Effective - 28 Aug 2006
227.660. Collection of user fees — notice of tolls — penalty — admissibility of reports and telephone calls — toll collection and traffic citation procedures. — 1. The private partner may use any method for collecting and enforcing user fees for the use of the project which may include, but is* not limited to, toll tickets, barrier toll facilities, billing accounts, commuter passes, and electronic recording or identification devices. The display of a recording or identification device issued or authorized by the private partner for such purposes on or near the windshield of a motor vehicle shall not be a violation of any law or rule in the state of Missouri unless the device is attached in a manner that obstructs the operator's clear view of the project.
2. The private partner operating the project as a toll facility shall post notice on or around such facility in the plain view of operators of motor vehicles using such facility which reads as follows:
3. The owner of a motor vehicle involved in a violation for failure to pay the required toll is guilty of an infraction and upon conviction shall be required to pay the amount of the toll that was the subject of the violation which shall be remitted to the private partner and a fine in an amount not to exceed two hundred dollars.
4. A written report or telephone call from a toll enforcement officer, law enforcement officer, or photo monitoring system evidence that indicates a required toll was not paid is admissible in any proceeding to enforce this section, subject to foundation evidence to establish the authenticity of the report, call, or photographs. Photo monitoring system evidence that shows the motor vehicle, whether operated by the owner or another operator, has failed to pay a toll shall raise a rebuttable presumption that the motor vehicle shown in the photographic evidence was used to commit a violation of this section. If charges are filed against multiple owners of a motor vehicle, only one of the owners shall be convicted and court costs may be assessed against only one of the owners. If the motor vehicle involved in the violation is registered in the name of a rental or leasing company and the vehicle is rented or leased to another person at the time of the violation, the rental or leasing company may rebut the presumption by providing law enforcement or the prosecuting authority with a copy of the rental or lease agreement in effect at the time of the violation. No prosecuting authority shall bring any legal proceeding against a rental or leasing company under this section unless prior written notice of the violation has been given to such rental or leasing company by registered mail at the address appearing on the motor vehicle's registration and the rental or leasing company has failed to provide the rental or leasing agreement copy within fifteen days of receipt of such notice.
5. The following procedures shall be taken for the enforcement of toll collections and issuance of traffic citations under this section:
(1) Any toll booth operator witnessing a failure to pay a required toll in violation of this section shall report such violation to a law enforcement officer or agency. The report may be in one of the following forms:
(a) A telephone call from a toll enforcement officer to a law enforcement agency indicating a violation and a reasonable description of the motor vehicle violating the toll enforcement provisions of this section, including but not limited to the license plate number, make, model, and color of the motor vehicle;
(b) A certificate or a written report sworn to or affirmed by a toll enforcement officer, agent, private partner, Missouri state highway patrol officer, city police officer, or a sheriff's department deputy which alleges that a violation of this section occurred, or a facsimile thereof, based upon inspection of photographs, microphotographs, videotape, or other recorded images produced by a photo monitoring system or a photograph from a photo monitoring system shall be prima facie evidence of the facts contained therein, subject to foundation evidence to establish the authenticity of such photographs, microphotographs, videotape, or other recorded images produced by a photo monitoring system, and shall be admissible in any proceeding charging a violation of the toll collection provisions in this section; provided that, any photographs, microphotographs, videotape, or other recorded images evidencing such a violation shall be available for inspection and admission into evidence in any proceeding to adjudicate the liability for such violation;
(2) After a report has been provided to a Missouri law enforcement agency, such agency is authorized to issue a traffic citation for failure to pay the required toll;
(3) The law enforcement agency responsible for the issuance of a traffic citation for failure to pay a toll is responsible for prosecution of such citation.
The provisions of this section shall not prohibit a law enforcement officer from issuing a citation for a violation of any other traffic laws and regulations on the project.
(L. 2006 H.B. 1380)
*Word "are" appears in original rolls.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XIV - Roads and Waterways
Chapter 227 - State Highway System
Section 227.010 - Definitions.
Section 227.040 - Engineer to make surveys, plans, specifications.
Section 227.050 - Commission may act on engineer's recommendations.
Section 227.060 - Commission to determine width and character of construction — minimum width.
Section 227.070 - State highway through municipality — construction.
Section 227.080 - Certain bridges part of state highway system.
Section 227.100 - Publication of notices, where — construction bids — rejection — bond required.
Section 227.102 - Electronic bidding authorized, requirements and criteria — rulemaking authority.
Section 227.110 - Specifications for state highway system.
Section 227.130 - Rights-of-way — power to grant.
Section 227.160 - Higher type road may be constructed, when.
Section 227.170 - Civil subdivision may convey rights-of-way to state of Missouri — no refunds.
Section 227.180 - State highways and transportation commission to become trustee, when.
Section 227.190 - Surety bond necessary to guarantee payment of funds deposited — premium, how paid.
Section 227.200 - Failure to comply with requirements.
Section 227.210 - Commission to maintain state highways, how — cost, how paid.
Section 227.221 - White lines at outer edge of highway required.
Section 227.230 - Commission may grant highway marking privileges.
Section 227.250 - Commission may close state highway temporarily, when.
Section 227.260 - Commission may relocate state highways, when.
Section 227.270 - Commission may abandon and relocate inundated portion of highway.
Section 227.280 - Damages from inundation — how settled.
Section 227.290 - Highways and transportation commission may convey or exchange land or leasehold.
Section 227.302 - Carver Prairie Drive designated in Newton County.
Section 227.304 - Rick Harmon Memorial Highway designated in Taney County.
Section 227.317 - Babe Adams Highway designated.
Section 227.319 - Trooper James Froemsdorf Memorial Highway designated (Perry County).
Section 227.320 - Franklin Street designated for portion of Highway 47 in the city of Washington.
Section 227.321 - Veterans Memorial Bridge designated.
Section 227.323 - Henry Shaw Ozark Corridor designated.
Section 227.329 - Trooper Kelly L. Poynter Memorial Highway designated (Texas County).
Section 227.330 - Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway, portion of U.S. Highway 63 designated as.
Section 227.333 - Sergeant Randy Sullivan Memorial Highway designated (Iron County).
Section 227.335 - American Legion Memorial Highway — portion of U.S. Highway 65.
Section 227.336 - Korean War Veterans' Memorial Freeway, portion of U.S. Highway 60 designated as.
Section 227.344 - James B. Tatum Highway designated for a portion of I-49 in Newton County.
Section 227.349 - Veterans Highway designated for a portion of State Highway J in Lincoln County.
Section 227.356 - Congressman Mel Hancock Freeway designated in Greene County.
Section 227.357 - Korean War Veterans Association Memorial Highway designated in Phelps County.
Section 227.358 - Governor John M. Dalton Memorial Highway designated in Dunklin County.
Section 227.360 - Albert Brumley Memorial Highway designated in McDonald County.
Section 227.361 - Veterans Memorial Parkway designated in Johnson County.
Section 227.363 - Richard L. Harriman Highway designated in Clay County.
Section 227.367 - Officer Scott Armstrong Memorial Highway designated in St. Louis County.
Section 227.370 - Governor Mel Carnahan Memorial Highway designated in Phelps County.
Section 227.372 - Chief Jerry Buehne Memorial Road designated in St. Louis County.
Section 227.373 - Senator Christopher S. Bond Bridge designated in Hermann.
Section 227.380 - Theodore McNeal Highway designated for portion of Highway 115 in St. Louis City.
Section 227.387 - Deputy Charles M. Cook Memorial Highway designated for a portion of Highway 169.
Section 227.392 - Christopher S. Bond Bridge designated for I-29/35 bridge in Kansas City.
Section 227.404 - Leona Williams Highway designated for portion of U.S. Highway 63 in Maries County.
Section 227.407 - Lamar Hunt Memorial Highway designated for portion of Interstate 435.
Section 227.409 - Jack Buck Memorial Highway designated for portion of Interstate I-64/US 40.
Section 227.418 - Ferlin Husky Highway designated for portion of Highway 8 in St. Francois County.
Section 227.433 - Tom Boland Highway designated for a portion of U.S. Highway 61 in Marion County.
Section 227.441 - Marine LCPL Jared Schmitz Memorial Bridge designated in St. Charles County.
Section 227.469 - Mary Herschend memorial highway designated for portion of State Highway 76.
Section 227.500 - Ozark Mills Country designated.
Section 227.512 - AMVETS Memorial Highway designated for a portion of Route 94 in Callaway County.
Section 227.513 - Purple Heart Trail designated for a portion of I-70 and I-44.
Section 227.514 - Harriett Woods Memorial Highway designated for a portion of Interstate 170.
Section 227.515 - Sergeant Jeffry Kowalski Memorial Highway designated for a portion of Highway 32.
Section 227.522 - Purple Heart Trail designated for portions of I-49.
Section 227.523 - Irwin C. Cudworth Memorial Bridge designated on Highway CC in Ozark County.
Section 227.524 - Ray-Carroll County Veterans Memorial Highway designated for portion of Highway 10.
Section 227.525 - Billy Yates Highway designated for portion of U.S. Highway 160 in Ripley County.
Section 227.548 - Rep. Cloria Brown Memorial Highway designated.
Section 227.551 - Title of law — redesign of certain projects not required.
Section 227.552 - Definitions.
Section 227.556 - Revised project plan required, when.
Section 227.557 - Method of providing notices, responses, and plans — notice of excavation required.
Section 227.559 - Ordinances, policies, resolutions, or regulations permitted (St. Charles).
Section 227.603 - Legislative findings — construction.
Section 227.606 - Requests for approval, contents — fee.
Section 227.609 - Procurement process — notice — responsive bids, processing fee prohibited.
Section 227.615 - Approval of projects — procedure.
Section 227.618 - Tentative approval, criteria — interim agreements, requirements.
Section 227.621 - Approval of comprehensive agreements, requirements.
Section 227.624 - Terminating negotiations, rejecting requests and responses.
Section 227.627 - Closed records, when, open records, when.
Section 227.630 - Powers of private partners.
Section 227.633 - Private partner to provide financial information — bond may be required.
Section 227.636 - Powers of the commission.
Section 227.646 - Revenues tax-exempt.
Section 227.648 - Agreements authorizing private partner regarding procurement.
Section 227.651 - Private partner to provide plan, contents.
Section 227.654 - Right-of-way or easement authorized.
Section 227.657 - Condemnation authorized — requirements — surveying, damages to private property.
Section 227.663 - Limitation of liability.
Section 227.666 - Notice of material default and opportunity to cure — remedies.
Section 227.669 - Annual status report.
Section 227.793 - Nathanael Greene Highway designated for portion of I-44 in Greene County.
Section 227.795 - Bobby Plager Memorial Highway designated for a portion of I-64 in St. Louis City.
Section 227.796 - WWII Henry Archie Black Memorial Bridge designated in Polk County.
Section 227.808 - Police Officer Richard C Fleming Memorial Highway designated in Jackson County.
Section 227.810 - Annistyn Kate Rackley Memorial Highway designated in Pemiscot County.
Section 227.811 - Russell Lee Burton Memorial Highway designated in Montgomery County.
Section 227.812 - Firefighter Benjamin J Polson Memorial Highway designated in St. Louis County.
Section 227.813 - Samuel C Houston Memorial Highway designated in Clay County.
Section 227.814 - SP5 Billy J Meador Memorial Highway designated in St. Francois County.
Section 227.815 - WO1 Reginald D Cleve Memorial Highway designated in St. Francois County.
Section 227.817 - Championship Way designated in Clinton and Clay counties.