Effective - 28 Aug 2019
174.345. Long-term concession projects, concession agreements with private developers permitted. — Nothing shall prohibit an institution under this chapter from entering into a long-term concession with a private developer to construct, operate, maintain, and finance the project in exchange for annual payments subject to abatement for nonperformance. For the purposes of this section, a "concession agreement" shall be defined as a license or lease between a private partner and an institution of higher education for the development, operation, maintenance, or finance of a project.
(L. 2019 H.B. 1088)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 174 - State Colleges and Universities
Section 174.010 - State divided into seven college districts.
Section 174.020 - Names of state colleges and universities.
Section 174.025 - Junior college to be referred to as community college in state statutes.
Section 174.040 - Board of regents, how known — general powers.
Section 174.050 - Membership of board of regents.
Section 174.060 - Appointment of boards.
Section 174.070 - Regents' term of office.
Section 174.080 - Organization of boards.
Section 174.090 - Quorum, what constitutes majority of all members, when necessary.
Section 174.100 - Meetings of boards — regular and special — compensation.
Section 174.105 - Attendance policy for members of governing boards.
Section 174.110 - Boards to make rules for own government.
Section 174.120 - College under general control and management of regents.
Section 174.130 - Boards to regulate admission of students.
Section 174.140 - Employees — terms, compensation, retirement, workers' compensation for.
Section 174.150 - Causes for removal of president or teacher — notice and hearing — right of appeal.
Section 174.160 - Authority to confer degrees.
Section 174.170 - Annual report, contents.
Section 174.180 - Treasurer to furnish bond — duties — reports.
Section 174.190 - Duties of the secretary — compensation.
Section 174.200 - Funds must not be diverted.
Section 174.210 - Indebtedness, how paid.
Section 174.230 - Missouri Southern State College — established, when — district.
Section 174.233 - Missouri Southern State College, three-year plan — review and approval.
Section 174.250 - Missouri Western State University — established, when — district.
Section 174.251 - Missouri Western State University, mission statement.
Section 174.253 - Missouri Western State University, three-year plan — review and approval.
Section 174.261 - State to fund universities.
Section 174.281 - Southeast Missouri State University, mission statement.
Section 174.283 - Northwest Missouri State University, mission statement.
Section 174.285 - Harris-Stowe State University, mission statement.
Section 174.300 - Harris-Stowe University — board of regents, appointment, terms.
Section 174.320 - Harris-Stowe State University, retirement system provision.
Section 174.330 - Institution may charge fees for certain services, electronic connection.
Section 174.455 - Expenses of board paid out of revenues of the university — vacancies, how filled.
Section 174.457 - Board of governors, powers, duties, immunities and liabilities, compensation.
Section 174.600 - Truman State University, liberal arts and sciences.
Section 174.601 - Truman State University, formerly known as Northeast Missouri State University.
Section 174.620 - Board of governors, appointment — terms — expenses — vacancies.
Section 174.700 - Board of regents and board of governors may appoint necessary police officers.
Section 174.706 - Boards may appoint guards or watchmen not having authority of police officers.
Section 174.712 - Motor vehicles on campus subject to general motor vehicle laws of Missouri.
Section 174.759 - Friends of Missouri arboretum to be private support group.