Effective - 28 Aug 1945
29.070. Examiners — oath and bond. — Every examiner appointed by the state auditor shall, before entering upon the duties of his appointment, take and file in the office of the secretary of state an oath to support the constitution of the state, to faithfully demean himself in office, to make fair and impartial examinations, and that he will not accept as presents or emoluments any pay, directly or indirectly, for the discharge of any act in the line of his duty other than the remuneration fixed and accorded to him by law, and that he will not reveal the condition of any office examined by him or any information secured in the course of any examination of any office to anyone except the state auditor, and every examiner shall enter into a bond, payable to the state of Missouri, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, to be approved by the state auditor and deposited in the office of the state treasurer conditioned that he will faithfully perform his duties as such examiner, and in case any such examiner shall knowingly report any officer as being a defaulter or as not being a defaulter, and knowing the same to be otherwise, and any person be injured thereby, such person shall have a right of action on such bond for his injuries; such action shall be brought in the name of the state and at the relation of the injured party.
(RSMo 1939 § 13101, A.L. 1945 p. 584 § 30)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11485; 1919 § 13309
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Section 29.010 - Salary of auditor.
Section 29.015 - State auditor, term of office, term begins, when.
Section 29.020 - Oath of office and bond — penalty.
Section 29.030 - Bond — approved and filed.
Section 29.040 - Deputy state auditor — oath and appointment.
Section 29.050 - Surety company on bond responsible for acts of deputy state auditor.
Section 29.060 - Appointment of other employees.
Section 29.070 - Examiners — oath and bond.
Section 29.080 - Examiners — violation of oath — penalty.
Section 29.100 - Rules and regulations — promulgation, procedure.
Section 29.110 - Auditor may administer oath.
Section 29.130 - Free access to other offices.
Section 29.170 - To furnish forms for reports of county officers.
Section 29.185 - Conducting of audits, requirements.
Section 29.205 - Power to audit school districts.
Section 29.210 - To audit state transportation department — expenses of, how paid.
Section 29.216 - Public employee retirement and health care systems, audit of, when.
Section 29.221 - Reports of improper governmental activities, auditor's duties.
Section 29.235 - Authority of auditor and authorized agents.
Section 29.240 - Continuous audit of accounts in commissioner of administration's office.
Section 29.260 - Officers to have recourse to law.
Section 29.280 - Vacancy — governor to fill.
Section 29.351 - Audit of state auditor's office, when — procedure — cost, how paid.
Section 29.380 - Solid waste management districts, authority to audit, when.
Section 29.400 - Transition funds and facilities for auditor.
Section 29.405 - Auditor's transition period defined.
Section 29.410 - Transition facilities to be provided for auditor.