Effective - 28 Aug 1961
246.090. Form of notice of meeting. — 1. Whenever the board of supervisors at a regular or special meeting deems it expedient and necessary for the best interest of the district that tax anticipation warrants be issued for the purposes stated in section 246.080, they shall enter in the minutes of the meeting an order setting forth the expediency and necessity directing the secretary to draw up a notice which shall be substantially in the following form:
2. The secretary shall cause the notice to be published by three weekly insertions in some newspaper in the county containing the district or the greatest portion thereof, or in some adjoining county if none in containing county, the last insertion to be not less than ten days before the date set. The publisher shall file proof of publication with the secretary before the day set for meeting. Upon filing of the proof by the secretary, the notice shall be conclusively deemed sufficient and legal notice of publication thereof. At the day set each landowner may cast one vote for each acre or fraction thereof owned by him for or against the proposition of issuing the warrants as set out in the notice. If two-thirds of the acres in the district are voted for the proposition, then the tellers shall so certify to the board, and the board shall make an order to the secretary to duly enter the results in the records of the district. Thereafter the board shall proceed to issue the authorized tax anticipation warrants as authorized.
(RSMo 1939 § 12615, A.L. 1961 p. 463)
Prior revision: 1929 § 11026
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XV - Lands, Levees, Drainage, Sewers and Public Water Supply
Chapter 246 - Provisions Relating to All Drainage and Levee Districts
Section 246.010 - Formation of subdistricts.
Section 246.020 - Officers and witnesses, compensation for services.
Section 246.030 - Fees of county and circuit clerks.
Section 246.050 - Fees of county treasurer.
Section 246.060 - County warrant laws apply to district warrants.
Section 246.067 - Cancellation of benefits against lands divided into city lots, when.
Section 246.070 - Drainage or levee districts may issue tax anticipation warrants, procedure.
Section 246.080 - Limitation on tax anticipation warrants.
Section 246.090 - Form of notice of meeting.
Section 246.100 - Tax anticipation warrants, contents.
Section 246.110 - Form of tax anticipation warrants.
Section 246.120 - Secretary to keep record of warrants issued.
Section 246.130 - Board to levy maintenance tax to pay warrants.
Section 246.140 - District authorized to buy lands.
Section 246.150 - Lands to remain subject to district taxes.
Section 246.160 - Issuance of refunding bonds, general provisions.
Section 246.165 - Investment of surplus funds, when — approved investments.
Section 246.170 - Districts may conform to federal law in refunding, extending time of payment.
Section 246.180 - Prescribed duties enforced by mandamus.
Section 246.190 - Court to appoint guardian ad litem.
Section 246.200 - Supports for bridges, where placed — penalty for violation.
Section 246.260 - Penalty laws not to prevent construction of water gates.
Section 246.283 - Authority to cooperate with other entities to develop bike trails.
Section 246.285 - Approaches for roadway to be built, when.
Section 246.300 - Voting by representation authorized, when, certain districts.
Section 246.310 - Inapplicability of certain law regarding abeyance of water and sewer assessments.