Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories
174.160. Authority to confer degrees. — The board of regents of each state college and each state teachers college shall have power and authority to confer upon students, by diploma under the common seal, such degrees as are usually granted by such colleges, and additional degrees only when authorized by the coordinating board for higher education in circumstances in which offering such degree would not unnecessarily duplicate an existing program, collaboration is not feasible or a viable means of meeting the needs of students and employers, and the institution has the academic and financial capacity to offer the program in a high-quality manner. In the case of nonresearch doctoral degrees in allied health professions, an institution may be authorized to offer such degree independently if offering it in collaboration with another institution would not increase the quality of the program or allow it to be delivered more efficiently. Such boards shall have the power and authority to confer degrees in engineering only in collaboration with the University of Missouri, provided that such collaborative agreements are approved by the governing board of each institution and that in these instances the University of Missouri will be the degree-granting institution. Should the University of Missouri decline to collaborate in the offering of such programs, one of these institutions may seek approval of the program through the coordinating board for higher education's comprehensive review process when doing so would not unnecessarily duplicate an existing program, collaboration is not feasible or a viable means of meeting the needs of students and employers, and the institution has the academic and financial capacity to offer the program in a high-quality manner.
(RSMo 1939 § 10764, A.L. 1945 p. 1686, A.L. 1947 V. II p. 369, A. 1949 S.B. 1046, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1465 merged with S.B. 807 & 577)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 9607; 1919 § 11502; 1909 § 11072
Lincoln University curators, same powers as University of Missouri, 175.040
University of Missouri curators, degrees, 172.280
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 174 - State Colleges and Universities
Section 174.010 - State divided into seven college districts.
Section 174.020 - Names of state colleges and universities.
Section 174.025 - Junior college to be referred to as community college in state statutes.
Section 174.040 - Board of regents, how known — general powers.
Section 174.050 - Membership of board of regents.
Section 174.060 - Appointment of boards.
Section 174.070 - Regents' term of office.
Section 174.080 - Organization of boards.
Section 174.090 - Quorum, what constitutes majority of all members, when necessary.
Section 174.100 - Meetings of boards — regular and special — compensation.
Section 174.105 - Attendance policy for members of governing boards.
Section 174.110 - Boards to make rules for own government.
Section 174.120 - College under general control and management of regents.
Section 174.130 - Boards to regulate admission of students.
Section 174.140 - Employees — terms, compensation, retirement, workers' compensation for.
Section 174.150 - Causes for removal of president or teacher — notice and hearing — right of appeal.
Section 174.160 - Authority to confer degrees.
Section 174.170 - Annual report, contents.
Section 174.180 - Treasurer to furnish bond — duties — reports.
Section 174.190 - Duties of the secretary — compensation.
Section 174.200 - Funds must not be diverted.
Section 174.210 - Indebtedness, how paid.
Section 174.230 - Missouri Southern State College — established, when — district.
Section 174.233 - Missouri Southern State College, three-year plan — review and approval.
Section 174.250 - Missouri Western State University — established, when — district.
Section 174.251 - Missouri Western State University, mission statement.
Section 174.253 - Missouri Western State University, three-year plan — review and approval.
Section 174.261 - State to fund universities.
Section 174.281 - Southeast Missouri State University, mission statement.
Section 174.283 - Northwest Missouri State University, mission statement.
Section 174.285 - Harris-Stowe State University, mission statement.
Section 174.300 - Harris-Stowe University — board of regents, appointment, terms.
Section 174.320 - Harris-Stowe State University, retirement system provision.
Section 174.330 - Institution may charge fees for certain services, electronic connection.
Section 174.455 - Expenses of board paid out of revenues of the university — vacancies, how filled.
Section 174.457 - Board of governors, powers, duties, immunities and liabilities, compensation.
Section 174.600 - Truman State University, liberal arts and sciences.
Section 174.601 - Truman State University, formerly known as Northeast Missouri State University.
Section 174.620 - Board of governors, appointment — terms — expenses — vacancies.
Section 174.700 - Board of regents and board of governors may appoint necessary police officers.
Section 174.706 - Boards may appoint guards or watchmen not having authority of police officers.
Section 174.712 - Motor vehicles on campus subject to general motor vehicle laws of Missouri.
Section 174.759 - Friends of Missouri arboretum to be private support group.