Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 246 - Provisions Relating to All Drainage and Levee Districts
Section 246.070 - Drainage or levee districts may issue tax anticipation warrants, procedure.

Effective - 13 Feb 1996
246.070. Drainage or levee districts may issue tax anticipation warrants, procedure. — 1. Whenever authorized by the owners of two-thirds of the acreage in any drainage or levee district heretofore or hereafter organized or reorganized under any of the drainage or levee laws of this state at a meeting called for the purpose and in the manner set out in section 246.090, by ballot wherein each acre owner shall be entitled to one vote, the board of supervisors may issue tax anticipation warrants bearing not to exceed six percent interest per annum, which shall be payable from one to not exceeding four years from date of issuance, both interest and principal payable out of the maintenance fund of the district.
*2. In addition to the procedure provided in subsection 1 of this section, the board of supervisors of a levee or drainage district in a county which has been declared a disaster area by declaration of the President of the United States during 1993 or 1995, may elect to issue tax anticipation notes following a public meeting for which notice has been given of at least two weeks in a newspaper meeting the requirements of subsection 2 of section 246.090, and after vote of the landowners of the district. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 2 of section 246.090 to the contrary, the board may issue the notes following a vote of at least two-thirds of the votes cast by landowners present at the public meeting in favor of issuing the notes. The notes may be issued by the board bearing an interest rate not to exceed six percent per annum, which shall be payable from one to not more than four years from the date of issuance.
*3. In addition to the procedures provided in subsections 1 and 2 of this section, the board of supervisors of any levee or drainage district in a county in this state which has been declared a disaster area by declaration of the President of the United States during 1993 or 1995, may upon a vote of the majority of the members of the board at a public meeting of which public notice has been given of at least two weeks, borrow funds for the use of the district and may issue negotiable notes in evidence thereof, payable out of anticipated revenues to be derived from assessments, benefits or other levee or drainage district revenues, for any year or immediately following year in which the notes are issued. The notes may be issued at any time and from time to time, and shall be issued according to law unless otherwise provided in this section. Notes issued pursuant to this subsection shall be issued by the board bearing an interest rate not to exceed six percent per annum, which shall be payable from one year from the date of issuance. A separate note shall be issued to evidence the borrowing for the benefit of the district and, if applicable, any funds of the district. All revenues raised by levee districts or drainage districts shall not be considered as taxes pursuant to the laws of this state.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 246.080 or other statutory provisions regarding the issuance of tax anticipation notes to the contrary, the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the notes issued under the provisions of subsection 2 or 3 of this section in any period subject to this section for the use of the levee or drainage district may be up to but shall not exceed the amount necessary to repair levees damaged by a natural disaster that occurred in 1993 or 1995, including but not limited to the amount necessary to secure federal matching funds for the levee or drainage district. No amount of tax anticipation notes issued by a levee or drainage district shall be included in any debt ceiling computation required by current law except that the district may not issue more than the amount necessary to repair levees damaged by a natural disaster that occurred in 1993 or 1995, including but not limited to the amount necessary to secure federal matching funds for the levee or drainage district.
5. The clerk or secretary of the board, or if none, the presiding officer of the board, shall certify on the back of each note that the note is issued pursuant to authority granted in this section, and list the aggregate principal amount of all prior notes issued against the district which are unpaid at the date of the note's issuance.
6. Authority to issue notes pursuant to subsection 2 or 3 of this section shall terminate January 1, 1998.
(RSMo 1939 § 12613, A.L. 1953 p. 541, A.L. 1993 1st Ex. Sess. S.B. 3, A.L. 1996 S.B. 671)
Prior revision: 1929 § 11024
Effective 2-13-96
*Authority to issue notes terminates 1-1-98.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XV - Lands, Levees, Drainage, Sewers and Public Water Supply

Chapter 246 - Provisions Relating to All Drainage and Levee Districts

Section 246.005 - Extension of time of corporate existence — reinstatement period for certain districts.

Section 246.010 - Formation of subdistricts.

Section 246.020 - Officers and witnesses, compensation for services.

Section 246.030 - Fees of county and circuit clerks.

Section 246.050 - Fees of county treasurer.

Section 246.060 - County warrant laws apply to district warrants.

Section 246.063 - Reduction or cancellation of assessed benefits where improvement nullifies benefits, procedure.

Section 246.067 - Cancellation of benefits against lands divided into city lots, when.

Section 246.070 - Drainage or levee districts may issue tax anticipation warrants, procedure.

Section 246.080 - Limitation on tax anticipation warrants.

Section 246.090 - Form of notice of meeting.

Section 246.100 - Tax anticipation warrants, contents.

Section 246.110 - Form of tax anticipation warrants.

Section 246.120 - Secretary to keep record of warrants issued.

Section 246.130 - Board to levy maintenance tax to pay warrants.

Section 246.140 - District authorized to buy lands.

Section 246.150 - Lands to remain subject to district taxes.

Section 246.160 - Issuance of refunding bonds, general provisions.

Section 246.165 - Investment of surplus funds, when — approved investments.

Section 246.170 - Districts may conform to federal law in refunding, extending time of payment.

Section 246.180 - Prescribed duties enforced by mandamus.

Section 246.190 - Court to appoint guardian ad litem.

Section 246.200 - Supports for bridges, where placed — penalty for violation.

Section 246.260 - Penalty laws not to prevent construction of water gates.

Section 246.271 - County and city levee system to protect streets, roads and public facilities may be constructed and operated — bonds authorized.

Section 246.275 - Public levee district may be established by any county, procedure — powers of governing body — no power of taxation.

Section 246.277 - Loans authorized for political subdivision located in disaster area of 1993 — terms.

Section 246.283 - Authority to cooperate with other entities to develop bike trails.

Section 246.285 - Approaches for roadway to be built, when.

Section 246.300 - Voting by representation authorized, when, certain districts.

Section 246.305 - Alternative levee district, certain counties — voting rights — apportionment of taxes, board may adopt procedure.

Section 246.310 - Inapplicability of certain law regarding abeyance of water and sewer assessments.