Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 30 - State Treasurer
Section 30.180 - Warrants, how paid.

Effective - 28 Aug 1990
30.180. Warrants, how paid. — Whenever a warrant is presented to the state treasurer, he shall certify it for payment from a designated depositary of state funds if the warrant is properly drawn against a legal appropriation, and does not exceed the amount thereof.
(RSMo 1939 § 13054, A.L. 1945 p. 1977 § 20, A.L. 1957 p. 484, A.L. 1957 p. 493, A.L. 1990 S.B. 838)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11429; 1919 § 13335; 1909 § 11836

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title IV - Executive Branch

Chapter 30 - State Treasurer

Section 30.005 - State treasurer, term of office, term begins, when.

Section 30.010 - Salary of treasurer.

Section 30.020 - Bond — approval.

Section 30.030 - Bond not approved, forfeiture of office — governor to take possession.

Section 30.040 - Oath of office — bond — penalty for noncompliance.

Section 30.050 - Governor to examine bond — may require new bond.

Section 30.060 - Vacancy — governor's duties.

Section 30.070 - Vacancy — governor to fill.

Section 30.080 - Vacated office — accounts settled.

Section 30.090 - Certificate of settlement to persons entitled thereto.

Section 30.100 - Duplicate certificates — one to governor.

Section 30.110 - Certificate — action of general assembly.

Section 30.120 - Treasurer to appoint assistant treasurer and other clerical employees — fix compensation — liable for acts of assistant treasurer.

Section 30.130 - Liability of bond surety.

Section 30.140 - Seal.

Section 30.150 - Treasurer may administer oath.

Section 30.160 - Duplicate receipts — one to commissioner of administration.

Section 30.170 - State moneys, withdrawal from depositaries and disbursal — accounts.

Section 30.180 - Warrants, how paid.

Section 30.200 - Treasurer's checks valid for twelve months — duplicates — treasurer to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

Section 30.205 - Signature of treasurer may be printed by data processing system on checks and drafts — security measures to be taken.

Section 30.210 - Treasurer to have access to books of other offices.

Section 30.230 - Immediate deposit in demand deposits.

Section 30.240 - Moneys and credits, how held and disbursed — interest, how credited.

Section 30.245 - Central check mailing fund created — treasurer to administer.

Section 30.250 - Contract with depositary, terms and conditions.

Section 30.255 - Deposit of funds, duties.

Section 30.260 - Investment policy required — time and demand deposits — investments — interest rates.

Section 30.270 - Security for safekeeping of state funds.

Section 30.280 - Accounts, how kept.

Section 30.286 - Authority to enter into agreements for certain services.

Section 30.290 - Liability of treasurer and depositaries.

Section 30.300 - Reports of treasurer and depositaries to governor, when — governor to compare.

Section 30.330 - Official records, retention and destruction, duties.

Section 30.350 - Monthly reports to commissioner of administration.

Section 30.360 - Quarterly statements.

Section 30.370 - Report to general assembly.

Section 30.380 - Failure to report — penalty.

Section 30.390 - Failure of depositary to make proper statement — penalty.

Section 30.400 - Treasurer not to loan money — penalty — attorney general to prosecute.

Section 30.410 - Refusal to pay lawful warrant — penalty.

Section 30.440 - No deposits in bank in which officers hold stock.

Section 30.500 - Transition funds and facilities for treasurer.

Section 30.505 - Treasurer's transition period defined.

Section 30.510 - Transition facilities to be provided for treasurer.

Section 30.600 - Certain business documents deemed closed records.

Section 30.605 - State treasurer's general operations fund created, use of moneys.

Section 30.610 - Treasurer's information fund established, purpose — transfer of balance, annual report.

Section 30.750 - Definitions.

Section 30.753 - Treasurer's authority to invest in linked deposits, limitations.

Section 30.756 - Lending institution receiving linked deposits, requirements and limitations — false statements as to use for loan, penalty — eligible student borrowers — eligibility, student renewal loans, repayment method — priority for reduced-rat...

Section 30.758 - Loan package acceptance or rejection — loan agreement requirements — linked deposit at reduced market interest rate, when.

Section 30.760 - Loans to be at fixed rate of interest set by rules — records of loans to be segregated — penalty for violations — state treasurer, powers and duties.

Section 30.763 - Linked deposit review committee established — members, appointment, qualifications — meetings, quorum — duties and powers — reports, due when.

Section 30.765 - State and state treasurer not liable on loans — default on a loan not to affect deposit agreement with state.

Section 30.800 - Definitions.

Section 30.810 - Application of linked deposits law.

Section 30.820 - Limitations on linked deposit loans.

Section 30.830 - Program funding limitation.

Section 30.840 - Renewal.

Section 30.850 - Use of proceeds.

Section 30.860 - Development facilities and renewable fuel production facilities, certificates of qualifications issued, when — factors considered — rulemaking authority.

Section 30.900 - Revenue sharing trust fund created — appropriations from, period of, limitations on — fund audited, how.

Section 30.950 - Definitions — written investment policy required — state treasurer's duty.

Section 30.1010 - Fund created, moneys to be deposited in fund.

Section 30.1014 - Fund created, moneys to be deposited in fund.

Section 30.1015 - Federal funds, authority of state treasurer to create and redesignate funds.