Effective - 16 Oct 2015, 3 histories
*194.119. Right of sepulcher, the right to choose and control final disposition of a dead human body. — 1. As used in this section, the term "right of sepulcher" means the right to choose and control the burial, cremation, or other final disposition of a dead human body.
2. For purposes of this chapter and chapters 193, 333, and 436, and in all cases relating to the custody, control, and disposition of deceased human remains, including the common law right of sepulcher, where not otherwise defined, the term "next-of-kin" means the following persons in the priority listed if such person is eighteen years of age or older, is mentally competent, and is willing to assume responsibility for the costs of disposition:
(1) An attorney in fact designated in a durable power of attorney wherein the deceased specifically granted the right of sepulcher over his or her body to such attorney in fact;
(2) For a decedent who was on active duty in the United States military at the time of death, the person designated by such decedent in the written instrument known as the United States Department of Defense Form 93, Record of Emergency Data, in accordance with P.L. 109-163, Section 564, 10 U.S.C. Section 1482;
(3) The surviving spouse;
(4) Any surviving child of the deceased. If a surviving child is less than eighteen years of age and has a legal or natural guardian, such child shall not be disqualified on the basis of the child's age and such child's legal or natural guardian, if any, shall be entitled to serve in the place of the child unless such child's legal or natural guardian was subject to an action in dissolution from the deceased. In such event the person or persons who may serve as next-of-kin shall serve in the order provided in subdivisions (5) to (9) of this subsection;
(5) (a) Any surviving parent of the deceased; or
(b) If the deceased is a minor, a surviving parent who has custody of the minor; or
(c) If the deceased is a minor and the deceased's parents have joint custody, the parent whose residence is the minor child's residence for purposes of mailing and education;
(6) Any surviving sibling of the deceased;
(7) The next nearest surviving relative of the deceased by consanguinity or affinity;
(8) Any person or friend who assumes financial responsibility for the disposition of the deceased's remains if no next-of-kin assumes such responsibility;
(9) The county coroner or medical examiner; provided however that such assumption of responsibility shall not make the coroner, medical examiner, the county, or the state financially responsible for the cost of disposition.
3. The next-of-kin of the deceased shall be entitled to control the final disposition of the remains of any dead human being consistent with all applicable laws, including all applicable health codes.
4. A funeral director or establishment is entitled to rely on and act according to the lawful instructions of any person claiming to be the next-of-kin of the deceased; provided however, in any civil cause of action against a funeral director or establishment licensed pursuant to this chapter for actions taken regarding the funeral arrangements for a deceased person in the director's or establishment's care, the relative fault, if any, of such funeral director or establishment may be reduced if such actions are taken in reliance upon a person's claim to be the deceased person's next-of-kin.
5. Any person who desires to exercise the right of sepulcher and who has knowledge of an individual or individuals with a superior right to control disposition shall notify such individual or individuals prior to making final arrangements.
6. If an individual with a superior claim is personally served with written notice from a person with an inferior claim that such person desires to exercise the right of sepulcher and the individual so served does not object within forty-eight hours of receipt, such individual shall be deemed to have waived such right. An individual with a superior right may also waive such right at any time if such waiver is in writing and dated.
7. If there is more than one person in a class who are equal in priority and the funeral director has no knowledge of any objection by other members of such class, the funeral director or establishment shall be entitled to rely on and act according to the instructions of the first such person in the class to make arrangements; provided that such person assumes responsibility for the costs of disposition and no other person in such class provides written notice of his or her objection. If the funeral director has knowledge that there is more than one person in a class who are equal in priority and who do not agree on the disposition, the decision of the majority of the members of such class shall control the disposition.
8. For purposes of conducting a majority vote under subsection 7 of this section, the funeral director shall allow voting by proxy using a written authorization or instrument.
(L. 2003 H.B. 394, A.L. 2008 S.B. 788 merged with S.B. 1139, A.L. 2010 H.B. 1524 & 2260, A.L. 2015 H.B. 618)
*Effective 10-16-15, see § 21.250. H.B. 618 was vetoed on July 10, 2015. The veto was overridden September 16, 2015.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XII - Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 194 - Death — Disposition of Dead Bodies
Section 194.005 - Death, legal definition.
Section 194.010 - Encasement of bodies to be shipped.
Section 194.020 - Hermetically sealed coffin, specifications.
Section 194.060 - Transportation of dead body by common carrier, requirements.
Section 194.070 - Preparation of certain bodies for shipment supervised by health officer.
Section 194.080 - Preparation of certain dead bodies for shipment.
Section 194.100 - Transportation of bodies where cause of death is noncontagious.
Section 194.110 - Penalty for violation.
Section 194.120 - Missouri state anatomical board — members — responsibilities.
Section 194.130 - Meetings of board — organization — funds.
Section 194.140 - Acceptance of provisions of this law — bond — prohibited actions and penalties.
Section 194.150 - Disposal of paupers' bodies.
Section 194.160 - Distribution of bodies.
Section 194.170 - Autopsy not to be held, when.
Section 194.180 - Penalty for violation.
Section 194.197 - Depth at which body is buried may be regulated.
Section 194.210 - Definitions.
Section 194.215 - Applicability of law.
Section 194.220 - Registry to be established — gift may be made by whom.
Section 194.230 - Amendment or revocation, procedure.
Section 194.235 - Refusal to make a gift, evidenced how, requirements.
Section 194.250 - Document of gift, procedure.
Section 194.260 - Reasonable search to identify donors — immunity from liability, when.
Section 194.270 - Hospitals to enter into agreements with procurement organizations.
Section 194.280 - Falsification of documents, penalty.
Section 194.285 - Immunity from liability, when.
Section 194.293 - Uniformity of law a consideration in construing statutory provisions.
Section 194.294 - Effect of law on certain federal acts.
Section 194.295 - Embalmers authorized to enucleate eyes, when.
Section 194.299 - Money in organ donor program fund, how expended.
Section 194.302 - Advisory committee's powers and duties — annual report, due when.
Section 194.307 - Effective date for sections 194.240, 194.297 through 194.304 and section 302.171.
Section 194.350 - Disposition of cremated remains — if no directions are given, procedure, notice.
Section 194.375 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 194.378 - Final disposition of fetal remains, mother has right to determine.
Section 194.381 - Means of disposition.
Section 194.390 - Right to legal abortion not affected.
Section 194.400 - Definitions.
Section 194.405 - Scope of law.
Section 194.410 - Human burial sites — knowingly disturb, penalty — appropriation for sale, penalty.
Section 194.425 - Abandonment of a corpse without notifying authorities, penalty.
Section 194.500 - Definitions.
Section 194.503 - Right-of-way — use of lead vehicles — emergency vehicles with right-of-way, when.
Section 194.509 - Regulations for nonparticipating vehicle operators — violations, penalty.
Section 194.512 - Use of amber lights for motorcycles — ordinances permitted.