Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 23 - Committee on Legislative Research
Section 23.283 - Sunset program to continue until when, procedures for terminated programs.

Effective - 28 Aug 2003
23.283. Sunset program to continue until when, procedures for terminated programs. — 1. A program that is sunset may continue in existence until September first of the following year to conclude its business. Unless the law provides otherwise, sunset does not reduce or otherwise limit the powers and authority of the agency during the concluding year. A program is terminated and shall cease all activities at the expiration of the one-year period. Unless the law provides otherwise, all rules adopted by the state agency shall expire at the expiration of the one-year period.
2. Any unobligated and unexpended appropriations of a sunset program lapse on September first of the year after sunset.
3. Except as provided by subsection 5 of this section or as otherwise provided by law, all moneys in a dedicated fund of a program that sunsets on September first of the year after sunset shall be transferred to the credit of the general revenue fund. Any law or portion of a law dedicating the moneys to a specific fund of a program that sunsets shall become void on September first of the year after sunset.
4. Unless the governor designates an appropriate state agency as prescribed in subsection 5 of this section, property and records in the custody of an agency administering a sunset program on September first of the year after sunset shall be transferred to the office of administration. If the governor designates an appropriate state agency, the property and records shall be transferred to the designated state agency.
5. In recognition of the state's continuing obligation to pay bonded indebtedness and all other obligations, including lease, contract, and other written obligations, incurred by a program pursuant to sections 23.250 to 23.298, sections 23.250 to 23.298 shall not impair or impede payment of bonded indebtedness and all other obligations, including lease, contract, and other written obligations, in accordance with their terms. If an agency has outstanding bonded indebtedness or other outstanding obligations for a sunset program, including lease, contract, or other written obligations, the bonds and all other such obligations remain valid and enforceable in accordance with their terms and subject to all applicable terms and conditions of the laws and proceedings authorizing the bonds and all other such obligations. The governor shall designate an appropriate state agency to continue to carry out all covenants contained in the bonds and all other such obligations, and the proceedings authorizing them, including the issuance of bonds, and the performance of all other such obligations to complete the construction of projects or the performance of other such obligations. The designated state agency shall provide payment from the sources of payment of the bonds in accordance with the terms of the bonds and shall provide payment from the sources of payment from all other such obligations in accordance with their terms, whether from taxes, revenues, or otherwise, until the bonds and interest on the bonds are paid in full and are performed and paid in full. If the proceedings so provide, all funds established by law or proceedings authorizing the bonds or authorizing other such obligations shall remain with the state treasurer or previously designated trustees. If the proceedings do not provide that the funds remain with the state treasurer or previously designated trustees, the funds shall be transferred to the designated state agency.
(L. 2003 S.B. 299 & 40)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title III - Legislative Branch

Chapter 23 - Committee on Legislative Research

Section 23.010 - Establishing a committee on legislative research — members — appointment — discharge.

Section 23.020 - Duties of committee.

Section 23.030 - Legislative library — reference service.

Section 23.040 - Service concerning bills.

Section 23.045 - Revision bill, content.

Section 23.050 - Committee empowered to obtain information concerning state departments and institutions — assemble information and make report.

Section 23.060 - Legislative library, material available to whom — procuring information from other state agencies.

Section 23.070 - Committee on legislative research, officers, how selected — director, duties of — meetings, when held, quorum, number required for.

Section 23.080 - Director of committee on legislative research — how employed, compensation, qualifications — staff — oversight division supervision — library expenditures authorized.

Section 23.090 - Legislative library and other space under control of committee on legislative research.

Section 23.140 - Fiscal notes required for legislation — exceptions — contents — interference with staff prohibited — cooperation of agencies — changes in fiscal notes, hearings, procedure.

Section 23.150 - Oversight division organized, duties — subcommittee may be formed — number appointed, qualifications, powers and duties — oversight director and staff employed, qualifications.

Section 23.153 - Record kept by staff member on persons initiating inquiries or attempting to influence content of fiscal note — penalty.

Section 23.156 - Oath required, oversight division employees — violation, penalty.

Section 23.160 - Definition of program evaluation.

Section 23.170 - Evaluations, procedures to require or request — inspection of agency records, exceptions — time limitation for evaluations — presentation of completed evaluations, when.

Section 23.180 - Powers of committee.

Section 23.190 - Recommendations made to agency — response procedure for agency — evaluation reports, distribution, charge for public — review of agency in one year, report.

Section 23.195 - Register of all state bonds and evidence of indebtedness — content of register — report by division to general assembly, when, purpose — copies delivered to whom — all state agencies and state auditor to furnish information.

Section 23.205 - Annual report by committee on laws which expire, sunset, terminate or become ineffective in two years.

Section 23.250 - Title.

Section 23.253 - New programs to sunset, when — definitions — reauthorized programs, effect of — review of programs, when.

Section 23.256 - Information to be reported by agencies to joint committee on legislative research, when.

Section 23.259 - Sunsetting of programs, duties of the committee.

Section 23.262 - Public hearings conducted for sunsetting programs, when.

Section 23.265 - Report to general assembly on sunsetting programs, content — presentation by oversight division.

Section 23.268 - Criteria considered by committee.

Section 23.271 - Program reports, content — portions of report to be submitted to state auditor.

Section 23.274 - Exemption for certain agencies, when.

Section 23.277 - Monitoring of legislation during session.

Section 23.280 - Sunset act not to prohibit certain activities of the general assembly.

Section 23.283 - Sunset program to continue until when, procedures for terminated programs.

Section 23.292 - State agencies and officers to provide assistance to committee, when.

Section 23.295 - Division of workforce development to assist displaced employees.

Section 23.298 - Rights and duties not affected by sunsetting of programs.