Effective - 28 Aug 1963
178.370. Establishment of two-year college courses. — Any public school district in this state which has a fully accredited high school may provide for two-year college courses in the schools, on the approval of and subject to the supervision of the coordinating board for higher education.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 13-37)
(Source: RSMo 1959 § 165.123)
Discipline, community college students, 178.835
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 178 - Special Schools and Instruction and Special Districts
Section 178.160 - State to furnish funds for readers for blind students, when.
Section 178.170 - Qualifications of reader.
Section 178.180 - Compensation of reader, how and when paid.
Section 178.280 - Board of directors of seven-director district may conduct summer schools.
Section 178.295 - Definitions.
Section 178.298 - Notice to school district of juvenile's placement or detention, when.
Section 178.300 - Part-time schools established, when.
Section 178.310 - State board to establish standards.
Section 178.320 - Federal funds available, when.
Section 178.330 - Attendance counted as part of employment time.
Section 178.340 - State and local boards of education to administer law.
Section 178.350 - District may be excused from maintaining part-time school.
Section 178.360 - Annual report of state board.
Section 178.370 - Establishment of two-year college courses.
Section 178.380 - Per capita cost of courses to be determined — tuition.
Section 178.390 - Board may set aside funds for pupils' tuition.
Section 178.420 - Definitions.
Section 178.430 - Acceptance of federal acts and funds.
Section 178.440 - State board of education to cooperate with federal authorities.
Section 178.450 - Duties of state board of education.
Section 178.460 - State treasurer to be custodian of funds.
Section 178.470 - Report to the general assembly.
Section 178.480 - Approved schools to receive federal money, when — appropriation of state's share.
Section 178.490 - Local boards may contract for vocational education services.
Section 178.500 - May also contract for additional instruction in approved courses.
Section 178.510 - Contracting district to pay tuition — apportionment of state aid.
Section 178.520 - Vocational education fund — how obtained when no state appropriation is made.
Section 178.540 - Commissioner of education to be executive officer — assistants.
Section 178.570 - State board may incur necessary administration expenses.
Section 178.580 - State board to report to general assembly.
Section 178.600 - State treasurer to be custodian of funds — disbursement.
Section 178.610 - Duties of state board of education.
Section 178.620 - State board to formulate plan of cooperation.
Section 178.630 - State board may receive gifts and donations — fund created — use — report.
Section 178.633 - Terms of voting members — nonvoting members, terms.
Section 178.634 - Board's expenses, to be paid — vacancies, resignations, removals, how filled.
Section 178.639 - Employees of college eligible for Missouri state employees' retirement system.
Section 178.651 - Definitions.
Section 178.653 - Independent living center fund created — administration — funding.
Section 178.658 - Location of centers, restriction on funding.
Section 178.691 - Definitions.
Section 178.693 - Educational and screening programs — reimbursement by state.
Section 178.695 - Program review.
Section 178.698 - Plan to distribute funds to allow voluntary participation.
Section 178.699 - Participation voluntary — information obtained is confidential.
Section 178.780 - Coordinating board for higher education to supervise colleges — duties.
Section 178.785 - Higher education core curriculum transfer act — definitions.
Section 178.787 - Forty-two credit hour block, adoption of — transfer of course credits.
Section 178.788 - Transfer practices, criteria to evaluate — requirements for credit transfers.
Section 178.789 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 178.790 - Boundaries of community college districts.
Section 178.800 - Petition to establish district — election on proposal.
Section 178.830 - Board of trustees — oath — officers — quorum — vacancies filled, how — seal.
Section 178.835 - Discipline of students.
Section 178.840 - Election, when held, how conducted — certification of votes cast.
Section 178.862 - Community college district police — oath, powers, qualifications.
Section 178.870 - Tax rates, limits — how increased and decreased.
Section 178.900 - Definitions.
Section 178.910 - Purposes of sheltered workshops.
Section 178.931 - Payments for hours worked by disabled employees, how calculated.
Section 178.940 - Department designated to accept and disburse federal funds.
Section 178.950 - Board of education to appoint necessary staff.