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General Provisions
§ 75-76-1. Short title - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 75-76-5. Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:...
Mississippi Gaming Commission; Executive Director
§ 75-76-23. Duties of executive director with respect to directing and supervising administrative and technical activities of commission - The executive director shall direct and supervise all administrative and...
§ 75-76-25. Attorney General to represent and advise commission and executive director - Except as otherwise authorized in Section 7-5-39, the Attorney General...
§ 75-76-28. Powers, duties and responsibilities of commission with respect to Charitable Bingo Law - The commission has full power and authority to exercise any...
§ 75-76-31. Right of commission and executive director to refuse to reveal identity of informants and information obtained - The commission and the executive director may refuse to reveal,...
Exclusion or Ejection of Persons from Gaming Establishments
§ 75-76-41. Penalties for failure to exclude or eject persons required to be excluded or ejected - The commission may revoke, limit, condition, suspend or fine an...
§ 75-76-43. Penalty for person excluded or ejected who enters licensed gaming establishment - Any person who has been placed on the list of...
Financial Affairs of Licensees
§ 75-76-45. Minimum procedures for licensees to adopt to exercise control over internal fiscal affairs of licensees - The commission shall prescribe minimum procedures for adoption by each...
§ 75-76-47. Financial reports required from licensees - The commission shall by regulation require periodic financial reports from...
§ 75-76-51. Commission to adopt regulations prescribing manner of computing and reporting winnings, compensation and gross revenues - The commission shall adopt regulations which prescribe the manner in...
Regulation of Licensees
§ 75-76-57. Prohibited acts; exceptions; exemption of holding company from licensing requirements; information required for exceptions; persons subject to suitability finding and licensing requirements; licensees prohibited from contracting with pers... - Receipts or rentals or charges for real property, personal property...
Licensing and Findings of Suitability
§ 75-76-61. Persons with power to exercise influence over licensee required to be licensed; termination of agreements upon failure to obtain license - the licensee by whom he is employed shall terminate his...
§ 75-76-65. Conducting tournaments or contests in which persons pay fee for privilege of participating for prizes - the gaming licensee with whom he is associated shall terminate...
§ 75-76-69. Suitability finding and licensing when interest in gaming establishment made subject matter of revocable trust; filing of copy of trust instrument with executive director - A person owning an interest in a gaming establishment who...
§ 75-76-79. Unlawful to operate any form of manufacture, selling or distribution of gaming device without required licenses; exceptions; manufacturer's or distributor's licenses; application of Sections 75-76-199 through 75-76-265; effect of finding... - This fee is to be paid by the applicant to...
§ 75-76-81. Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue to collect all taxes, fees, penalties, etc.; due date of gross revenue fees; application of sales tax law; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund - Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Chairman of...
§ 75-76-83. Appeal of decision of Board of Tax Appeals - Any person aggrieved by the final order of the Board...
§ 75-76-87. Confidentiality of applications, returns and information; exceptions - The term "proper judicial order" as used in this chapter...
§ 75-76-97. Unlawful to have any relationship with licensee with respect to gaming operation except in accordance with regulations - It is unlawful for any person to sell, purchase, lease,...
Disciplinary Actions
§ 75-76-105. Emergency orders of commission - The commission may issue an emergency order for suspension, limitation...
§ 75-76-111. Proceedings at hearing before hearing examiner; rules relating to evidence and witnesses; official notice of certain information; affidavits - The accompanying affidavit of (here insert name of affiant) will...
§ 75-76-113. Stenographic or phonographic report of hearings required - The proceedings at the hearing must be reported either stenographically...
§ 75-76-115. Amended or supplemental pleadings authorized - The hearing examiner or the commission may permit the filing...
§ 75-76-117. Contempt of hearing - If any person in proceedings before the hearing examiner or...
§ 75-76-123. Record on review; filing with reviewing court - The record on review may be shortened by stipulation of...
Deposit of Fees
§ 75-76-129. Deposit of taxes, fees, interest, etc. into General Fund - [Through June 30, 2028, this section shall read as follows:]
§ 75-76-129. Deposit of taxes, fees, interest, etc. into General Fund - [From and after July 1, 2028, this section shall read...
Work Permits
§ 75-76-131. Executive Director to maintain records on all gaming employees; work permits for gaming employees; denial; appeals; confidentiality of records; expiration of permit; notice - The executive director shall refuse to issue a work permit...
§ 75-76-133. Communication or document of applicant or licensee absolutely privileged; privileged not waived; disclosure of privileged information prohibited - is absolutely privileged and does not impose liability for defamation...
§ 75-76-139. Applicants to make full and true disclosure of all information - An applicant for licensing, registration, finding of suitability, work permit...
§ 75-76-141. Confidentiality of information relating to termination of gaming employee; exceptions - Any information obtained by the executive director or the commission...
Responsibility for Certain Fees
§ 75-76-143. Provision regarding responsibility for fees and taxes required in certain contracts - When any person contracts to sell or lease any property...
Enforcement of Gaming Control Act
§ 75-76-149. Penalty for possession of device, equipment or material manufactured, sold or distributed in violation of Gaming Control Act - Any person who possesses any device, equipment or material which...
§ 75-76-151. Law enforcement divisions to furnish all information obtained during investigation or prosecution of violations of laws related to gaming - Every district attorney, sheriff and chief of police shall furnish...
§ 75-76-153. Motion for release of confidential information - An application to a court for an order requiring the...
Age Requirements -
Enforcement of Gaming Debts Not Evidenced by Credit Instrument
§ 75-76-159. Resolution of claim by patron for payment of gaming debt not evidenced by credit instrument; investigation and decision of executive director - The executive director shall conduct whatever investigation is deemed necessary...
§ 75-76-169. Resolution of claim by patron; judicial review; record on review - The original of any document may be used in lieu...
§ 75-76-175. Acceptance of credit instruments by licenses - and may complete the instrument as is necessary for the...
§ 75-76-177. License fee based on gross revenues of licensee; penalty for failure to pay fee - Interest must be computed, until paid, at the rate of...
§ 75-76-179. Income tax credit for license fees paid - License fees paid under Section 75-76-177 in any taxable year...
§ 75-76-189. Penalty for failing to pay or evading payment of license fees - Any person who willfully fails to report, pay or truthfully...
§ 75-76-191. Additional license fee imposed on applicants for state gaming license based on number of games operated - Those establishments operating or to operate one (1) game, the...
§ 75-76-195. License fee based on gross revenues of licensee imposed by municipalities and counties; penalty for failure to pay fee - Interest must be computed, until paid, at the rate of...
§ 75-76-197. Distribution of fees collected under provisions of section 75-76-195 - On or before the fifteenth day of each month, the...
Issuance of Gaming Licenses to Corporations, Limited Partnerships, Holding Companies, Intermediary Companies and Publicly Traded Corporations
§ 75-76-199. Issuance of gaming licenses to corporations, limited partnerships, holding companies or intermediary companies or publicly traded corporations; definitions applicable to Sections 75-76-199 through 75-76-265 - For the purpose of Sections 75-76-199 through 75-76-265: "Affiliated company"...
§ 75-76-203. Eligibility requirements for corporations - In order to be eligible to receive a state gaming...
§ 75-76-205. Additional requirements for corporations - No domestic corporation is eligible to receive a gaming license...
§ 75-76-209. Information required of corporations applying for gaming license - A corporation which applies for a state gaming license shall...
§ 75-76-211. Officers and directors of corporation required to be licensed; other persons required to be licensed - All officers and directors of the corporation which holds or...
§ 75-76-217. Failure of corporate employee to obtain or retain license; notice of new employee replacing terminated employee - the corporate gaming licensee by whom he is employed shall...
§ 75-76-221. Eligibility requirements for limited partnerships - In order to be eligible to receive a state gaming...
§ 75-76-225. Information required of limited partnership applying for gaming license - A limited partnership which applies for a state gaming license...
§ 75-76-227. Partners of limited partnership required to be licensed; other persons required to be licensed - Every general partner and limited partner of a limited partnership...
§ 75-76-231. Failure of employee of limited partnership to obtain or retain license; notice of new employee replacing terminating employee - the limited partnership gaming licensee by whom he is employed...
§ 75-76-233. Holding companies and intermediary companies; application of sections 75-76-235 through 75-76-241 - Sections 75-76-235 through 75-76-241, inclusive, apply to every holding company...
§ 75-76-235. Requirements of holding companies and intermediary companies having subsidiary with gaming license; investigations; findings of unsuitability; certificate evidencing security in company to bear statement of restrictions; approval require... - all or any part of the outstanding equity securities of...
§ 75-76-239. Information required of holding company and intermediary company - If the corporation applying for or holding a license is...
§ 75-76-241. Penalties for failure of corporate or limited partnership licensee or holding company or intermediary company to comply with laws and regulations - If any corporate or limited partnership licensee, or if any...
§ 75-76-243. Legislative declarations with respect to corporate acquisitions, repurchases of securities and corporate defense tactics - The Legislature hereby declares that: Some corporate acquisitions, repurchases of...
§ 75-76-245. State policy with respect to corporate acquisitions; repurchases of securities and corporate recapitalizations - The policy of the State of Mississippi with respect to...
§ 75-76-247. Regulations for review and approval of corporate acquisitions, repurchase of securities and corporate defense tactics - The commission may adopt regulations providing for the review and...
§ 75-76-249. Exemptions for publicly traded corporations; application of alternative provisions - The commission may exempt a publicly traded corporation from compliance...
§ 75-76-253. Considerations in determining whether to recommend application to register as publicly traded corporation; hearing before executive director not required - In determining whether to recommend that the commission approve an...
§ 75-76-261. Failure of publicly traded corporation or its subsidiary corporation or limited partnership to comply with laws and regulations - If any corporate or limited partnership licensee owned or controlled...
§ 75-76-265. Effect of failure of person connected with corporate licensee, holding company or intermediary company to obtain or maintain finding of suitability or license - If any person who is required by or pursuant to...
Penalties -
Foreign Gaming
§ 75-76-269. Foreign gaming; definitions applicable to Sections 75-76-271 through 75-76-277 - For the purposes of Sections 75-76-271 through 75-76-277: "Foreign gaming"...
§ 75-76-277. Penalty for continued participation in foreign gaming operations after termination of approval - A licensee who continues participation in foreign gaming operations after...
Taxation of Cruise Vessels and Vessels -
Officials Not to Derive Benefits
§ 75-76-281. Officials not to derive benefit as result of duties under Gaming Control Act; penalties - No elected or appointed official shall derive any pecuniary benefit,...
Illegal Activities
§ 75-76-301. Particular unlawful activities - It is unlawful for any person: To alter or misrepresent...
§ 75-76-303. Use or possession of certain devices at gaming establishment prohibited - It is unlawful for any person at a licensed gaming...
§ 75-76-307. Cheating prohibited - It is unlawful for any person, whether he is an...
§ 75-76-313. Questioning of person suspected of violating gaming provisions; immunity from suit for questioning - If any person shall commit or attempt to commit a...
Mississippi Gaming Commission Fund -