Effective - 28 Aug 1947
321.060. Filing fee. — There shall be filed with the petition, or petitions, a filing fee in the amount of one hundred dollars to cover the payment of court costs.
(L. 1947 V. I p. 432 § 7)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXI - Public Safety and Morals
Chapter 321 - Fire Protection Districts
Section 321.010 - Definitions — election procedure.
Section 321.020 - Circuit court may establish districts.
Section 321.030 - Petition required for organization of fire district — who to sign.
Section 321.040 - Contents of petition.
Section 321.050 - Amendment of petition — similar petitions or duplicates.
Section 321.070 - Publication of notice of hearing — fixing time and place.
Section 321.080 - Jurisdiction of proceedings — judge owning property not disqualified.
Section 321.090 - Protesting petition may be filed — who to sign — contents.
Section 321.100 - Hearing — adjudication — corporate powers.
Section 321.110 - Dismissal of proceedings — costs — review.
Section 321.130 - Directors, qualifications — candidate filing fee, oath.
Section 321.150 - Filing of copies of findings and decrees incorporating district.
Section 321.160 - Board members to file oaths of office — surety bonds.
Section 321.162 - Educational training required for board of directors.
Section 321.170 - Board to select officers — seal — records.
Section 321.180 - Treasurer's duties — file bond — make annual financial statement.
Section 321.210 - Election and terms of directors — filing fee.
Section 321.220 - Powers of board — employee benefits plan.
Section 321.221 - Municipality purchasing fire protection, annual payments, how computed.
Section 321.230 - Power to levy and collect ad valorem taxes.
Section 321.240 - Tax levy, election, when — form of ballot.
Section 321.241 - Additional tax levy, when — form of ballot.
Section 321.244 - Reduced tax levy may be increased to maximum limits, by elections, ballot form.
Section 321.245 - Personnel and equipment required for dispatching center.
Section 321.250 - Board to certify rate of levy to county commission.
Section 321.260 - Matters considered when certifying annual levies — additional levies.
Section 321.270 - Duty to levy and collect taxes — delinquent taxes constitute a lien.
Section 321.280 - Property may be sold for nonpayment of taxes.
Section 321.290 - Reserve fund, taxes for.
Section 321.302 - Recording of boundary extension, duties — fees.
Section 321.310 - Exclusion of property from district on petition of property owners.
Section 321.320 - Property in city of 40,000 inhabitants not wholly within district, to be excluded.
Section 321.330 - Property not to be subject to taxes, when.
Section 321.340 - Bonds of district.
Section 321.350 - Election to vote on issuing bonds or creating indebtedness.
Section 321.360 - Form of ballot.
Section 321.370 - Results of election to be announced.
Section 321.380 - Percentage necessary to create indebtedness — subsequent submission.
Section 321.390 - Petition for dissolution of district — submission of question.
Section 321.400 - Circuit court may call for an election to determine dissolution of district.
Section 321.410 - Effect of dissolution — appointment of trustee.
Section 321.430 - Prior obligations remain valid.
Section 321.440 - When notice not given as required, procedure of court.
Section 321.450 - Cases arising under this chapter to be advanced on docket — courts always open.
Section 321.465 - Consolidated district, status — transfer of assets and liabilities.
Section 321.470 - Recording of order of consolidation — fee (constitutional charter counties).
Section 321.490 - Initiative and referendum authorized.
Section 321.495 - Form of petition.
Section 321.506 - Fire district may contract with private provider — ballot.
Section 321.556 - Repeal of sales tax, procedure, exceptions — ballot language.
Section 321.688 - Consolidation of districts — ballot language — effect of.
Section 321.700 - Dissolution of district, funds distributed to city, when.
Section 321.701 - Members of board subject to recall — exceptions.
Section 321.707 - Petition for recall, content.
Section 321.709 - Affidavit to be attached to each section of the petition — content.
Section 321.716 - Laws governing recall election, costs, how paid.