Effective - 28 Aug 2006
192.400. Definitions. — The following words and terms as used in sections 192.400 to 192.490 mean:
(1) "Radiation", any or all of the following forms of ionizing radiation: gamma and X rays, alpha and beta particles, high speed electrons, neutrons, protons and other nuclear or atomic particles or rays, and other radiant energies including, by way of extension but not of limitation, radium, strontium 90, cesium 137 and cobalt 60, but radiation as herein defined does not include sound or radio waves or visible, infrared or ultraviolet light;
(2) "Radiation machine", any device that produces radiation;
(3) "Unnecessary radiation", the use of radiation as herein defined in such a manner as to be hazardous to the health of the people or the industrial or agricultural potentials of the state.
(L. 1963 p. 359 § 1, A.L. 2006 H.B. 1437 merged with S.B. 677)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XII - Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 192 - Department of Health and Senior Services
Section 192.002 - Department of health and senior services established.
Section 192.006 - Health and senior services, department of, rulemaking authority, procedure.
Section 192.007 - Director, appointment — compensation — qualifications.
Section 192.014 - State board of health and senior services to advise department.
Section 192.015 - Fees for laboratory tests authorized — deposit in general revenue.
Section 192.016 - Putative father registry — fund created.
Section 192.025 - To accept and disburse federal funds for health purposes.
Section 192.031 - Hepatitis C programs established by department of health and senior services.
Section 192.033 - Strategies for raising public awareness on hepatitis C.
Section 192.040 - Department to issue reports — subjects.
Section 192.050 - Department to maintain certain bureaus — establishment of others.
Section 192.060 - Department to keep vital statistics.
Section 192.072 - Bureau of immunization to develop educational materials — contents, distribution.
Section 192.080 - Bureau of food and drug inspection.
Section 192.083 - Office of minority health, established — purpose, duties.
Section 192.090 - Inspection of hotels, inns and boardinghouses.
Section 192.100 - Inspection of beverages.
Section 192.110 - Department's duty as to diseases of animals.
Section 192.139 - Communicable disease reporting, guidelines for department.
Section 192.140 - Public health nurse provided — public and private places disinfected.
Section 192.150 - Interference a misdemeanor — duty of mayor and county commission.
Section 192.160 - Taxpayers may petition for the appointment of a nurse.
Section 192.170 - Money appropriated from current revenue.
Section 192.250 - Department to receive grants.
Section 192.260 - County health officer appointed by county commission.
Section 192.280 - Duties of county health officer — neglect, penalty — removal.
Section 192.290 - State regulations supersede local rules — additional local rules.
Section 192.310 - Cities of 75,000 or over excepted from sections 192.260 to 192.320.
Section 192.320 - Violation of law or quarantine — penalty.
Section 192.324 - Administrative and cost allocation fund created, use of moneys.
Section 192.326 - Disaster fund created, use of moneys during a state of emergency.
Section 192.390 - Cost of certain formulas to be provided — rulemaking authority.
Section 192.400 - Definitions.
Section 192.410 - Powers and duties of department.
Section 192.420 - Department to make rules — procedure.
Section 192.430 - Radiation sources to be kept safe.
Section 192.460 - Emergency orders — compliance required — hearing.
Section 192.470 - Judicial review.
Section 192.480 - Law not to limit medical use of radiation.
Section 192.490 - Violation of law or regulation, misdemeanor — injunctive relief.
Section 192.507 - Radiological laboratory to be established, purpose.
Section 192.650 - Cancer information reporting system established — purpose — rulemaking authority.
Section 192.653 - Reports required from certain health care providers, content — exemptions.
Section 192.665 - Definitions.
Section 192.700 - Arthritis program established — purpose.
Section 192.703 - Definitions.
Section 192.705 - Program coordinators, appointment, duties — compensation.
Section 192.712 - Expenses of board and committee members to be paid, subject to appropriations.
Section 192.714 - Regional arthritis centers to be established — purpose — regions designated.
Section 192.716 - Centers to establish programs for education and improved patient care.
Section 192.720 - Support for rheumatology trainees — amount — approval of candidates.
Section 192.723 - Research feasibility studies to be carried out by regional centers.
Section 192.725 - Arthritis information network to be established — staff.
Section 192.735 - Definitions.
Section 192.737 - Data analysis and needs assessment.
Section 192.739 - Confidentiality of reports — release of reports, requirements.
Section 192.740 - No liability for furnishing required information, exception.
Section 192.742 - Promulgation of rules, authority for, consultation with council.
Section 192.760 - Definitions.
Section 192.769 - Notice to patients upon completion of a mammogram — effective date.
Section 192.900 - Missouri public health services fund, established, purposes.
Section 192.947 - Hemp extract, use of, immunity from liability, when.
Section 192.965 - Office on women's health created, duties.
Section 192.968 - Committee to advise the office on women's health created, duties.
Section 192.2005 - Definitions.
Section 192.2010 - Shared care program established, goals — department duties.
Section 192.2100 - Alzheimer's disease and related disorders respite care program — definitions.
Section 192.2105 - Respite care program for Alzheimer's purposes.
Section 192.2110 - Rules and regulations for respite care program, procedure.
Section 192.2150 - Department to use services of certain organizations, when.
Section 192.2200 - Definitions.
Section 192.2215 - Revocation of license, when — notification of operator.
Section 192.2220 - Exceptions to licensure requirements for adult day care centers.
Section 192.2230 - Fee for license or renewal, limitation.
Section 192.2235 - Adult daycare program manual — regional training sessions.
Section 192.2245 - License denied — suspended — revoked — hearing procedure — appeals.
Section 192.2250 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 192.2255 - Rules, authority, procedure.
Section 192.2260 - Violations, penalties.
Section 192.2275 - Cost-based uniform rate for services, budget line item.
Section 192.2300 - Definitions.
Section 192.2400 - Definitions.
Section 192.2405 - Mandatory reporters--penalty for failure to report.
Section 192.2410 - Reports, contents — department to maintain telephone for reporting.
Section 192.2415 - Investigations of reports of eligible adults, department procedures.
Section 192.2425 - Investigation of elder abuse — report.
Section 192.2430 - Duty to report, immunity.
Section 192.2440 - Assistance to be given.
Section 192.2445 - Procedure when abuse, neglect, or physical harm may be involved — remedies.
Section 192.2450 - Interference with delivery of services, effect — remedy.
Section 192.2455 - Recipient unable to give consent, procedure, remedy.
Section 192.2460 - Director may proceed under other law, when — legal counsel may be retained, when.
Section 192.2470 - Discontinuance of services, when — exception.
Section 192.2505 - Confidentiality of records, records disclosed, when.