Effective - 28 Aug 2003
23.253. New programs to sunset, when — definitions — reauthorized programs, effect of — review of programs, when. — 1. As used in sections 23.250 to 23.298, the following terms mean:
(1) "Agency", any department, division, or agency of the state responsible for the administration of a program;
(2) "Committee", the committee on legislative research established in Section 35, Article III, Constitution of Missouri and section 23.010;
(3) "Program", a distinct and coherent set of activities authorized by the general assembly through the legislative process intended to affect a clearly definable target group, problem, or issue and which can be appropriated through the budget process or nonappropriated, as in the case of tax credits;
(4) "Sunset", the termination of legislative authorization of a program.
2. After August 28, 2003, any new program authorized by the general assembly shall sunset not more than six years after its effective date unless reauthorized by an act of the general assembly. No funds may be expended on a program after its authorization has terminated. Legislation passed after August 28, 2003, shall indicate whether it contains a program subject to the Missouri sunset act. Any such program shall have a sunset clause clearly indicating the date of termination without reauthorization.
3. Any program reauthorized by the general assembly pursuant to this section shall include a provision specifying that the program shall sunset at a date not more than twelve years from the effective date of the program's reauthorization.
4. Any program to which money was appropriated prior to August 28, 2003, may at any time be subject to review of the committee by a majority vote of its members for the purpose of recommending to the general assembly its continuation or sunset. The committee shall conduct public hearings concerning but not limited to the application to the program of the criteria provided in section 23.268, and shall issue a report pursuant to subsection 1 of section 23.271. The committee may recommend to the general assembly by a majority vote of its members that a program under review, to which money was appropriated prior to August 28, 2003, be sunset, continued, or reorganized. The committee shall submit such recommendation to all members of the general assembly within thirty calendar days of the vote in which such recommendation is made.
(L. 2003 S.B. 299 & 40)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title III - Legislative Branch
Chapter 23 - Committee on Legislative Research
Section 23.020 - Duties of committee.
Section 23.030 - Legislative library — reference service.
Section 23.040 - Service concerning bills.
Section 23.045 - Revision bill, content.
Section 23.156 - Oath required, oversight division employees — violation, penalty.
Section 23.160 - Definition of program evaluation.
Section 23.180 - Powers of committee.
Section 23.259 - Sunsetting of programs, duties of the committee.
Section 23.262 - Public hearings conducted for sunsetting programs, when.
Section 23.268 - Criteria considered by committee.
Section 23.271 - Program reports, content — portions of report to be submitted to state auditor.
Section 23.274 - Exemption for certain agencies, when.
Section 23.277 - Monitoring of legislation during session.
Section 23.280 - Sunset act not to prohibit certain activities of the general assembly.
Section 23.283 - Sunset program to continue until when, procedures for terminated programs.
Section 23.292 - State agencies and officers to provide assistance to committee, when.
Section 23.295 - Division of workforce development to assist displaced employees.
Section 23.298 - Rights and duties not affected by sunsetting of programs.