Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 30 - State Treasurer
Section 30.200 - Treasurer's checks valid for twelve months — duplicates — treasurer to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

Effective - 28 Aug 1988
30.200. Treasurer's checks valid for twelve months — duplicates — treasurer to cooperate with law enforcement agencies. — 1. Outstanding checks or drafts drawn by the treasurer, if not presented for payment within twelve months from the date of issuance, shall be void and the state treasurer shall print or cause to be printed upon all checks, drafts or evidence of payment due, the following:
"Void if not presented for payment within twelve months from the date of issue."
­­All moneys set aside to pay any outstanding check or draft which has not been presented for payment as required by this section shall be transferred to the general revenue fund. Any person who fails to present his check or draft for payment within twelve months from the date of issuance may receive a duplicate check or draft if he files a statement with the state treasurer of the reason for the nonpayment and obtains an appropriation made for that purpose as provided by law. A duplicate check or draft may be issued against a general appropriation for that purpose within five years immediately following the date of issuance of the original check or draft. Whenever a check or draft of the treasurer is paid by a depositary on a forged endorsement, upon the return of this money to the state, the treasurer may issue a new check provided the old check or draft is returned to the state treasurer.
2. The treasurer is authorized to cooperate with all state and federal law enforcement agencies, all prosecuting attorneys and the circuit attorney of the city of St. Louis, or federal postal authorities, for the purpose of investigating any and all irregularities or alleged forgeries of checks or drafts issued by him. The cooperation may include the granting of temporary custody of all pertinent checks and records to state or federal law enforcement agencies, prosecuting attorneys and the circuit attorney of the city of St. Louis, or federal postal authorities, if in the discretion of the treasurer cooperation is necessary to accomplish a proper investigation.
(L. 1945 p. 1977 § 13, A. 1949 S.B. 1013, A.L. 1976 H.B. 1254, A.L. 1983 H.B. 389, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1260)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title IV - Executive Branch

Chapter 30 - State Treasurer

Section 30.005 - State treasurer, term of office, term begins, when.

Section 30.010 - Salary of treasurer.

Section 30.020 - Bond — approval.

Section 30.030 - Bond not approved, forfeiture of office — governor to take possession.

Section 30.040 - Oath of office — bond — penalty for noncompliance.

Section 30.050 - Governor to examine bond — may require new bond.

Section 30.060 - Vacancy — governor's duties.

Section 30.070 - Vacancy — governor to fill.

Section 30.080 - Vacated office — accounts settled.

Section 30.090 - Certificate of settlement to persons entitled thereto.

Section 30.100 - Duplicate certificates — one to governor.

Section 30.110 - Certificate — action of general assembly.

Section 30.120 - Treasurer to appoint assistant treasurer and other clerical employees — fix compensation — liable for acts of assistant treasurer.

Section 30.130 - Liability of bond surety.

Section 30.140 - Seal.

Section 30.150 - Treasurer may administer oath.

Section 30.160 - Duplicate receipts — one to commissioner of administration.

Section 30.170 - State moneys, withdrawal from depositaries and disbursal — accounts.

Section 30.180 - Warrants, how paid.

Section 30.200 - Treasurer's checks valid for twelve months — duplicates — treasurer to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

Section 30.205 - Signature of treasurer may be printed by data processing system on checks and drafts — security measures to be taken.

Section 30.210 - Treasurer to have access to books of other offices.

Section 30.230 - Immediate deposit in demand deposits.

Section 30.240 - Moneys and credits, how held and disbursed — interest, how credited.

Section 30.245 - Central check mailing fund created — treasurer to administer.

Section 30.250 - Contract with depositary, terms and conditions.

Section 30.255 - Deposit of funds, duties.

Section 30.260 - Investment policy required — time and demand deposits — investments — interest rates.

Section 30.270 - Security for safekeeping of state funds.

Section 30.280 - Accounts, how kept.

Section 30.286 - Authority to enter into agreements for certain services.

Section 30.290 - Liability of treasurer and depositaries.

Section 30.300 - Reports of treasurer and depositaries to governor, when — governor to compare.

Section 30.330 - Official records, retention and destruction, duties.

Section 30.350 - Monthly reports to commissioner of administration.

Section 30.360 - Quarterly statements.

Section 30.370 - Report to general assembly.

Section 30.380 - Failure to report — penalty.

Section 30.390 - Failure of depositary to make proper statement — penalty.

Section 30.400 - Treasurer not to loan money — penalty — attorney general to prosecute.

Section 30.410 - Refusal to pay lawful warrant — penalty.

Section 30.440 - No deposits in bank in which officers hold stock.

Section 30.500 - Transition funds and facilities for treasurer.

Section 30.505 - Treasurer's transition period defined.

Section 30.510 - Transition facilities to be provided for treasurer.

Section 30.600 - Certain business documents deemed closed records.

Section 30.605 - State treasurer's general operations fund created, use of moneys.

Section 30.610 - Treasurer's information fund established, purpose — transfer of balance, annual report.

Section 30.750 - Definitions.

Section 30.753 - Treasurer's authority to invest in linked deposits, limitations.

Section 30.756 - Lending institution receiving linked deposits, requirements and limitations — false statements as to use for loan, penalty — eligible student borrowers — eligibility, student renewal loans, repayment method — priority for reduced-rat...

Section 30.758 - Loan package acceptance or rejection — loan agreement requirements — linked deposit at reduced market interest rate, when.

Section 30.760 - Loans to be at fixed rate of interest set by rules — records of loans to be segregated — penalty for violations — state treasurer, powers and duties.

Section 30.763 - Linked deposit review committee established — members, appointment, qualifications — meetings, quorum — duties and powers — reports, due when.

Section 30.765 - State and state treasurer not liable on loans — default on a loan not to affect deposit agreement with state.

Section 30.800 - Definitions.

Section 30.810 - Application of linked deposits law.

Section 30.820 - Limitations on linked deposit loans.

Section 30.830 - Program funding limitation.

Section 30.840 - Renewal.

Section 30.850 - Use of proceeds.

Section 30.860 - Development facilities and renewable fuel production facilities, certificates of qualifications issued, when — factors considered — rulemaking authority.

Section 30.900 - Revenue sharing trust fund created — appropriations from, period of, limitations on — fund audited, how.

Section 30.950 - Definitions — written investment policy required — state treasurer's duty.

Section 30.1010 - Fund created, moneys to be deposited in fund.

Section 30.1014 - Fund created, moneys to be deposited in fund.

Section 30.1015 - Federal funds, authority of state treasurer to create and redesignate funds.