Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 130 - Campaign Finance Disclosure Law
Section 130.041 - Disclosure reports — who files — when required — contents.

Effective - 28 Aug 1999, 3 histories
*130.041. Disclosure reports — who files — when required — contents. — 1. Except as provided in subsection 5 of section 130.016, the candidate, if applicable, treasurer or deputy treasurer of every committee which is required to file a statement of organization, shall file a legibly printed or typed disclosure report of receipts and expenditures. The reports shall be filed with the appropriate officer designated in section 130.026 at the times and for the periods prescribed in section 130.046. Except as provided in sections 130.049 and 130.050, each report shall set forth:
(1) The full name, as required in the statement of organization pursuant to subsection 5 of section 130.021, and mailing address of the committee filing the report and the full name, mailing address and telephone number of the committee's treasurer and deputy treasurer if the committee has named a deputy treasurer;
(2) The amount of money, including cash on hand at the beginning of the reporting period;
(3) Receipts for the period, including:
(a) Total amount of all monetary contributions received which can be identified in the committee's records by name and address of each contributor. In addition, the candidate committee shall make a reasonable effort to obtain and report the employer, or occupation if self-employed or notation of retirement, of each person from whom the committee received one or more contributions which in the aggregate total in excess of one hundred dollars and shall make a reasonable effort to obtain and report a description of any contractual relationship over five hundred dollars between the contributor and the state if the candidate is seeking election to a state office or between the contributor and any political subdivision of the state if the candidate is seeking election to another political subdivision of the state;
(b) Total amount of all anonymous contributions accepted;
(c) Total amount of all monetary contributions received through fund-raising events or activities from participants whose names and addresses were not obtained with such contributions, with an attached statement or copy of the statement describing each fund-raising event as required in subsection 6 of section 130.031;
(d) Total dollar value of all in-kind contributions received;
(e) A separate listing by name and address and employer, or occupation if self-employed or notation of retirement, of each person from whom the committee received contributions, in money or any other thing of value, aggregating more than one hundred dollars, together with the date and amount of each such contribution;
(f) A listing of each loan received by name and address of the lender and date and amount of the loan. For each loan of more than one hundred dollars, a separate statement shall be attached setting forth the name and address of the lender and each person liable directly, indirectly or contingently, and the date, amount and terms of the loan;
(4) Expenditures for the period, including:
(a) The total dollar amount of expenditures made by check drawn on the committee's depository;
(b) The total dollar amount of expenditures made in cash;
(c) The total dollar value of all in-kind expenditures made;
(d) The full name and mailing address of each person to whom an expenditure of money or any other thing of value in the amount of more than one hundred dollars has been made, contracted for or incurred, together with the date, amount and purpose of each expenditure. Expenditures of one hundred dollars or less may be grouped and listed by categories of expenditure showing the total dollar amount of expenditures in each category, except that the report shall contain an itemized listing of each payment made to campaign workers by name, address, date, amount and purpose of each payment and the aggregate amount paid to each such worker;
(e) A list of each loan made, by name and mailing address of the person receiving the loan, together with the amount, terms and date;
(5) The total amount of cash on hand as of the closing date of the reporting period covered, including amounts in depository accounts and in petty cash fund;
(6) The total amount of outstanding indebtedness as of the closing date of the reporting period covered;
(7) The amount of expenditures for or against a candidate or ballot measure during the period covered and the cumulative amount of expenditures for or against that candidate or ballot measure, with each candidate being listed by name, mailing address and office sought. For the purpose of disclosure reports, expenditures made in support of more than one candidate or ballot measure or both shall be apportioned reasonably among the candidates or ballot measure or both. In apportioning expenditures to each candidate or ballot measure, political party committees and continuing committees need not include expenditures for maintaining a permanent office, such as expenditures for salaries of regular staff, office facilities and equipment or other expenditures not designed to support or oppose any particular candidates or ballot measures; however, all such expenditures shall be listed pursuant to subdivision (4) of this subsection;
(8) A separate listing by full name and address of any committee including a candidate committee controlled by the same candidate for which a transfer of funds or a contribution in any amount has been made during the reporting period, together with the date and amount of each such transfer or contribution;
(9) A separate listing by full name and address of any committee, including a candidate committee controlled by the same candidate from which a transfer of funds or a contribution in any amount has been received during the reporting period, together with the date and amount of each such transfer or contribution;
(10) Each committee that receives a contribution which is restricted or designated in whole or in part by the contributor for transfer to a particular candidate, committee or other person shall include a statement of the name and address of that contributor in the next disclosure report required to be filed after receipt of such contribution, together with the date and amount of any such contribution which was so restricted or designated by that contributor, together with the name of the particular candidate or committee to whom such contribution was so designated or restricted by that contributor and the date and amount of such contribution.
2. For the purpose of this section and any other section in this chapter except sections 130.049 and 130.050 which requires a listing of each contributor who has contributed a specified amount, the aggregate amount shall be computed by adding all contributions received from any one person during the following periods:
(1) In the case of a candidate committee, the period shall begin on the date on which the candidate became a candidate according to the definition of the term "candidate" in section 130.011 and end at 11:59 p.m. on the day of the primary election, if the candidate has such an election or at 11:59 p.m. on the day of the general election. If the candidate has a general election held after a primary election, the next aggregating period shall begin at 12:00 midnight on the day after the primary election day and shall close at 11:59 p.m. on the day of the general election. Except that for contributions received during the thirty-day period immediately following a primary election, the candidate shall designate whether such contribution is received as a primary election contribution or a general election contribution;
(2) In the case of a campaign committee, the period shall begin on the date the committee received its first contribution and end on the closing date for the period for which the report or statement is required;
(3) In the case of a political party committee or a continuing committee, the period shall begin on the first day of January of the year in which the report or statement is being filed and end on the closing date for the period for which the report or statement is required; except, if the report or statement is required to be filed prior to the first day of July in any given year, the period shall begin on the first day of July of the preceding year.
3. The disclosure report shall be signed and attested by the committee treasurer or deputy treasurer and by the candidate in case of a candidate committee.
4. The words "consulting or consulting services, fees, or expenses", or similar words, shall not be used to describe the purpose of a payment as required in this section. The reporting of any payment to such an independent contractor shall be on a form supplied by the appropriate officer, established by the ethics commission and shall include identification of the specific service or services provided including, but not limited to, public opinion polling, research on issues or opposition background, print or broadcast media production, print or broadcast media purchase, computer programming or data entry, direct mail production, postage, rent, utilities, phone solicitation, or fund raising, and the dollar amount prorated for each service.
(L. 1978 S.B. 839, A.L. 1985 H.B. 150, et al., A.L. 1990 S.B. 631, A.L. 1993 S.B. 31, A.L. 1994 S.B. 650, A.L. 1995 H.B. 484, et al., A.L. 1997 H.B. 526, S.B. 16, A.L. 1999 S.B. 31 & 285, A.L. 2010 S.B. 844, A.L. 2018 S.B. 975 & 1024 Revision)
*Revisor's Note: S.B. 844 in 2010 amended this section. S.B. 844 was declared unconstitutional (see Legends Bank v. State, 361 S.W.3d 383 (Mo. banc)). The S.B. 844 version of this section was repealed by S.B. 975 & 1024 Revision, 2018. This version of this section (the 1999 language from S.B. 31 & 285, effective 8/28/1999), reprinted in accordance with Section 3.066, is the current version.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title IX - Suffrage and Elections

Chapter 130 - Campaign Finance Disclosure Law

Section 130.011 - Definitions.

Section 130.016 - Certain candidates exempt from filing requirements — procedure for exemption — restrictions on subsequent contributions and expenditures — rejection of exemption — candidate committees for certain general assembly leadership offices...

Section 130.021 - Treasurer for candidates and committees, when required — duties — official depository account to be established — statement of organization for committees, contents, when filed — termination of committee, procedure.

Section 130.023 - Challenge failure to report.

Section 130.026 - Election authority defined — appropriate officer designated — electronic filing, when.

Section 130.028 - Prohibitions against certain discrimination or intimidation relating to elections — contributions by employees, payroll deduction, when.

Section 130.029 - Corporations and labor organizations may make contributions or expenditures — limited liability companies, applicability, when.

Section 130.031 - Restrictions and limitations on contributions — records required — anonymous contributions, how handled — campaign materials, sponsor to be identified — prizes prohibited.

Section 130.033 - Attorney's fees may be paid from candidate committee funds, when.

Section 130.034 - Contributions not to be converted to personal use — allowable uses — gifts — disposition of contributions upon death — restitution payments, fines — exploratory committee funds, use — funds held to be liquid, when, investment of fun...

Section 130.036 - Treasurer, deputy treasurer or candidate to maintain records, contents.

Section 130.037 - Two candidate's committees may be formed — committee for paying off past debts only, restrictions, reports required — committee to raise funds for future.

Section 130.041 - Disclosure reports — who files — when required — contents.

Section 130.042 - Posting of expenditures supporting and opposing candidates.

Section 130.043 - Political party county committee members and candidates may consolidate disclosure filings with ward organization — restrictions.

Section 130.044 - Certain contributions to be reported within forty-eight hours of receipt — rulemaking authority.

Section 130.046 - Times for filing of disclosure — periods covered by reports — certain disclosure reports not required — supplemental reports, when — certain disclosure reports filed electronically — rulemaking authority.

Section 130.047 - Reporting noncommittee expenditures.

Section 130.048 - Reporting, internal dissemination of information on candidates for public office or ballot issues, when.

Section 130.049 - Out-of-state committees, reporting, contents.

Section 130.050 - Out-of-state committees, reporting, contents — late contribution or loan, defined.

Section 130.054 - Complaint, filing procedure, when — ethics commission to investigate, procedure — limitation on accepting complaints.

Section 130.056 - Executive director of commission, duties.

Section 130.057 - Campaign finance electronic reporting system, establishment, use of — certain candidates and committees to file in electronic format, when, fees to convert paper copy — purchase of electronic system, requirements — public access.

Section 130.058 - Responsibility for reporting requirements.

Section 130.071 - Candidate not to take office or file for subsequent elections until disclosure reports are filed.

Section 130.072 - Fines for violations — limitation.

Section 130.081 - Violation, class A misdemeanor.

Section 130.086 - Federal candidates exempt if in compliance with federal election laws — certain filings required.

Section 130.091 - When chapter applicable to elections and contributions or expenditures.

Section 130.096 - Severability.

Section 130.097 - Transfer of committee funds, no compensation to person transferring — lobbyists prohibited from transferring committee funds.

Section 130.110 - Limitation of cash contributions and anonymous contributions.

Section 130.120 - Disclosure of contributor information required.

Section 130.150 - Complaints filed with ethics commission or civil action for forfeiture authorized.

Section 130.160 - Severability clause for sections 130.110 to 130.160.