchandise prices to be indicated. — 1. Every funeral firm in this state or the funeral service licensee thereof shall give or cause to be given to the person or persons making funeral arrangements or arranging for the disposition of a dead human body, at the time such arrangements are completed and prior to the time of rendering the service or providing the merchandise, a written statement signed by the purchaser or purchasers or their legal representatives, and a representative of the funeral establishment, showing to the extent then known:
(1) The price of the service that the person or persons have selected and what is included therein;
(2) The price of each of the supplemental items of service or merchandise requested;
(3) The amount involved for each of the items for which the firm will advance moneys as an accommodation to the family;
(4) The method of payment.
2. A funeral establishment shall not bill or cause to be billed any item that is referred to as a "cash advance" item unless the net amount paid for such item or items by the funeral establishment is the same as is billed by the funeral establishment.
3. All merchandise displayed in or by funeral establishments in this state shall have the price of the merchandise and included services, if any, clearly marked or indicated on the merchandise at all times.
(L. 1981 S.B. 16)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXII - Occupations and Professions

Chapter 333 - Embalmers and Funeral Directors

Section 333.011 - Definitions.

Section 333.021 - Unlicensed person not to engage in practice of embalming or funeral directing.

Section 333.031 - Application for license — fees — examination.

Section 333.041 - Qualifications of applicants — examinations — licenses — board may waive requirements in certain cases.

Section 333.042 - Application and examination fees for funeral directors, apprenticeship requirements — limited license only for cremation — exemptions from apprenticeship.

Section 333.051 - Reciprocity, test required.

Section 333.061 - No funeral establishment to be operated by unlicensed person — license requirements, application procedure — license may be suspended or revoked or not renewed.

Section 333.071 - Business to be conducted where.

Section 333.081 - License renewal, fee — failure to renew, effect — business address required.

Section 333.091 - License to be displayed.

Section 333.101 - Places of business may be inspected.

Section 333.111 - Rules and regulations of board, procedure — fees, how set.

Section 333.145 - Written statement of charges, required when, content — merchandise prices to be indicated.

Section 333.151 - Board members — qualifications — terms — vacancies.

Section 333.161 - Board members to take oath.

Section 333.171 - Board meetings — notice — seal.

Section 333.181 - Officers of board.

Section 333.201 - Examinations, notice, published, when.

Section 333.221 - Compensation of board members — board may employ personnel.

Section 333.231 - Fund created, use, funds transferred to general revenue, when.

Section 333.251 - Application of law.

Section 333.261 - Violations are misdemeanors.

Section 333.310 - Applicability of law.

Section 333.315 - Provider license required — application procedure — renewal of licensure — expiration of license.

Section 333.320 - Seller license required — application procedure — renewal of licensure — expiration of license.

Section 333.325 - Registration as a preneed agent required — application procedure — renewal of registration — expiration of registration.

Section 333.330 - Refusal of registration, when — complaint procedure — injunctive relief authorized, when — reapplication after revocation, when.

Section 333.335 - Injunctive relief authorized, when.

Section 333.340 - Rulemaking authority — fees.