Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 178 - Special Schools and Instruction and Special Districts
Section 178.180 - Compensation of reader, how and when paid.

Effective - 28 Aug 1994
178.180. Compensation of reader, how and when paid. — Except for school districts, the moneys shall be paid monthly out of the general revenue fund of the state, after the beginning of the school year of the institution, by rehabilitation services for the blind, department of social services, to the treasurer of the institution upon his presenting an account showing the names of individuals who received the services and the number of hours of services each received. For school districts, the money shall be paid out of the state school moneys fund upon application to the department of elementary and secondary education showing the actual number of blind pupils attending school in the school district after the beginning of the school year with the regular distribution of state funds provided for in sections 163.081 and 163.082*. The account shall be verified by the executive officer of the school district or institution.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 13-18, A.L. 1977 H.B. 130, A.L. 1981 H.B. 111, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45 merged with H.B. 785, A.L. 1994 S.B. 619)
(Source: RSMo 1959 § 177.160)
*Section 163.082 was repealed by H.B. 1450, 1982.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XI - Education and Libraries

Chapter 178 - Special Schools and Instruction and Special Districts

Section 178.160 - State to furnish funds for readers for blind students, when.

Section 178.170 - Qualifications of reader.

Section 178.180 - Compensation of reader, how and when paid.

Section 178.280 - Board of directors of seven-director district may conduct summer schools.

Section 178.290 - Establishment of night schools in certain districts — tuition — use of school buildings.

Section 178.295 - Definitions.

Section 178.296 - Educational programs for juveniles placed or detained in county facilities — state aid.

Section 178.297 - Cost of programs, how paid — school district may contract with other district to provide services, when — failure of contracting district to pay, procedure.

Section 178.298 - Notice to school district of juvenile's placement or detention, when.

Section 178.300 - Part-time schools established, when.

Section 178.310 - State board to establish standards.

Section 178.320 - Federal funds available, when.

Section 178.330 - Attendance counted as part of employment time.

Section 178.340 - State and local boards of education to administer law.

Section 178.350 - District may be excused from maintaining part-time school.

Section 178.360 - Annual report of state board.

Section 178.370 - Establishment of two-year college courses.

Section 178.380 - Per capita cost of courses to be determined — tuition.

Section 178.390 - Board may set aside funds for pupils' tuition.

Section 178.400 - Community colleges established prior to October 13, 1961, supervision of — community college district may be created from public school district, procedure — taxation, how affected.

Section 178.411 - Definitions — duties of state board of education — fee waiver, effect on agency benefits — eligibility requirements — no guarantee of acceptance in or graduation from program — rules, promulgation, procedure.

Section 178.420 - Definitions.

Section 178.430 - Acceptance of federal acts and funds.

Section 178.440 - State board of education to cooperate with federal authorities.

Section 178.450 - Duties of state board of education.

Section 178.460 - State treasurer to be custodian of funds.

Section 178.470 - Report to the general assembly.

Section 178.480 - Approved schools to receive federal money, when — appropriation of state's share.

Section 178.490 - Local boards may contract for vocational education services.

Section 178.500 - May also contract for additional instruction in approved courses.

Section 178.510 - Contracting district to pay tuition — apportionment of state aid.

Section 178.520 - Vocational education fund — how obtained when no state appropriation is made.

Section 178.530 - State board to establish standards, inspect and approve schools — local boards to report — allocation of money — standards for agricultural education — pilot program for agricultural education in elementary schools, requirements.

Section 178.540 - Commissioner of education to be executive officer — assistants.

Section 178.550 - Career and technical education student protection act — council established, members, terms, meetings, duties.

Section 178.560 - Advisory committee to be appointed in each district offering vocational subjects — no compensation.

Section 178.570 - State board may incur necessary administration expenses.

Section 178.580 - State board to report to general assembly.

Section 178.585 - Upgrade of vocational and technical education — advisory committees — listing of demand occupations — use of funds.

Section 178.590 - Acceptance of federal acts to provide for vocational rehabilitation of certain persons.

Section 178.600 - State treasurer to be custodian of funds — disbursement.

Section 178.610 - Duties of state board of education.

Section 178.620 - State board to formulate plan of cooperation.

Section 178.630 - State board may receive gifts and donations — fund created — use — report.

Section 178.631 - State Technical College of Missouri established by gift to state of the Osage R-II school district.

Section 178.632 - Board of regents to be governing board — members, appointment, qualifications, residency requirements.

Section 178.633 - Terms of voting members — nonvoting members, terms.

Section 178.634 - Board's expenses, to be paid — vacancies, resignations, removals, how filled.

Section 178.635 - Board organization, powers and duties — limitations — bonded indebtedness deemed to be debt of board — bonds retired through tuition revenue.

Section 178.636 - State Technical College of Missouri, purpose and mission — certificates, diplomas and applied science associate degrees, limitations — baccalaureate degrees, limitations.

Section 178.637 - State Technical College of Missouri deemed qualified for student loans or scholarship program, when.

Section 178.638 - Oversight of college by coordinating board and state board of education — state to provide funds, exception vocational technical education reimbursement to continue through state board of education — performance funding measures to...

Section 178.639 - Employees of college eligible for Missouri state employees' retirement system.

Section 178.640 - Retirement system options for employees of the college, effective when — election by employee, time limitation — failure of employee to make election, effect — service credit, limitation.

Section 178.651 - Definitions.

Section 178.652 - Plan to fund and maintain centers to be developed by division — rulemaking authority, procedure.

Section 178.653 - Independent living center fund created — administration — funding.

Section 178.654 - Financial assistance provided to centers, when — program accountability, duties of division, evaluation contents — standards.

Section 178.656 - Organization of centers, board of directors, staff — services provided — disabilities served — compliance with local laws and ordinances required.

Section 178.658 - Location of centers, restriction on funding.

Section 178.691 - Definitions.

Section 178.693 - Educational and screening programs — reimbursement by state.

Section 178.694 - Imagination library of Missouri program — definitions — purpose — Dolly Parton's imagination library affiliate — reading selections provided to eligible children — rulemaking authority — fund created — sunset provision.

Section 178.695 - Program review.

Section 178.697 - Costs not to exceed appropriations — annual screenings and prenatal visit eligibility, when, expiration.

Section 178.698 - Plan to distribute funds to allow voluntary participation.

Section 178.699 - Participation voluntary — information obtained is confidential.

Section 178.716 - Vocational school districts permitted, procedure (Butler, Stoddard, Wayne, Ripley, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Dunklin, Mississippi, Cape Girardeau, Bollinger, and Scott counties).

Section 178.770 - Organization of community college districts — standards — corporate powers of districts.

Section 178.780 - Coordinating board for higher education to supervise colleges — duties.

Section 178.785 - Higher education core curriculum transfer act — definitions.

Section 178.786 - Lower division core curriculum, recommendation — common course numbering equivalency matrix.

Section 178.787 - Forty-two credit hour block, adoption of — transfer of course credits.

Section 178.788 - Transfer practices, criteria to evaluate — requirements for credit transfers.

Section 178.789 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 178.790 - Boundaries of community college districts.

Section 178.800 - Petition to establish district — election on proposal.

Section 178.820 - Trustees, election of — subdistricts — redistricting committees — trustee of subdistrict, residency requirements, qualifications — board of trustees, requirements, St. Louis City.

Section 178.830 - Board of trustees — oath — officers — quorum — vacancies filled, how — seal.

Section 178.835 - Discipline of students.

Section 178.840 - Election, when held, how conducted — certification of votes cast.

Section 178.850 - District to provide college courses — per capita cost to be determined — tuition charges.

Section 178.860 - Board to appoint employees — fix compensation — teachers to be members of public school retirement system.

Section 178.862 - Community college district police — oath, powers, qualifications.

Section 178.870 - Tax rates, limits — how increased and decreased.

Section 178.880 - Taxation of public utility property — rate not included in determining rate to be levied by other school districts.

Section 178.881 - Community college capital improvement subdistrict may be established, boundaries, taxation — ballot language — dissolution of subdistrict.

Section 178.890 - Annexation of school districts — new community college district formed, when — refusal without cause of petition to annex, penalty.

Section 178.891 - Crowder College energy center, state to assist in funding, when — uses for state's contribution.

Section 178.900 - Definitions.

Section 178.910 - Purposes of sheltered workshops.

Section 178.920 - Procedure for establishing sheltered workshops — hearing — certificate — revocation.

Section 178.931 - Payments for hours worked by disabled employees, how calculated.

Section 178.935 - Special certificates for employment of disabled persons at sheltered workshops — commensurate wage requirements — issuance of certificate, criteria.

Section 178.940 - Department designated to accept and disburse federal funds.

Section 178.950 - Board of education to appoint necessary staff.

Section 178.960 - Judicial review.

Section 178.1100 - Definitions — fund created, use of moneys — review by coordinating board — rulemaking authority.