Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 287 - Workers' Compensation Law
Section 287.220 - Compensation and payment of compensation for disability — second injury fund created, services covered, actuarial studies required — failure of employer to insure, penalty — records open to public, when — concurrent employers, effec...

Effective - 28 Aug 2021, 2 histories
287.220. Compensation and payment of compensation for disability — second injury fund created, services covered, actuarial studies required — failure of employer to insure, penalty — records open to public, when — concurrent employers, effect — priority of payment of liabilities of fund, exceptions. — 1. There is hereby created in the state treasury a special fund to be known as the "Second Injury Fund" created exclusively for the purposes as in this section provided and for special weekly benefits in rehabilitation cases as provided in section 287.141. Maintenance of the second injury fund shall be as provided by section 287.710. The state treasurer shall be the custodian of the second injury fund which shall be deposited the same as are state funds and any interest accruing thereon shall be added thereto. The fund shall be subject to audit the same as state funds and accounts and shall be protected by the general bond given by the state treasurer. Upon the requisition of the director of the division of workers' compensation, warrants on the state treasurer for the payment of all amounts payable for compensation and benefits out of the second injury fund shall be issued.
2. All cases of permanent disability where there has been previous disability due to injuries occurring prior to January 1, 2014, shall be compensated as provided in this subsection. Compensation shall be computed on the basis of the average earnings at the time of the last injury. If any employee who has a preexisting permanent partial disability whether from compensable injury or otherwise, of such seriousness as to constitute a hindrance or obstacle to employment or to obtaining reemployment if the employee becomes unemployed, and the preexisting permanent partial disability, if a body as a whole injury, equals a minimum of fifty weeks of compensation or, if a major extremity injury only, equals a minimum of fifteen percent permanent partial disability, according to the medical standards that are used in determining such compensation, receives a subsequent compensable injury resulting in additional permanent partial disability so that the degree or percentage of disability, in an amount equal to a minimum of fifty weeks compensation, if a body as a whole injury or, if a major extremity injury only, equals a minimum of fifteen percent permanent partial disability, caused by the combined disabilities is substantially greater than that which would have resulted from the last injury, considered alone and of itself, and if the employee is entitled to receive compensation on the basis of the combined disabilities, the employer at the time of the last injury shall be liable only for the degree or percentage of disability which would have resulted from the last injury had there been no preexisting disability. After the compensation liability of the employer for the last injury, considered alone, has been determined by an administrative law judge or the commission, the degree or percentage of employee's disability that is attributable to all injuries or conditions existing at the time the last injury was sustained shall then be determined by that administrative law judge or by the commission and the degree or percentage of disability which existed prior to the last injury plus the disability resulting from the last injury, if any, considered alone, shall be deducted from the combined disability, and compensation for the balance, if any, shall be paid out of a special fund known as the second injury fund, hereinafter provided for. If the previous disability or disabilities, whether from compensable injury or otherwise, and the last injury together result in total and permanent disability, the minimum standards under this subsection for a body as a whole injury or a major extremity injury shall not apply and the employer at the time of the last injury shall be liable only for the disability resulting from the last injury considered alone and of itself; except that if the compensation for which the employer at the time of the last injury is liable is less than the compensation provided in this chapter for permanent total disability, then in addition to the compensation for which the employer is liable and after the completion of payment of the compensation by the employer, the employee shall be paid the remainder of the compensation that would be due for permanent total disability under section 287.200 out of the second injury fund.
3. (1) All claims against the second injury fund for injuries occurring after January 1, 2014, and all claims against the second injury fund involving a subsequent compensable injury which is an occupational disease filed after January 1, 2014, shall be compensated as provided in this subsection.
(2) No claims for permanent partial disability occurring after January 1, 2014, shall be filed against the second injury fund. Claims for permanent total disability under section 287.200 against the second injury fund shall be compensable only when the following conditions are met:
(a) a. An employee has a medically documented preexisting disability equaling a minimum of fifty weeks of permanent partial disability compensation according to the medical standards that are used in determining such compensation which is:
(i) A direct result of active military duty in any branch of the United States Armed Forces; or
(ii) A direct result of a compensable injury as defined in section 287.020; or
(iii) Not a compensable injury, but such preexisting disability directly and significantly aggravates or accelerates the subsequent work-related injury and shall not include unrelated preexisting injuries or conditions that do not aggravate or accelerate the subsequent work-related injury; or
(iv) A preexisting permanent partial disability of an extremity, loss of eyesight in one eye, or loss of hearing in one ear, when there is a subsequent compensable work-related injury as set forth in subparagraph b of the opposite extremity, loss of eyesight in the other eye, or loss of hearing in the other ear; and
b. Such employee thereafter sustains a subsequent compensable work-related injury that, when combined with the preexisting disability, as set forth in items (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of subparagraph a. of this paragraph, results in a permanent total disability as defined under this chapter; or
(b) An employee is employed in a sheltered workshop as established in sections 205.968 to 205.972 or sections 178.900 to 178.960 and such employee thereafter sustains a compensable work-related injury that, when combined with the preexisting disability, results in a permanent total disability as defined under this chapter.
(3) When an employee is entitled to compensation as provided in this subsection, the employer at the time of the last work-related injury shall only be liable for the disability resulting from the subsequent work-related injury considered alone and of itself.
(4) Compensation for benefits payable under this subsection shall be based on the employee's compensation rate calculated under section 287.250.
4. (1) In all cases in which a recovery against the second injury fund is sought for permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, or death, the state treasurer as custodian thereof shall be named as a party, and shall be entitled to defend against the claim.
(2) The state treasurer, with the advice and consent of the attorney general of Missouri, may enter into compromise settlements as contemplated by section 287.390, or agreed statements of fact that would affect the second injury fund. All awards for permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, or death affecting the second injury fund shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter governing review and appeal.
(3) For all claims filed against the second injury fund on or after July 1, 1994, the attorney general shall use assistant attorneys general except in circumstances where an actual or potential conflict of interest exists, to provide legal services as may be required in all claims made for recovery against the fund. Any legal expenses incurred by the attorney general's office in the handling of such claims, including, but not limited to, medical examination fees incurred under sections 287.210 and the expenses provided for under section 287.140, expert witness fees, court reporter expenses, travel costs, and related legal expenses shall be paid by the fund. Effective July 1, 1993, the payment of such legal expenses shall be contingent upon annual appropriations made by the general assembly, from the fund, to the attorney general's office for this specific purpose.
5. If more than one injury in the same employment causes concurrent temporary disabilities, compensation shall be payable only for the longest and largest paying disability.
6. If more than one injury in the same employment causes concurrent and consecutive permanent partial disability, compensation payments for each subsequent disability shall not begin until the end of the compensation period of the prior disability.
7. If an employer fails to insure or self-insure as required in section 287.280, funds from the second injury fund may be withdrawn to cover the fair, reasonable, and necessary expenses incurred relating to claims for injuries occurring prior to January 1, 2014, to cure and relieve the effects of the injury or disability of an injured employee in the employ of an uninsured employer consistent with subsection 3 of section 287.140, or in the case of death of an employee in the employ of an uninsured employer, funds from the second injury fund may be withdrawn to cover fair, reasonable, and necessary expenses incurred relating to a death occurring prior to January 1, 2014, in the manner required in sections 287.240 and 287.241. In defense of claims arising under this subsection, the treasurer of the state of Missouri, as custodian of the second injury fund, shall have the same defenses to such claims as would the uninsured employer. Any funds received by the employee or the employee's dependents, through civil or other action, must go towards reimbursement of the second injury fund, for all payments made to the employee, the employee's dependents, or paid on the employee's behalf, from the second injury fund pursuant to this subsection. The office of the attorney general of the state of Missouri shall bring suit in the circuit court of the county in which the accident occurred against any employer not covered by this chapter as required in section 287.280.
8. Every year the second injury fund shall have an actuarial study made to determine the solvency of the fund taking into consideration any existing balance carried forward from a previous year, appropriate funding level of the fund, and forecasted expenditures from the fund. The first actuarial study shall be completed prior to July 1, 2014. The expenses of such actuarial studies shall be paid out of the fund for the support of the division of workers' compensation.
9. The director of the division of workers' compensation shall maintain the financial data and records concerning the fund for the support of the division of workers' compensation and the second injury fund. The division shall also compile and report data on claims made pursuant to subsection 11 of this section. The attorney general shall provide all necessary information to the division for this purpose.
10. All claims for fees and expenses filed against the second injury fund and all records pertaining thereto shall be open to the public.
11. Any employee who at the time a compensable work-related injury is sustained prior to January 1, 2014, is employed by more than one employer, the employer for whom the employee was working when the injury was sustained shall be responsible for wage loss benefits applicable only to the earnings in that employer's employment and the injured employee shall be entitled to file a claim against the second injury fund for any additional wage loss benefits attributed to loss of earnings from the employment or employments where the injury did not occur, up to the maximum weekly benefit less those benefits paid by the employer in whose employment the employee sustained the injury. The employee shall be entitled to a total benefit based on the total average weekly wage of such employee computed according to subsection 8 of section 287.250. The employee shall not be entitled to a greater rate of compensation than allowed by law on the date of the injury. The employer for whom the employee was working where the injury was sustained shall be responsible for all medical costs incurred in regard to that injury.
12. No compensation shall be payable from the second injury fund if the employee files a claim for compensation under the workers' compensation law of another state with jurisdiction over the employee's injury or accident or occupational disease.
13. Notwithstanding the requirements of section 287.470, the life payments to an injured employee made from the fund shall be suspended when the employee is able to obtain suitable gainful employment or be self-employed in view of the nature and severity of the injury. The division shall promulgate rules setting forth a reasonable standard means test to determine if such employment warrants the suspension of benefits.
14. All awards issued under this chapter affecting the second injury fund shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter governing review and appeal.
15. The division shall pay any liabilities of the fund in the following priority:
(1) Expenses related to the legal defense of the fund under subsection 4 of this section;
(2) Permanent total disability awards in the order in which claims are settled or finally adjudicated;
(3) Permanent partial disability awards in the order in which such claims are settled or finally adjudicated;
(4) Medical expenses incurred prior to July 1, 2012, under subsection 7 of this section; and
(5) Interest on unpaid awards.
­­Such liabilities shall be paid to the extent the fund has a positive balance. Any unpaid amounts shall remain an ongoing liability of the fund until satisfied.
16. Post-award interest for the purpose of second injury fund claims shall be set at the adjusted rate of interest established by the director of revenue pursuant to section 32.065 or five percent, whichever is greater.
17. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 15 of this section to the contrary, the division may pay from the second injury fund any of the following second injury fund liabilities prior to those liabilities listed under subsection 15 of this section:
(1) All death benefits incurred under subsection 7 of this section relating to claims for deaths occurring prior to January 1, 2014, consistent with a temporary or final award; and
(2) Ongoing medical expenses, but not past medical expenses, under subsection 7 of this section relating to claims for injuries occurring prior to January 1, 2014, consistent with a temporary or final award that includes future medical benefits.
(RSMo 1939 § 3707, A.L. 1943 p. 1068, A.L. 1945 p. 1996, A.L. 1951 p. 617, A.L. 1953 p. 524, A.L. 1955 p. 590, A.L. 1980 H.B. 1396, A.L. 1981 H.B. 324, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1605, A.L. 1987 H.B. 564, A.L. 1992 H.B. 975, A.L. 1993 S.B. 251, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1237, et al., A.L. 2013 S.B. 1, A.L. 2021 S.B. 303)
Prior revision: 1929 § 3317
(1956) Section 287.220 is limited to the extent that it enhances or adds to an existing disability. Evidence held sufficient to sustain finding that claimant "did not have any previous disability existing at the time of" the accident. Garrison v. Cambell "66" Express (A.), 297 S.W.2d 22.
(1972) Preexisting disability as required by this section relates to disability to work and means industrial disability or loss of earning capacity rather than physical impairment as such. It must be such as to partially disable the claimant from work or to impede his labors. Jockel v. Robinson (Mo.), 484 S.W.2d 227.
(1997) Claimant could not recover from the Second Injury Fund for wage loss benefits for a second job prior to the effective date of the statute which created the fund. Van Wagner v. Missouri Director of Revenue, 954 S.W.2d 647 (Mo.App.W.D.).
(2012) Language requiring only a "compensable injury" to trigger Second Injury Fund liability includes both compensable injuries by accident and compensable injuries by occupational disease. Treasurer of State of Missouri v. Stiers, 388 S.W.3d 217 (Mo.App.W.D.).

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XVIII - Labor and Industrial Relations

Chapter 287 - Workers' Compensation Law

Section 287.010 - Citation of law.

Section 287.020 - Definitions — intent to abrogate earlier case law.

Section 287.021 - Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs to be covered by workers' compensation — average earnings defined.

Section 287.030 - Employer defined.

Section 287.035 - Partners, sole proprietors may elect to receive benefits for themselves — employees, effect — insurer's liability — intent of law — withdrawal of employee from coverage, procedure.

Section 287.037 - Member of limited liability company to receive coverage, rejection of coverage, rescission of rejection — S corporation, certain shareholders may elect or reject coverage.

Section 287.040 - Liability of employer — contractors, subcontractors.

Section 287.041 - For-hire motor carrier not an employer of a lessor — definition.

Section 287.043 - Abrogation of case law regarding definition of owner.

Section 287.060 - Employers and employees affected by this act.

Section 287.061 - Occupational or business license for construction contractors, city or county — duty to require proof of workers' compensation coverage, when, effect.

Section 287.063 - Occupational diseases, presumption of exposure — last employer liable — statute of limitations, starts running, when.

Section 287.067 - Occupational disease defined — repetitive motion, loss of hearing, radiation injury, communicable disease, others.

Section 287.070 - Occupational diseases directly related to cleanup of an illegal drug manufacturing lab.

Section 287.090 - Exempt employers and occupations — election to accept — withdrawal — notification required of insurance companies.

Section 287.100 - Legislative intent relative to other laws expressed.

Section 287.110 - Scope of chapter as to injuries and diseases covered.

Section 287.120 - Liability of employer set out — compensation increased or reduced, when — use of alcohol or controlled substances or voluntary recreational activities, injury from — effect on compensation — mental injuries, requirements, firefighte...

Section 287.123 - Insurers to establish safety engineering and management services program — requirements — division to maintain registry.

Section 287.124 - Department of labor and industrial relations, certification of employer safety programs, when.

Section 287.126 - Toll-free telephone number for workers' compensation information, division to establish.

Section 287.127 - Notice, employer to post, contents — division to develop, distribute, and publish notice, when — penalty.

Section 287.128 - Unlawful acts, penalties — fraud or noncompliance, complaint may be filed, effect — fraud and noncompliance unit established, purpose, confidentiality of records — annual report, contents.

Section 287.129 - False billing practices of health care provider, defined, effect — department of commerce and insurance, powers — penalty.

Section 287.130 - Employer's liability joint and several — contribution allowable.

Section 287.135 - Managed care services, department to establish program to certify organizations, procedures — effect on fees and services.

Section 287.140 - Employer to provide medical and other services, transportation, artificial devices, reactivation of claim — duties of health care providers — refusal of treatment, effect — medical evidence — division, commission responsibilities —...

Section 287.141 - Physical rehabilitation, defined, division of workers' compensation to administer — procedure.

Section 287.143 - Vocational rehabilitation services, not mandatory — testing and assessment.

Section 287.144 - Definitions.

Section 287.145 - Rehabilitation practitioners, providers, certification of, how.

Section 287.146 - Employee authorized to receive vocational rehabilitation, when — duties of director.

Section 287.148 - Loss of suitable, gainful employment, how determined — severe injury, defined — plan, duration, costs allowed.

Section 287.149 - Benefits to be paid, when — reduction of benefits, when.

Section 287.150 - Subrogation to rights of employee or dependents against third person, effect of recovery — construction design professional, immunity from liability, when, exception — waiver of subrogation rights on certain contracts void, employer...

Section 287.160 - Waiting period — compensation, how paid — interest, how computed — not credit to employer for wages or benefits paid, exception.

Section 287.170 - Temporary total disability, amount to be paid — method of payment — disqualification, when — post injury misconduct defined — benefits not payable, when.

Section 287.180 - Temporary partial disability, amount to be paid — method of payment.

Section 287.190 - Permanent partial disability, amount to be paid — permanent partial disability defined — permanent total and partial total disability require certification by physician on compensability — award reduced when.

Section 287.195 - Claims for hernia, proof required.

Section 287.197 - Occupational deafness — tests, claims, awards, liability of employer, effect of hearing aid.

Section 287.200 - Permanent total disability, amount to be paid — suspension of payments, when — toxic exposure, treatment of claims.

Section 287.203 - Termination of compensation by employer, employee right to hearing — assessment of costs.

Section 287.210 - Physical examination of employee — exchange of medical records — admissibility of physician's, coroner's records — autopsy may be ordered.

Section 287.215 - Injured employee to be furnished copy of his statement, otherwise inadmissible as evidence — statement, what is not to be included.

Section 287.220 - Compensation and payment of compensation for disability — second injury fund created, services covered, actuarial studies required — failure of employer to insure, penalty — records open to public, when — concurrent employers, effec...

Section 287.223 - Missouri mesothelioma risk management fund created — definitions — issuance of payments, when — board of trustees, appointment, meetings, duties.

Section 287.230 - Payment of compensation at death of employee — exceptions — abrogation of case law.

Section 287.240 - Death benefits and burial expenses, amount, to whom paid and when paid — dependent defined — death benefits, how distributed — record of dependents, employer to keep — dependents to report to division, procedure.

Section 287.241 - Death benefits, inconsistent with section 287.240, when.

Section 287.243 - Line of duty compensation — definitions — claim procedure — distribution — no subrogation rights for employers or insurers — grievance procedures — sunset date — fund created, use of moneys — rulemaking authority.

Section 287.245 - Volunteer firefighters, grants for workers' compensation insurance premiums — or cancer benefits pool.

Section 287.250 - Compensation, computation of — average weekly wage, division or commission may determine, when — additional compensation for persons under twenty-one, when — multiple employers, computation of coverage — weekly wage — compromise set...

Section 287.252 - Cafeteria plan payroll deductions, not to reduce computation of employee compensation.

Section 287.253 - Monetary bonus, effect on benefits.

Section 287.260 - Compensation to have priority — not assignable — exceptions.

Section 287.266 - Payments made to public assistance recipients to be a debt due state, recovery by state — attorney's fees — assignment of rights — apportionment by judge, when.

Section 287.270 - Benefits from other sources no bar to compensation, exception, professional athletes.

Section 287.280 - Employer's entire liability to be covered, self-insurer or approved carrier — exception — group of employers may qualify as self-insurers, requirements — rules — confidential records.

Section 287.282 - Employee leasing arrangements, coverage required.

Section 287.290 - Employee not to pay cost of insurance.

Section 287.300 - Employer's liability primary or secondary — notice and service, when sufficient.

Section 287.310 - Policies to be approved by department — deductible plans authorized, requirements.

Section 287.335 - Determinations review board, created, purpose — code classifications, classification system, review of, duties.

Section 287.340 - Insurance companies must keep reserve.

Section 287.350 - Insurance companies to make report.

Section 287.360 - Director may suspend or revoke permits and ask for a receiver.

Section 287.370 - Compensation in lieu of insurance, how provided.

Section 287.380 - Employer or insurer to make report to division, requirements — information not to be disclosed — failure to report, penalty.

Section 287.390 - Compromise settlements, how made — validity, effect, settlement with minor dependents — employee entitled to one hundred percent of offer, when — maximum medical improvement, rating from second physician, when.

Section 287.400 - Accident — duty of division — employer.

Section 287.410 - Powers and functions of the division of workers' compensation.

Section 287.420 - Written notice of injury to be given to employer — exceptions.

Section 287.430 - Limitation as to action, exception.

Section 287.440 - Limitation begins to run, when.

Section 287.450 - Failure to agree on compensation — division to hold hearings.

Section 287.460 - Division hearings, findings sent to parties and insurer — mediation services, division to establish procedures, requirements.

Section 287.470 - Commission may review and change award.

Section 287.480 - Application for review, time limit — when deemed filed — bond required, when.

Section 287.490 - Final award conclusive unless an appeal is taken — grounds for setting aside — disputes governed by this section, claims arising before August 13, 1980.

Section 287.495 - Final award conclusive unless an appeal is taken — grounds for setting aside — disputes governed by this section, claims arising on or after August 13, 1980.

Section 287.500 - Circuit court may act upon memorandum — procedure.

Section 287.510 - Temporary or partial awards may be made.

Section 287.520 - Notice — manner of serving.

Section 287.530 - Commission or division may commute compensation, when and how.

Section 287.540 - Compensation commuted — funds, how paid out.

Section 287.550 - Proceedings before commission to be informal and summary.

Section 287.560 - Division or commission may administer oaths, issue process, take depositions — depositions may be taken by electronic means — costs, how paid.

Section 287.570 - Contempt — penalty.

Section 287.580 - Death, pending proceedings — action shall not abate.

Section 287.590 - Division may be sued — official seal.

Section 287.600 - Oath of office.

Section 287.610 - Additional administrative law judges, appointment and qualification, limit on number — annual evaluations — review committee, retention vote — jurisdiction, powers — continuing training required — performance audits required — rules...

Section 287.615 - Employees of division — compensation — selection.

Section 287.620 - Attorney general legal adviser.

Section 287.630 - Forms, other material furnished by commission and division.

Section 287.640 - Necessary offices to be provided, where — salaries — traveling expenses, how paid — hearings, where held.

Section 287.642 - Public information programs, division to establish.

Section 287.650 - Division to make rules and regulations — power to destroy reports, when — rules.

Section 287.655 - Dismissal of claims, when, how, effect.

Section 287.660 - Fees.

Section 287.670 - No fees for services of public officers.

Section 287.680 - Annual report to governor.

Section 287.690 - Premium tax on insurance carriers, purpose, rate, how determined — use of funds for employers mutual insurance company, purpose.

Section 287.700 - Returns delinquent — duty of director.

Section 287.710 - Tax returns — payments — use of proceeds — funds and interest not to lapse.

Section 287.713 - Director, report of expenditures.

Section 287.715 - Annual surcharge required for second injury fund, amount, how computed, collection — violation, penalty — supplemental surcharge, amount.

Section 287.716 - Surcharge on deductible plan policyholders, when, calculation of — notification of policyholders.

Section 287.717 - Surcharge collection, procedure — failure to pay, interest assessed, when.

Section 287.720 - Companies withdrawing from state liable for taxes imposed — department of revenue empowered to collect.

Section 287.730 - Employer carrying own risk must pay tax.

Section 287.740 - Compliance with provisions obligatory — penalty for violation.

Section 287.745 - Delinquent taxes, interest, rate — overpayment of taxes, credit.

Section 287.750 - Sufficiency of notice.

Section 287.760 - Insurance carriers exempt from other tax, when.

Section 287.780 - Discrimination because of exercising compensation rights prohibited — civil action for damages — motivating factor defined.

Section 287.790 - Penalty not specifically provided — misdemeanor.

Section 287.800 - Law to be strictly construed.

Section 287.801 - Review of claims, by whom.

Section 287.804 - Waiver of compensation by employee, procedure.

Section 287.808 - Burden of proof.

Section 287.810 - Change of administrative law judge, procedure, limitations.

Section 287.811 - Discovery in workers' compensation cases, sections not to effect.

Section 287.812 - Definitions.

Section 287.813 - Retirement, administrative law judges and legal advisors — participation in state employees' retirement system required, when.

Section 287.815 - Retirement, age and service qualifications.

Section 287.820 - Benefits, amount, how payable — exemption from execution, certain judgment claims to be unassignable, exception — contributions to health care plan — consultants appointment, compensation, annual increases, how computed.

Section 287.825 - Death of member before or after retirement — benefits of beneficiaries.

Section 287.830 - Retirement with less than twelve years service — benefits.

Section 287.835 - Removal from office bars benefits — intentional killing of administrative law judge or legal advisor bars survivor benefits, when.

Section 287.840 - Practice of law after retirement — restrictions.

Section 287.845 - Administration of retirement system and funds.

Section 287.846 - Retirement benefit plan exclusive, exception — transfer of funds from other system.

Section 287.850 - Life insurance benefits.

Section 287.855 - Disability benefits.

Section 287.856 - Administrative law judges and legal advisors serving in Armed Forces may elect to purchase creditable prior service — contributions, payment period — surviving spouse may receive refund.

Section 287.860 - Guaranty association, created, all self-insured to be members — powers — withdrawing member, duties.

Section 287.862 - Board of directors, members, appointment, qualifications — director to be member — terms, vacancies — expense reimbursement.

Section 287.865 - Moneys not deemed state moneys — use of funds — reports to director, when — additional powers of corporation — assessments, division shall levy, amount — no dividends to be paid — bankruptcy, dissolution, or insolvency of self-insur...

Section 287.867 - Insolvency fund, created — purposes, audit of.

Section 287.870 - Plan of operation, submitted to division, when — purpose, contents — effective, when.

Section 287.872 - Powers and duties of division.

Section 287.875 - Assignment of recovery rights to corporation, when — receiver or liquidator, rights — corporation to file statements with receiver, when.

Section 287.877 - Insolvent member, board may determine, how — notice to division, when.

Section 287.880 - Liability, limitation of.

Section 287.882 - Automatic stay of proceedings, when, duration.

Section 287.885 - Limitations on actions.

Section 287.886 - Severability clause.

Section 287.892 - Workers' compensation insurers to report cost data to department.

Section 287.894 - Insurers to report medical claims data to division of workers' compensation, contents — consolidated health plan, duties — purpose — costs — penalty for failure to comply.

Section 287.896 - Residual market, department to develop plan — insurers to participate, rates, procedures — duties of director.

Section 287.900 - Citation of law — definitions.

Section 287.902 - Missouri employers mutual insurance company, created, powers, purpose.

Section 287.905 - Board, created — members, appointment, qualifications, terms — chairman.

Section 287.907 - Administrator, hiring of, qualifications, compensation — powers of board, generally.

Section 287.909 - Administrator, duties of, bond required — immunity from liability, board and employees.

Section 287.910 - Rates, board to determine, how.

Section 287.912 - Investment policy, board to determine — administrator to make investments, how.

Section 287.915 - Agents may sell policies, commissions.

Section 287.917 - Workplace safety program, administrator to formulate — safety plan, contents — rates may be reduced, when.

Section 287.919 - Company not to receive state appropriation, exception — revenue bonds, authorization, terms, execution, procedures.

Section 287.920 - Audit required, when, procedure — report, contents, governor and general assembly to receive — administrator to formulate budget — department, duties — subscribers to be provided policy, when.

Section 287.930 - Definitions.

Section 287.932 - Act not applicable, when — unfair trade practices, when.

Section 287.935 - Insurer and advisory organization not to make agreement restraining trade — insurer must use uniform experience rating plan — exceptions.

Section 287.937 - Director may conduct examinations — insurer and advisory organizations to maintain records, purpose — cost of examination — outstate examination may be accepted.

Section 287.940 - Penalties for violations, director may impose — each day a separate violation, when — license may be suspended or revoked, when.

Section 287.942 - Competitive market presumed to exist, when — reasonable degree of competition, factors.

Section 287.945 - Director to monitor degree of competition, purpose.

Section 287.947 - Insurers to file rate information in competitive market with the director, purpose — noncompetitive market, information filed — form of filing — public inspection.

Section 287.950 - Competitive market, rates not to be excessive, inadequate, unfairly discriminatory.

Section 287.952 - Rate standards in noncompetitive market, factors.

Section 287.955 - Insurers to adhere to uniform classification system, plan — director to designate advisory organization, purpose, duties — risk premium modification plan, requirements.

Section 287.957 - Experience rating plan, contents.

Section 287.960 - Disapproval of rate, when, how — procedures, director's powers — effect.

Section 287.962 - Hearings, when, conduct of — findings made, when — right to judicial determination.

Section 287.965 - Aggrieved party may file application with director, hearing held, when — findings, effect of.

Section 287.967 - Advisory organization must obtain license, restrictions — license, application — designation of by director, duration.

Section 287.970 - Advisory organization not to file rates on behalf of insurer, exception.

Section 287.972 - Advisory organization's permitted activities — director may allow pure premium rate data to be distributed.

Section 287.975 - Pure premium rate, schedule of rates, filed with director, when — payroll differential, advisory organization to collect data, when, purpose — construction group, submission to advisory organization.