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§ 75-76-61. Persons with power to exercise influence over licensee required to be licensed; termination of agreements upon failure to obtain license - the licensee by whom he is employed shall terminate his...
§ 75-76-65. Conducting tournaments or contests in which persons pay fee for privilege of participating for prizes - the gaming licensee with whom he is associated shall terminate...
§ 75-76-69. Suitability finding and licensing when interest in gaming establishment made subject matter of revocable trust; filing of copy of trust instrument with executive director - A person owning an interest in a gaming establishment who...
§ 75-76-79. Unlawful to operate any form of manufacture, selling or distribution of gaming device without required licenses; exceptions; manufacturer's or distributor's licenses; application of Sections 75-76-199 through 75-76-265; effect of finding... - This fee is to be paid by the applicant to...
§ 75-76-81. Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue to collect all taxes, fees, penalties, etc.; due date of gross revenue fees; application of sales tax law; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund - Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Chairman of...
§ 75-76-83. Appeal of decision of Board of Tax Appeals - Any person aggrieved by the final order of the Board...
§ 75-76-87. Confidentiality of applications, returns and information; exceptions - The term "proper judicial order" as used in this chapter...
§ 75-76-97. Unlawful to have any relationship with licensee with respect to gaming operation except in accordance with regulations - It is unlawful for any person to sell, purchase, lease,...