Effective - 28 Aug 2013
29.005. Definitions. — As used in this chapter, the following terms mean:
(1) "Accounting system", the total structure of records and procedures which discover, record, classify, and report information on the financial position and operating results of a governmental unit or any of its funds, balanced account groups, and organizational components;
(2) "Audit", an independent, objective assessment of the stewardship, performance, or cost of government policies, programs, or operations, depending upon the type and scope of the audit. All audits shall conform to the standards established by the comptroller general of the United States for audits of government entities, organizations, programs, activities, and functions as presented in the publication Government Auditing Standards;
(3) "Federal agency", any department, agency, or instrumentality of the federal government and any federally owned or controlled corporation;
(4) "Financial audits", audits providing an independent assessment of whether an entity's reported financial information is presented fairly in accordance with recognized criteria. Financial audits shall consist of the following:
(a) Financial statement audits that shall:
a. Provide or disclaim an opinion about whether an entity's financial statements are presented fairly in all material respects in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States or with another applicable financial reporting framework; or
b. Report on internal control deficiencies and on compliance with provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, as those controls and provisions relate to financial transactions, systems, and processes; or
(b) Other financial audits of various scopes which may include, but not be limited to:
a. Reporting on specified elements, accounts, or items of a financial statement; and
b. Auditing compliance with requirements related to federal award expenditures and other governmental financial assistance in conjunction with a financial statement audit;
(5) "Internal control", the plans, policies, methods, and procedures used to meet an entity's or organization's mission, goals, and objectives. Internal control shall include the processes and procedures for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling operations, as well as management's system for measuring, reporting, and monitoring performance;
(6) "Performance audits", audits that provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of sufficient, appropriate evidence against identified criteria. Performance audit objectives shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) Effectiveness and results. This objective may measure the extent to which an entity, organization, activity, program, or function is achieving its goals and objectives;
(b) Economy and efficiency. This objective shall assess the costs and resources used to achieve results of an entity, organization, activity, program, or function;
(c) Internal control. This objective shall assess one or more components of an entity's internal control system, which is designed to provide reasonable assurance of achieving effective and efficient operations, reliable financial and performance reporting, or compliance with applicable legal requirements; and
(d) Compliance. This objective shall assess compliance with criteria established by provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements or by other requirements that could affect the acquisition, protection, use, and disposition of an entity's resources and the quantity, quality, timeliness, and cost of services the entity produces and delivers;
(7) "State agency", any department, institution, board, commission, committee, division, bureau, officer, or official which shall include any institution of higher education, mental or specialty hospital, community college, or circuit court and divisions of the circuit court.
(L. 2013 H.B. 116)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Section 29.010 - Salary of auditor.
Section 29.015 - State auditor, term of office, term begins, when.
Section 29.020 - Oath of office and bond — penalty.
Section 29.030 - Bond — approved and filed.
Section 29.040 - Deputy state auditor — oath and appointment.
Section 29.050 - Surety company on bond responsible for acts of deputy state auditor.
Section 29.060 - Appointment of other employees.
Section 29.070 - Examiners — oath and bond.
Section 29.080 - Examiners — violation of oath — penalty.
Section 29.100 - Rules and regulations — promulgation, procedure.
Section 29.110 - Auditor may administer oath.
Section 29.130 - Free access to other offices.
Section 29.170 - To furnish forms for reports of county officers.
Section 29.185 - Conducting of audits, requirements.
Section 29.205 - Power to audit school districts.
Section 29.210 - To audit state transportation department — expenses of, how paid.
Section 29.216 - Public employee retirement and health care systems, audit of, when.
Section 29.221 - Reports of improper governmental activities, auditor's duties.
Section 29.235 - Authority of auditor and authorized agents.
Section 29.240 - Continuous audit of accounts in commissioner of administration's office.
Section 29.260 - Officers to have recourse to law.
Section 29.280 - Vacancy — governor to fill.
Section 29.351 - Audit of state auditor's office, when — procedure — cost, how paid.
Section 29.380 - Solid waste management districts, authority to audit, when.
Section 29.400 - Transition funds and facilities for auditor.
Section 29.405 - Auditor's transition period defined.
Section 29.410 - Transition facilities to be provided for auditor.