Effective - 28 Aug 2016, 2 histories
170.011. Courses in the constitutions, American history and Missouri government, required, penalty — waiver, when — student awards — requirements not applicable to foreign exchange students. — 1. Regular courses of instruction in the Constitution of the United States and of the state of Missouri and in American history and institutions shall be given in all public and private schools in the state of Missouri, except proprietary schools, and shall begin not later than the seventh grade and continue in high school to an extent determined by the state commissioner of education, and shall continue in college and university courses to an extent determined by the state commissioner of higher education. In the 1990-91 school year and each year thereafter, local school districts maintaining high schools shall comply with the provisions of this section by offering in grade nine, ten, eleven, or twelve a course of instruction in the institutions, branches and functions of the government of the state of Missouri, including local governments, and of the government of the United States, and in the electoral process. A local school district maintaining such a high school shall require that prior to the completion of the twelfth grade each pupil who receives a high school diploma or certificate of graduation on or after January 1, 1994, shall satisfactorily complete such a course of study. Such course shall be of at least one semester in length and may be two semesters in length. The department of elementary and secondary education may provide assistance in developing such a course if the district requests assistance. A school district may elect to waive the requirements of this subsection for any student who transfers from outside the state to a Missouri high school if the student can furnish documentation deemed acceptable by the school district of the student's successful completion in any year from the ninth through the twelfth grade of a course of instruction in the institutions, branches, and functions of state government, including local governments, and of the government of the United States, and in the electoral process.
2. American history courses at the elementary and secondary levels shall include in their proper time-line sequence specific referrals to the details and events of the racial equality movement that have caused major changes in United States and Missouri laws and attitudes.
3. No pupil shall receive a certificate of graduation from any public or private school other than private trade schools unless he or she has satisfactorily passed an examination on the provisions and principles of the Constitution of the United States and of the state of Missouri, and in American history, American institutions, and American civics. A school district may elect to waive the requirements of this subsection for any student who transfers from outside the state to a Missouri high school if the student can furnish documentation deemed acceptable by the school district of the student's successful completion in any year from the ninth through the twelfth grade of a course of instruction in the institutions, branches, and functions of state government, including local governments, and of the government of the United States, and in the electoral process. A student of a college or university, who, after having completed a course of instruction prescribed in this section and successfully passed an examination on the United States Constitution, and in American history and American institutions required hereby, transfers to another college or university, is not required to complete another such course or pass another such examination as a condition precedent to his graduation from the college or university.
4. In the 1990-91 school year and each year thereafter, each school district maintaining a high school may annually nominate to the state board of education a student who has demonstrated knowledge of the principles of government and citizenship through academic achievement, participation in extracurricular activities, and service to the community. Annually, the state board of education shall select fifteen students from those nominated by the local school districts and shall recognize and award them for their academic achievement, participation and service.
5. The provisions of this section shall not apply to students from foreign countries who are enrolled in public or private high schools in Missouri, if such students are foreign exchange students sponsored by a national organization recognized by the department of elementary and secondary education.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 10-1, A.L. 1987 H.B. 39, A.L. 1989 S.B. 198, A.L. 1999 S.B. 163, A.L. 2008 H.B. 1678, A.L. 2016 H.B. 1646, 2132 & 1621 merged with S.B. 638)
(Source: RSMo 1959 §§ 163.200, 163.210, 163.220, 163.230, 163.240)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 170 - Instruction — Materials and Subjects
Section 170.005 - Eye protection required, when.
Section 170.007 - Industrial quality eye protective devices defined.
Section 170.009 - Instructions and recommendations for eye protection to be prepared by boards.
Section 170.014 - Reading instruction act — reading programs established, essential components.
Section 170.020 - Social and emotional health education, voluntary pilot project.
Section 170.031 - Physiology texts to contain chapter on dental hygiene — penalty.
Section 170.041 - Physical education supplies and equipment — certain districts may raise funds for.
Section 170.049 - Veterans Day observance in schools.
Section 170.057 - Incidental fund moneys may be used for books, supplies and educational television.
Section 170.121 - Publisher to designate secretary of state as agent for service of process.
Section 170.171 - Board member accepting bribe — penalty.
Section 170.201 - Boards may accept gifts for libraries — investment (seven-director districts).
Section 170.211 - Public library — powers of board in urban districts.
Section 170.221 - Art gallery and museum — powers of board in urban districts.
Section 170.225 - Rules, procedure.
Section 170.260 - Motivated students program, requirements.
Section 170.300 - Phonics instruction pilot project.
Section 170.307 - Mental health awareness training and instruction required — rules.
Section 170.312 - Safe place for newborns act, instruction on, requirements.
Section 170.340 - Books of religious nature may be used, when.
Section 170.345 - Missouri civics education initiative — examination required — waiver, when.
Section 170.350 - Constitution Project of the Missouri Supreme Court, participation in, effect of.