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General Provisions
§ 23-15-973. Opportunities for candidates to address people during court terms; restrictions with respect to political affiliations; penalties for violations - It shall be the duty of the judges of the...
§ 23-15-974. Nonpartisan Judicial Election Act; short title - Sections 23-15-974 through 23-15-985 of this subarticle shall be known...
§ 23-15-975. "Judicial office" defined; positions deemed positions as full-time positions; prohibition against practice of law - As used in Sections 23-15-974 through 23-15-985 of this subarticle,...
§ 23-15-976. Judicial office deemed nonpartisan office; candidate for judicial office prohibited from campaigning or qualifying for office based on party affiliation; prohibition on political party fund-raising, campaigning, or contributions on behal... - A judicial office is a nonpartisan office and a candidate...
§ 23-15-977. Filing of intent to be candidate and fees by candidates for judicial office; notification of county commissioners of filings; procedures to be followed if there is only one candidate who becomes disqualified from holding judicial office... - Candidates for judicial office may not file their intent to...
§ 23-15-977.1. Signing oath to abide by election laws - Simultaneously with filing the required documents to seek election for...
§ 23-15-978. Placement of names of candidates for judicial office should appear on ballot - The names of candidates for judicial office which appear on...
§ 23-15-979. Order for listing on ballot of names of candidates for judicial office; references to political party affiliation - The names of all candidates for judicial office shall be...
§ 23-15-980. Listing of unopposed candidates for judicial office on general election ballot - The name of an unopposed candidate for judicial office shall...
§ 23-15-981. Two or more candidates qualify for judicial office; majority vote wins; runoff election - If two (2) or more candidates qualify for judicial office,...
§ 23-15-985. Electors qualified to vote for candidates for nomination for judicial office - In any election for judicial office, all qualified electors, regardless...
Supreme Court Judgeships
§ 23-15-991. Term of office; elections - The term of office of judges of the Supreme Court...
§ 23-15-993. Each of judgeships deemed separate office; designation of positions for offices - For the purpose of all elections, each of the nine...
§ 23-15-994. Elections for judge of Court of Appeals to be as prescribed in Section 9-4-1 et seq - Elections for the office of judge of the Court of...
§ 23-15-995. Applicability to election of general laws for election of state officers - Except as may be otherwise provided by the provisions of...
Circuit Court Judges and Chancellors
§ 23-15-1011. Time of taking office; term of office - Circuit court judges and chancery court judges so elected shall...
§ 23-15-1015. Dates of elections; applicability to elections of laws regulating general elections - On Tuesday after the first Monday in November 1986, and...
Campaign Financing
§ 23-15-1021. Limitations on contributions - It shall be unlawful for any individual or political action...
§ 23-15-1023. Disclosure of campaign finances - Judicial candidates shall disclose the identity of any individual or...
§ 23-15-1025. Distribution of campaign materials - If any material is distributed by a judicial candidate or...