Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 104 - Retirement of State Officers and Employees
Section 104.010 - Definitions.

Effective - 28 Aug 2020, 3 histories
104.010. Definitions. — 1. The following words and phrases as used in sections 104.010 to 104.800, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall mean:
(1) "Accumulated contributions", the sum of all deductions for retirement benefit purposes from a member's compensation which shall be credited to the member's individual account and interest allowed thereon;
(2) "Active armed warfare", any declared war, or the Korean or Vietnamese Conflict;
(3) "Actuarial equivalent", a benefit which, when computed upon the basis of specified actuarial assumptions approved by the board, is equal in value to a certain amount or other benefit;
(4) "Actuarial tables", the actuarial tables approved and in use by a board at any given time;
(5) "Actuary", the actuary who is a member of the American Academy of Actuaries or who is an enrolled actuary under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and who is employed by a board at any given time;
(6) "Annuity", annual payments, made in equal monthly installments, to a retired member from funds provided for in, or authorized by, this chapter;
(7) "Annuity starting date", the first day of the first month with respect to which an amount is paid as an annuity under sections 104.010 to 104.800, and the terms retirement, time of retirement, and date of retirement shall mean annuity starting date as defined in this subdivision unless the context in which the term is used indicates otherwise;
(8) "Average compensation", the average compensation of a member for the thirty-six consecutive months of service prior to retirement when the member's compensation was greatest; or if the member is on workers' compensation leave of absence or a medical leave of absence due to an employee illness, the amount of compensation the member would have received may be used, as reported and verified by the employing department; or if the member had less than thirty-six months of service, the average annual compensation paid to the member during the period up to thirty-six months for which the member received creditable service when the member's compensation was the greatest; or if the member is on military leave, the amount of compensation the member would have received may be used as reported and verified by the employing department or, if such amount is not determinable, the amount of the employee's average rate of compensation during the twelve-month period immediately preceding such period of leave, or if shorter, the period of employment immediately preceding such period of leave. The board of each system may promulgate rules for purposes of calculating average compensation and other retirement provisions to accommodate for any state payroll system in which compensation is received on a monthly, semimonthly, biweekly, or other basis;
(9) "Beneficiary", any persons or entities entitled to or nominated by a member or retiree who may be legally entitled to receive benefits pursuant to this chapter;
(10) "Biennial assembly", the completion of no less than two years of creditable service or creditable prior service by a member of the general assembly;
(11) "Board of trustees", "board", or "trustees", a board of trustees as established for the applicable system pursuant to this chapter;
(12) "Chapter", sections 104.010 to 104.800;
(13) "Compensation":
(a) All salary and wages payable out of any state, federal, trust, or other funds to an employee for personal services performed for a department; but including only amounts for which contributions have been made in accordance with section 104.436, or section 104.070, whichever is applicable, and excluding any nonrecurring single sum payments or amounts paid after the member's termination of employment unless such amounts paid after such termination are a final installment of salary or wages at the same rate as in effect immediately prior to termination of employment in accordance with a state payroll system adopted on or after January 1, 2000, or any other one-time payments made as a result of such payroll system;
(b) All salary and wages which would have been payable out of any state, federal, trust or other funds to an employee on workers' compensation leave of absence during the period the employee is receiving a weekly workers' compensation benefit, as reported and verified by the employing department;
(c) Effective December 31, 1995, compensation in excess of the limitations set forth in Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(17) shall be disregarded. The limitation on compensation for eligible employees shall not be less than the amount which was allowed to be taken into account under the system as in effect on July 1, 1993. For this purpose, an "eligible employee" is an individual who was a member of the system before the first plan year beginning after December 31, 1995;
(14) "Consumer price index", the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the United States, or its successor index, as approved by a board, as such index is defined and officially reported by the United States Department of Labor, or its successor agency;
(15) "Creditable prior service", the service of an employee which was either rendered prior to the establishment of a system, or prior to the date the employee last became a member of a system, and which is recognized in determining the member's eligibility and for the amount of the member's benefits under a system;
(16) "Creditable service", the sum of membership service and creditable prior service, to the extent such service is standing to a member's credit as provided in this chapter; except that in no case shall more than one day of creditable service or creditable prior service be credited any member for any one calendar day of eligible service credit as provided by law;
(17) "Deferred normal annuity", the annuity payable to any former employee who terminated employment as an employee or otherwise withdrew from service with a vested right to a normal annuity, payable at a future date;
(18) "Department", any department or agency of the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the state of Missouri receiving state appropriations, including allocated funds from the federal government but not including any body corporate or politic unless its employees are eligible for retirement coverage from a system pursuant to this chapter as otherwise provided by law;
(19) "Disability benefits", benefits paid to any employee while totally disabled as provided in this chapter;
(20) "Early retirement age", a member's attainment of fifty-five years of age and the completion of ten or more years of creditable service, except for uniformed members of the water patrol;
(21) "Employee":
(a) Effective August 28, 2007, any elective or appointive officer or person employed by the state who is employed, promoted or transferred by a department into a new or existing position and earns a salary or wage in a position normally requiring the performance by the person of duties during not less than one thousand forty hours per year, including each member of the general assembly but not including any patient or inmate of any state, charitable, penal or correctional institution. However, persons who are members of the public school retirement system and who are employed by a state agency other than an institution of higher learning shall be deemed employees for purposes of participating in all insurance programs administered by a board established pursuant to section 104.450. This definition shall not exclude any employee as defined in this subdivision who is covered only under the federal Old Age and Survivors' Insurance Act, as amended. As used in this chapter, the term "employee" shall include:
a. Persons who are currently receiving annuities or other retirement benefits from some other retirement or benefit fund, so long as they are not simultaneously accumulating creditable service in another retirement or benefit system which will be used to determine eligibility for or the amount of a future retirement benefit;
b. Persons who have elected to become or who have been made members of a system pursuant to section 104.342;
(b) Any person who is not a retiree and has performed services in the employ of the general assembly or either house thereof, or any employee of any member of the general assembly while acting in the person's official capacity as a member, and whose position does not normally require the person to perform duties during at least one thousand forty hours per year, with a month of service being any monthly pay period in which the employee was paid for full-time employment for that monthly period; except that persons described in this paragraph shall not include any such persons who are employed on or after August 28, 2007, and who have not previously been employed in such positions;
(c) "Employee" does not include special consultants employed pursuant to section 104.610;
(d) The system shall consider a person who is employed in multiple positions simultaneously within a single agency to be working in a single position for purposes of determining whether the person is an employee as defined in this subdivision;
(22) "Employer", a department of the state;
(23) "Executive director", the executive director employed by a board established pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
(24) "Fiscal year", the period beginning July first in any year and ending June thirtieth the following year;
(25) "Full biennial assembly", the period of time beginning on the first day the general assembly convenes for a first regular session until the last day of the following year;
(26) "Fund", the benefit fund of a system established pursuant to this chapter;
(27) "Interest", interest at such rate as shall be determined and prescribed from time to time by a board;
(28) "Member", as used in sections 104.010 to 104.272 or 104.601 to 104.800 shall mean an employee, retiree, or former employee entitled to a deferred annuity covered by the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system. "Member", as used in this section and sections 104.312 to 104.800, shall mean an employee, retiree, or former employee entitled to deferred annuity covered by the Missouri state employees' retirement system;
(29) "Membership service", the service after becoming a member that is recognized in determining a member's eligibility for and the amount of a member's benefits under a system;
(30) "Military service", all active service performed in the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and members of the United States Public Health Service or any women's auxiliary thereof; and service in the Army National Guard and Air National Guard when engaged in active duty for training, inactive duty training or full-time National Guard duty, and service by any other category of persons designated by the President in time of war or emergency;
(31) "Normal annuity", the annuity provided to a member upon retirement at or after the member's normal retirement age;
(32) "Normal retirement age", an employee's attainment of sixty-five years of age and the completion of four years of creditable service or the attainment of age sixty-five years of age and the completion of five years of creditable service by a member who has terminated employment and is entitled to a deferred normal annuity or the member's attainment of age sixty and the completion of fifteen years of creditable service, except that normal retirement age for uniformed members of the highway patrol shall be fifty-five years of age and the completion of four years of creditable service and uniformed employees of the water patrol shall be fifty-five years of age and the completion of four years of creditable service or the attainment of age fifty-five and the completion of five years of creditable service by a member of the water patrol who has terminated employment and is entitled to a deferred normal annuity and members of the general assembly shall be fifty-five years of age and the completion of three full biennial assemblies. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a member of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system or a member of the Missouri state employees' retirement system shall be entitled to retire with a normal annuity and shall be entitled to elect any of the survivor benefit options and shall also be entitled to any other provisions of this chapter that relate to retirement with a normal annuity if the sum of the member's age and creditable service equals eighty years or more and if the member is at least forty-eight years of age;
(33) "Payroll deduction", deductions made from an employee's compensation;
(34) "Prior service credit", the service of an employee rendered prior to the date the employee became a member which service is recognized in determining the member's eligibility for benefits from a system but not in determining the amount of the member's benefit;
(35) "Reduced annuity", an actuarial equivalent of a normal annuity;
(36) "Retiree", a member who is not an employee and who is receiving an annuity from a system pursuant to this chapter;
(37) "System" or "retirement system", the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, as created by sections 104.010 to 104.270, or sections 104.601 to 104.800, or the Missouri state employees' retirement system as created by sections 104.320 to 104.800;
(38) "Uniformed members of the highway patrol", the superintendent, lieutenant colonel, majors, captains, director of radio, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, and patrolmen of the Missouri state highway patrol who normally appear in uniform;
(39) "Uniformed members of the water patrol", employees of the Missouri state water patrol* of the department of public safety who are classified as water patrol officers who have taken the oath of office prescribed by the provisions of chapter 306 and who have those peace officer powers given by the provisions of chapter 306;
(40) "Vesting service", the sum of a member's prior service credit and creditable service which is recognized in determining the member's eligibility for benefits under the system.
2. Benefits paid pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall not exceed the limitations of Internal Revenue Code Section 415, the provisions of which are hereby incorporated by reference. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the board of trustees may establish a benefit plan under Section 415(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Such plan shall be created solely for the purposes described in Section 415(m)(3)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The board of trustees may promulgate regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this subsection and to create and administer such benefit plan.
(L. 1955 p. 718 § 1, A.L. 1965 p. 223, A.L. 1969 p. 174, A.L. 1972 S.B. 650, A.L. 1981 H.B. 835, et al., A.L. 1982 H.B. 1720, et al., A.L. 1983 H.B. 713 Revision, A.L. 1987 H.B. 713, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1643 & 1399, A.L. 1989 S.B. 135, A.L. 1992 S.B. 499, et al., A.L. 1994 H.B. 1149, A.L. 1997 H.B. 356, A.L. 1999 S.B. 308 & 314, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1808, A.L. 2001 S.B. 371, A.L. 2003 S.B. 248, et al., A.L. 2007 S.B. 406, A.L. 2013 H.B. 233, A.L. 2020 H.B. 1467 & H.B. 1934)
*"Missouri state water patrol" changed to "water patrol division" by 306.010, 2010.
(2000) Circuit court employees, who are paid entirely by the county and are hired and fired by court administrator, are not "state employees" qualified to participate in state retirement system; source of salary test, rather than right to control test, applies. Boone County v. County Employees' Retirement Fund, 26 S.W.3d 257 (Mo.App.W.D.).

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records

Chapter 104 - Retirement of State Officers and Employees

Section 104.010 - Definitions.

Section 104.012 - Spouse defined.

Section 104.020 - System created.

Section 104.030 - Highway patrol uniformed members and civilian employees to be members of retirement system — credit for military service, when.

Section 104.035 - Deferred normal annuity on termination of employment to be paid to employee, requirements — reemployment and member of system, prior service credit restored, when — transportation department and highway patrol, deferred normal annui...

Section 104.040 - Members to receive credit for prior service — military service to be considered — purchase of credit for service in the Armed Forces, cost, interest rate, computation — certain creditable prior service, purchase of, effect — nonfede...

Section 104.050 - Years of service used in calculating annuity — noncompensated absences for illness and injury, effect — withdrawal before entitled to deferred annuity, relinquishes all rights — reinstatement of forfeited creditable service, when.

Section 104.060 - No payroll deductions — accumulated contributions refunded, when, to whom.

Section 104.070 - Board to submit estimate of amounts to be contributed by state — included in appropriation request.

Section 104.080 - Member may retire when — waiver of monthly annuity, when.

Section 104.081 - Highway patrol retirement age.

Section 104.090 - Normal annuity of retired member — additional allowance to patrolmen, qualifications — survivorship options — option selected prior to retirement, death of spouse, effect — spouse as beneficiary, effect — dissolution of marriage, ca...

Section 104.100 - Early retirement and retirement, service credits required at age fifty-five — sixty — sixty-five, exception — computation.

Section 104.103 - Annual benefit increase, when, how computed — limitation — reversion of amount of benefit — special consultant, compensation.

Section 104.110 - Disability benefits, who entitled, how calculated, terminated when — medical examination required, when — proof of application for Social Security benefits — death benefit, not payable, when — board to establish definitions — annuit...

Section 104.120 - Accumulated contributions paid as death benefit, when.

Section 104.130 - Death benefit of retired member.

Section 104.140 - Death prior to retirement, benefits.

Section 104.150 - Benefit fund, how held — purpose — deposit, executive director, duties, bond required — investment, board's powers and duties.

Section 104.160 - Board of trustees, membership — nominations and voting rights of members of system.

Section 104.170 - Officers of board of trustees, election, terms, duties — executive director, appointment, powers and duties — process to be served on executive director.

Section 104.175 - Liability insurance coverage authorized, state highways and transportation commission.

Section 104.180 - Meetings of board, quorum, compensation of employees of board — service to system deemed regular duties.

Section 104.190 - Records of board — report — office at Jefferson City — seal — audit of accounts, requirements.

Section 104.200 - Board may correct error in amounts paid member, limitation.

Section 104.210 - Powers of board of trustees.

Section 104.220 - Actuary, selection, duties.

Section 104.230 - Legal services to be rendered by whom.

Section 104.240 - Actions by and against system — process how served — venue of actions against system — no personal liability for official acts by officers and employees.

Section 104.250 - Law creates vested rights — benefits exempt from taxes and executions — exception, subject to child support and spousal maintenance.

Section 104.254 - Spouses of deceased retired members appointed as special consultants, when — duties — compensation — not to affect other benefits.

Section 104.255 - Certain surviving spouses to become consultants — compensation — not to affect survivor's benefits or eligibility for retirement — surviving spouses not receiving payments on or after September 1, 1989.

Section 104.260 - Members retiring after October 1, 1984, may be made consultants, when, procedure — compensation to be exempt from taxes, judgments, claims — unassignability.

Section 104.270 - Medical and death benefits to be furnished, how — state contribution, amount — contracts for, how let.

Section 104.271 - Retirement age, certain employees — "eighty and out".

Section 104.272 - Certain members entitled to credit for service regardless of classification.

Section 104.312 - Pension, annuity, benefit, right, and allowance is marital property — division of benefits order, requirements — information for courts — rejection of division of benefits order — basis for payment to alternate payee.

Section 104.320 - Retirement system to be body corporate, to be known as Missouri state employees' retirement system — powers and duties — medical benefit funds.

Section 104.330 - State employees to be members — military service, effect.

Section 104.332 - Certain legal advisors to be made special consultants on problems of retirement — legal advisor defined.

Section 104.335 - Vesting service — members who are entitled to annuities — requirements, amounts — terminated vested member, judge, administrative law judge or legal advisor, election to pay present value of annuity, eligibility, purchase of prior s...

Section 104.339 - Creditable prior service, members entitled to.

Section 104.340 - Creditable prior service and prior service credits — what is included — special consultants, requirements, compensation.

Section 104.342 - Certain teachers employed by state to be members, when — may elect to remain members of public school retirement system, procedure, election for certain teachers required to be made, when — effect of failure to make election — newly...

Section 104.343 - Military service, purchase of prior service credit, refund to surviving spouse when death occurs before retirement, procedure, limitation.

Section 104.344 - Member entitled to purchase prior creditable service for nonfederal full-time public employment or contractual services — method, period, limitation.

Section 104.345 - Circuit clerks entitled to prior service credit, when — certain circuit clerks to be appointed consultants, duties, compensation to be creditable service, when — clerks entitled to refund of contribution, procedure, also entitled to...

Section 104.347 - Member elected as circuit clerk of certain counties entitled to annuity.

Section 104.350 - Withdrawal from service, when, reentry after withdrawal, how made — forfeiture and reinstatement of creditable service, when.

Section 104.352 - Part-time legislative employees — insurance benefits — vesting service — deferred normal and partial annuities — requirements.

Section 104.354 - Part-time legislative employee retirement benefits — funding.

Section 104.370 - General assembly members entitled to normal annuity, requirements, limitation — election to state office, effect — certain members entitled to creditable prior service — former members as special consultants, compensation — elected...

Section 104.371 - Elective state officers entitled to normal annuity, how computed, exception — additional service, how credited — retirement age, statewide officer, annuity, amount.

Section 104.372 - General assembly members and elective state officers, survivor's income payments, when, amount — death before retirement survivor's benefit — creditable prior service for certain teachers employed by state — surviving spouse, specia...

Section 104.374 - State employee's normal annuity, computation — noncompensated absences counted as membership service, when — employees and general assembly members continuing to serve, cost-of-living increases on retirement or death.

Section 104.378 - Survivors as special consultants on board, when, compensation.

Section 104.380 - Retired members elected to state office, effect of — reemployment of retired members, effect of.

Section 104.395 - Options available to members in lieu of normal annuity — spouse as designated beneficiary, when — statement that spouse aware of retirement plan elected — reversion of amount of benefit, conditions — special consultant, compensation...

Section 104.400 - Normal retirement age — early retirement requirements — annuity, how computed.

Section 104.401 - Retirement requirements and procedure, annuity or deferred normal annuity, payment to commence when — temporary waiver of right to receive, effect, limitation.

Section 104.403 - Certain retirees eligible to apply for medical coverage benefits, amount of contribution, limitations.

Section 104.404 - Certain employees eligible for retirement may apply for medical benefits upon retirement, amount of contribution, time limitations.

Section 104.410 - Disability benefits, who entitled, eligibility — how calculated — eligibility requirements — disabled, a normal retiree, when — termination of disability, effect.

Section 104.415 - Annual benefit increase, when, how computed — minimum — maximum increase — payable when — temporary waiver of right to receive, effect, limitation.

Section 104.420 - Death before retirement, member or disabled member — surviving spouse to receive benefits — if no qualifying surviving spouse, children's benefits.

Section 104.422 - Accumulated contribution as death benefit of member or former member.

Section 104.436 - Financing pattern for contribution determinations — commissioner of administration to certify payment.

Section 104.438 - Benefit funds, pay period certification of amount required — treasurer to transfer amount to fund.

Section 104.440 - Benefit fund, how held — board's powers — deposit — bond of executive director, investment of fund.

Section 104.450 - Board of trustees, membership of — appointed members and elected members, how chosen.

Section 104.460 - Board officer, selection, terms — elected members campaign disclosure procedure, penalty — executive director and staff, appointment, salaries, expenses — service of process to be served on director or director's designee.

Section 104.470 - Meeting of board — quorum — meetings not required for decisions of board, procedure, exception — expenses — failure to attend, result, exceptions — vacancies.

Section 104.480 - Records of board — financial report — office at Jefferson City — seal — audit of accounts, requirements.

Section 104.490 - Correction of errors in amount paid members — falsification of records, penalty — survivor or beneficiary charged with killing member, denial of benefits, resumption of payments if not convicted.

Section 104.500 - Powers and duties of board — conflict of interest of members or employees prohibited.

Section 104.510 - Actuary, selection — duties.

Section 104.515 - Insurance and disability benefits to be kept in separate accounts — state's contribution, amount, contribution to be made from highway funds for certain employees, when — employees and families, who are covered for medical insurance...

Section 104.516 - Conservation department, contributions for insurance for uniformed agents, when.

Section 104.517 - Life insurance benefits, employees covered — certain departments and highway patrol may elect coverage — amount — additional insurance by payroll deductions, maximum — retention of coverage on retirement, cost deducted from retireme...

Section 104.518 - Disability income benefits, employees covered — certain members of water patrol eligible.

Section 104.519 - Rules established for insurance and disability benefits — selection of insurance companies by bids — coverage of state employees under teacher retirement system eligible for insurance program — certain employees not eligible, when.

Section 104.520 - Legal advice, representation — attorney general to provide legal services, when.

Section 104.530 - Actions by and against system — process, how served — venue.

Section 104.540 - Law creates vested rights — certain contributions may be withheld from benefits and paid over.

Section 104.550 - Consulting firms assisting board, preference to be given Missouri based companies, when.

Section 104.552 - Department of health and senior services employee entitled to creditable prior service, when — application, time period.

Section 104.601 - Years of service to include unused accumulated sick leave, when — credited sick leave not counted for vesting purposes — applicable also to teachers' and school employees' retirement system.

Section 104.602 - Creditable service not previously credited to members of either system to be credited, when — duplicate credit prohibited — death of a member prior to exercise of transfer rights, rights of survivor.

Section 104.603 - Reciprocal transfer of creditable service, when.

Section 104.604 - Surviving spouse to receive benefits from only one member — right to elect.

Section 104.605 - Eligible rollover distribution and eligible retirement plan defined — compliance with IRS code required, when.

Section 104.606 - Purchase of creditable service, required before receipt of retirement annuity.

Section 104.608 - General assembly member may become consultant if denied credit in system due to membership in other state systems — compensation to be creditable service for all service in general assembly.

Section 104.610 - Special consultants, employment as, when — compensation, how, calculation of — severability provisions — former members as special consultants, when — certain special consultants may be eligible for survivor benefits.

Section 104.612 - Consultants, extra duty, compensation — benefit increases, limitations — survivors of judges, administrative law judges, and legal advisors to be consultants — limited survivor benefits extended to all members, one-time refund payme...

Section 104.615 - Minimum monthly benefits.

Section 104.620 - Contribution refund to members — effect on benefits — record retention — reversion to credit of fund, when — reversion of unclaimed benefits, when — refund received, when.

Section 104.621 - Affirmative action plan for hiring money managers, brokers and investment counselors, required — report to joint committee on public employee retirement.

Section 104.625 - Annuities and lump sum payments, when, determination of amount.

Section 104.800 - Transfers of creditable service to other retirement system — transfer to be made, when — effect of transfer — death of member prior to retirement and transfer to be computed under system with most advantageous benefits.

Section 104.801 - Health benefit coverage mandated by general assembly to be applicable to health benefit plans for state employees.

Section 104.805 - Employees transferred to department of transportation (MoDOT) not members of closed department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system unless election made, procedure.

Section 104.806 - Certain employees transferred to MoDOT, not to become members of MoDOT retirement system unless elect to, procedure.

Section 104.810 - Water patrol employees, membership options.

Section 104.1003 - Definitions.

Section 104.1006 - Year 2000 plan, citation, applicability of other provisions.

Section 104.1009 - Membership in year 2000 plan.

Section 104.1012 - Plans to be managed by appropriate boards.

Section 104.1015 - Election into year 2000 plan, effect of — comparison of plans provided — calculation of annuity.

Section 104.1018 - Vesting of benefits, when — reemployment of member, effect of.

Section 104.1021 - Credited service determined by board — calculation.

Section 104.1024 - Retirement, application — annuity payments, how paid, amount — election to receive annuity or lump sum payment for certain employees, determination of amount.

Section 104.1027 - Options for election of annuity reduction — spouse's benefits — dissolution of marriage, cancellation of election, when.

Section 104.1030 - Death prior to annuity starting date, effect of — surviving spouse's benefits — children's benefits — applicability to members of general assembly and statewide officials.

Section 104.1033 - Early retirement annuity, when.

Section 104.1036 - Deferred annuity, when — annuity starting date election — death of member, effect on annuity.

Section 104.1039 - Reemployment of a retiree, effect on annuity — cost-of-living adjustments.

Section 104.1042 - Long-term disability, effect on retiree's annuity.

Section 104.1045 - Cost-of-living adjustment, amount.

Section 104.1048 - Waiver of monthly payment or COLA.

Section 104.1051 - Annuity deemed marital property — division of benefits.

Section 104.1054 - Benefits are obligations of the state — benefits not subject to execution, garnishment, attachment, writ of sequestration — benefits unassignable — reversion of benefits, when — refund received, when.

Section 104.1057 - Year 2000 plan, a qualified plan according to federal law.

Section 104.1060 - Erroneous amount paid, correction — penalty for falsification — disqualification from receipt of payments, when.

Section 104.1063 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 104.1066 - Actuarial evaluations, methods used — certification of contribution rate, when.

Section 104.1069 - Trust established, investment of funds.

Section 104.1072 - Life insurance benefits — medical insurance for certain retirees.

Section 104.1075 - Disability income benefits.

Section 104.1078 - Separate accounts established for benefits — contributions by the state — board to determine premiums.

Section 104.1081 - Life insurance and disability benefit programs established — board rules.

Section 104.1084 - Retirement benefits, general assembly members — COLA permitted, when — ineligibility for benefits.

Section 104.1087 - Credited service with multiple plans, payable annuity amount.

Section 104.1089 - Deferred annuity, when — forfeiture of creditable service and long-term disability benefits.

Section 104.1090 - Additional credited service, when.

Section 104.1091 - New employees, normal retirement eligibility — vesting requirements — temporary annuity, when — early retirement annuity, when — minimum credited service requirements — contribution amount — options — conditions for retirement afte...

Section 104.1092 - Deferred annuity, one-time election, when — forfeiture of creditable service — ineligibility for long-term disability benefits.

Section 104.1093 - Designation of an agent — benefit recipient defined — revocation of agent's authority.

Section 104.1200 - Definitions.

Section 104.1205 - Duties of board.

Section 104.1210 - No credited service for outside employee or member, when — information provided by institutions and administrators, when.

Section 104.1215 - Outside employee's election for membership, when.