Effective - 28 Aug 1990
184.600. Zoo district — boundaries — petition to form — areas outside city may petition to join — elections — ballot content and form. — 1. A metropolitan zoo district may be established in any city with a population of one hundred thousand or more inhabitants located within a first class county which does not adjoin any other first class county, after voter approval pursuant to this section. A zoo district shall consist of such institutions and places for the collection and exhibition of animals and animal life, for the instruction and recreation of the people, for the promotion of zoology and kindred subjects, for the encouragement of zoological study and research and for the increase of public interest in wild animals and in the protection of wild animal life. The boundaries of any such metropolitan zoo district shall be the corporate boundaries of the city, any lands annexed into the city after the establishment of the district and areas adjacent to the city which petition and vote to become part of the district pursuant to section 184.602. The question shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the city at a local or state general, primary or special election upon the petition of five percent of the qualified voters of the city as determined on the basis of the number of votes cast in the city for governor at the last election held prior to the filing of the petition, except that such election shall not be held prior to 1992. The election officials shall give legal notice at least sixty days prior to such general or primary election or special election in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the city that such proposition shall be submitted at the next general or primary election or special election held for submission of this proposition. A municipality shall include in the ballot a provision for a tax to support the district in an amount not to exceed ten cents per one hundred dollars assessed valuation of all taxable property within the district.
2. Citizens living in a first class county in an area adjacent to and within two miles of a city that has formed or has called an election to form a metropolitan zoo may petition the county commission where the city is located to become part of the metropolitan zoo district by filing with the county commission a petition containing a description of the area to be included in the district and the signatures of five percent of the qualified voters of the area as determined by the county clerk on the basis of the number of votes cast in the area for governor at the last election held prior to the filing of the petition. The question shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the area at a local or state general, primary or special election upon the certification by the county clerk that the petition contains the signatures of the required number of qualified voters. The election officials shall give legal notice at least sixty days prior to such general or primary election or special election in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the county that such proposition shall be submitted at the next general or primary election or special election held for submission of this proposition. The commission shall include in the ballot as requested in the petition a provision for a tax to support the district at the rate of tax which residents of the city are required to pay to support the district.
3. If the election is held in the city such proposition shall be submitted to the voters in substantially the following form at such election:
4. If the election is held in an area outside the city such proposition shall be submitted to the voters in substantially the following form at such election:
5. In the event that a majority of the voters voting on such proposition in the city at such election cast votes "FOR" the proposition, then the district shall be established and the tax rate shall be in full force and effect as of the first day of the year following the year of the election. The results of the election shall be certified by the election officials of the city not less than thirty days after the day of election. In the event the proposition fails to receive a majority of the votes "FOR" in the city, then such proposition shall not be resubmitted at any election held within one year of the date of the election the proposition was rejected.
6. In the event that a majority of the voters voting on such proposition in an area outside the city at such election cast votes "FOR" the proposition, then the area shall be part of the metropolitan zoo district as of the first day of the year following the year of the election provided the voters in the city have voted to form such a district. The results of the election shall be certified by the election official of the county not less than thirty days after the election. In the event the proposition fails to receive a majority of the votes "FOR" in the area outside the city, then such proposition shall not be resubmitted at any election held within one year of the date of the election the proposition was rejected.
(L. 1990 S.B. 525 § 1)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 184 - Museums — Metropolitan Park Districts and Memorials
Section 184.101 - Citation of law.
Section 184.102 - Definitions.
Section 184.119 - Records to be retained for twenty-five years after December 31, 1991.
Section 184.122 - Museum law to supersede lost and unclaimed property law.
Section 184.250 - Memorial buildings or monuments in each county.
Section 184.260 - County commissions and municipal assemblies authorized to act.
Section 184.290 - County memorial hospitals — state aid, how authorized.
Section 184.351 - St. Louis science center — increase in tax rate, procedure — ballot form.
Section 184.352 - Definitions.
Section 184.354 - District board, appointment, terms, qualifications, officers, rules and bylaws.
Section 184.355 - Dissolution of subdistricts — petition — election, ballot form.
Section 184.360 - Subdistrict's powers — duties.
Section 184.362 - Facilities to be free, commission rules and regulations, employee benefits.
Section 184.364 - Indebtedness, district may incur by election, limitation.
Section 184.366 - Taxation to retire debt.
Section 184.368 - Question to be submitted.
Section 184.370 - Form of ballot.
Section 184.372 - Bonds, when issued, form, limitations.
Section 184.374 - Bonds, how transferred.
Section 184.376 - Refunding bonds authorized.
Section 184.378 - Ordinances to protect facilities authorized.
Section 184.380 - Report to chief executive officers, when.
Section 184.382 - Report to district board, when.
Section 184.384 - Discriminatory employment practices prohibited.
Section 184.506 - Commission to govern, members, terms, meetings, quorum — immunity for members.
Section 184.512 - Administration, funding of — record keeping requirements.
Section 184.608 - Collection of taxes, procedure — use of funds collected.
Section 184.612 - Additional indebtedness may be incurred by district with voter approval, amount.
Section 184.614 - Tax levy requirements — additional indebtedness — election — ballot form.
Section 184.618 - Conversion of bond into registered bond, procedure.
Section 184.800 - Law, how cited.
Section 184.805 - Definitions.
Section 184.820 - Petitions, who may file — hearing on petition — appeals.
Section 184.825 - Costs of petition, reimbursement, when.
Section 184.827 - Museum and cultural district board, members.
Section 184.840 - Funding, authority to receive and expend — appropriations.
Section 184.847 - Admission fee authorized, rate — deposit in special trust fund.
Section 184.850 - Powers of district.
Section 184.860 - Revenue bonds, exemption from taxes, exception.
Section 184.865 - Contracts with other political subdivisions or other entities.